15,192 Topics
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Hi, I'm new to python, although I have experience with other programming languages. I installed python and downloaded packages, which all work fine. But now I downloaded Obspy, and it can't find the modules. For example, if I type: from obspy.core import read, it gives an error stating that there … | |
Hello! I am new to Python, and I want to learn it. I have just installed Python 2.7.3 And Visual Python Tkinter IDE for Ver 2.6-2.7-3.1 (BETA) –Version: I was looking into some the Tutorial and follow the first example to code. Here begun my issues. First Step: I … | |
I'm new to python, so kindly bare with me my query is that how can we get the static strings from the dialog boxes of windows and paste those strings to a notepad or a clipboard file. e.g. if a take the Run Dialog box of Windows all the Strings … | |
Hello to everyone! This is my first post here, I hope you can help me. I'm making a class work in python and I'm a little lost: I have to use classes to represent monomials and polynomials, and the classes should contain methods to add, substract, multiply and divide them. … | |
I made a program that outputs a large amount of individual data files that I want to create images for. I created a python script that loops through all of the files, but for some odd reason it crashes after doing 17 images. It is always 17 images, and the … | |
Sometimes we want to tackle some problem specifying properties of sequence of numbers consisting the integer. Then it is usefull to have function to join many integers to make a long integer. Most efficient way for tight loops is to stay in integers domain and not go through the string … | |
Finding efficiently primes, whose begining numbers are also primes. See the thread http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/425821/prime-number-c in C++ forum for discussion on topic. | |
Hello, I've found quite a few answers on this site. I was a network admin, however these days you have to wear multiple hats and as such I'm learning Python at work and my main source for answers when stuck is of course, the net. So here is my problem. … | |
i made a music player with a playlist but the songs in playlist are not playable because only the name of song is going in playlist not a complete mp3 file. can you tell me how to handle this problem?? here is my code from Tkinter import * import mp3play … | |
I have no idea where to start with this, a few pointers and a kick in the right direction would be much appreciated. I run a radio station. All our music is in folders representing music styles. From time to time I want to print out a complete library. Printing … | |
Hi ! I have books.txt and it contain 20 books with author,the books.txt look like so.. Mark Lutz/learning python James payane/Beginning Python Noah gift/Python for Unix and Linux System Administration If user search for book it just print book and author if user search for author print (“you cannot search … | |
So, my problem is that I want to run a process every 5 minutes, however I also want a console input which can modify its preferences and call functions depending console input. How can this be done system-independently? | |
I try to understand the regex in python. How can i split the following sentence with regular expression? "familyname, Givenname A.15.10" this is like the phonebook in python regex http://docs.python.org/library/re.html. The person maybe have 2 or more familynames and 2 or more givennames. After the familynames exist ', ' and … | |
Hi to everyone. I am new here and i try to learn python3. For this reason i try to implement a problem with the following characteristics: A class Room with atrributes(building,floor,number) and a Class occupant with attributes(familyname,givenname,room). Next the program will read a text file line by line. each line … | |
Dear all, I have the data like this, Truely saying i have data like this with more than 50 column and more than this rows. I am tryng to plot these data. 1 23 123 2 12 124 3 15 125 4 18 135 5 19 137 6 12 141 … | |
Hey everyone, I'm trying to install numpy on a 64 bit SUSE linux (HPC) machine that I don't have root on. I've tried about a hundred different ways of doing it off of google and all seem to be failing at one stage or another. I'm starting by installing lapack … | |
I have tried to figure this out on my own forever now. I have been getting hint from the net but can't figure it out. So I figured I would admit defeat and see what you guys could show me. I need the three numbers entered into this program to … | |
Hi, I have an application that converts the ascii characters within the excel file into hexa conversion ie. Ă to & #x00E0; but my application has one strict requirement and that is the excel file must be properly encoded in UTF-8. I have noticed that simply saving the excel file … | |
I'm trying to write a video streamer using Socket and ImageGrab modules in Python. so far I've got a streamer that can send pictures of the desktop from one computer to another over a TCP connection, but as you probably can guess, the frame rate is very low so what's … | |
I have a text file named "multipoles.txt", i took a screen shot of it ( [url]http://img193.imageshack.us/i/textf.jpg/[/url]) so i can explain myself better. Ok so I basically want to go in the file and get the data from the third column below the text that says Electronic Charge Electrons. The numbers … | |
Dear all, I am using python and trying to plot the large scale of data as follows. A B C D E 1 2 4 5 6 2 3.1 5 1 8. 3 5 5 6 10.1 4 8 9 7 13 5 11 13 12 6 18 19 Just … | |
I am trying to use the mechanize module to automate a task on the web. I am able to get the first form to submit correctly. After I submit the first form I would like to take the data from the second website(or form) I am taken to(after I enter … | |
![]() | Hello. I recently finished my 1. semester in Computer Science, and got a good fundamental idea on programming in Python. Our exam assignment whas to create a game where we had to smash robots by clicking around with the mouse. The GUI was provided by our instructor. Now we newer … |
I have a script where text is inserted into a scrolledText widget, using Pmw megawidgets. A tag is assigned to the text, and when you click on it, the text is hidden, that is, it changes color to the background color. To unhide it you click it again. What I … | |
Hi I am trying my hand at GUI using Python and Tkinter. I know there are probably better options out there but I only have access to Tkinter here at work. My question is this. I have written this: #!/usr/local/bin/python2.6 from Tkinter import * import os root = Tk() root.title("EIMA … | |
%author: Alexis Papathanassopoulos from Tkinter import * import Image, ImageTk import os import glob import time top = Tk() c=Canvas(top,width=800,height=400, bg='lightblue') c.grid(row=0,columnspan=2,sticky=N+E+W+S) pdict={} class Flow: def __init__(self, clickfunc): self.cfunc = clickfunc def goto(self, canvas, nr): global velocity,autorotate clickeditem = canvas.find_withtag("pic_" + str(nr)) tagsofitem= canvas.gettags(clickeditem) oldcenteritem= canvas.find_withtag('center') if clickeditem: if oldcenteritem: … | |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21125662/compilation/OsuModTool.txt It doesn't really work - text didn't change - why it doesn't work? It doesn't give me any error (but print prints what it should) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21125662/compilation/post_adder_win.txt I call function through keyboard event | |
Hello, I am new to python and i am having problems in the output format of "for" "in" loop example the code below # A word count programme # Author why jay def main(): import string word=0 line=0 letters=0 asd=raw_input("Enter file here : ") f_name=open(asd,'r') for why in f_name: see=why.split() … | |
Note: This is a server that is going to be used on a build farm, So 3rd party libraries are no use here. I've been working on writing a python script that can be used to POST files on to a tomcat server (java), I finished writing the servlet and … | |
So i've found this HTTP downloader in python, and I wanted to modify it. I've been trying to add a ttk progressbar, to no avail, but I have no idea why it isn't working! Here is my code: import urllib2 import Tkinter import ttk url = 'http://kharg.czystybeton.pl/pendulum%20-%20%5B2005%5D%20hold%20your%20colour/05.%20through%20the%20loop.mp3' file_name = url.split('/')[-1] … |
The End.