15,181 Topics
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I'm trying to figure out how to allow users to upload images, I'm starting easy with something I know tkinter can handle with no coercion, gif files. I've figures a bit out, but I'm having issues getting the image to actually SHOW. [CODE]from tkinter import * from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename … | |
hi guys. can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? It doesn't raise any error but neither does it provide the expected results. [CODE] my_list= ['a','b'] class my_class: def __init__ (self): self.name = ' my name is hi' for a in my_list; a = my_class() [/CODE] a.name() gives and … | |
Hello, I am new to this site, and new to programming. I am currently pursuing an associates in associates in programming and am taking an intro class to python, but i am having a serious issue with raw_input. For some reason i am having a hard time understand raw_input and … | |
I'm new to python and need help using the turtle graphics that is on python. I don't know how to start it up or anything. Python is completely new to me and so is programming. | |
Hi everybody, can someone help me pls finding a goot RATing tutorial for a beginner??? I wanna code a rat in python but i have no sources. | |
How would I define the command of a given button in a messagebox window? i.e. if I were using askokcanel how would I make the ok do a certain action and cancel another? | |
I did some transformation of overcomplicated Rosetta code version | |
there are xls files saved in a folder and all of them have have values in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns. in the folder there are about 100 excel files, the first five number of excel file names represent the patient id.there are about 5 to 10 excels for … | |
How would I access the string that is in the [1] position of a tuple at a given index of a listbox. What I'm trying to do is something like this:[CODE] a=Lb1.curselection()[1] a=int(a) print(Lb1[a])[/CODE] Lb1 is obviously the listbox. This particular attempt claims 1 is out of range "although I … | |
Roman numbers is a standard programming exercise, to give it a small twist, we input roman numeral, turn it to value and prepare minimal version of it using the substraction rule. Correctness of the input is not checked so Garbage in - Garbage out. | |
I don't know if I can't find my problem, or I'm just getting my keywords wrong when searching for a solution, but I can't solve it. I'm getting problems with adding values to lists, here is my code: [CODE=Python]x=[] a=raw_input ("Hello, add your first database entery") b=raw_input ("Hello, add your … | |
While looking stuff about idlelib, I came to [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3431498/what-code-can-i-use-to-check-if-python-is-running-in-idle"]this thread in stackoverflow[/URL], so I posted own solution. I post it also here, as maybe somebody needs it (as for example \b looks ugly in IDLE) | |
I made a simple ThreadManager class that receives tasks and spawns threads to complete the tasks. Currently it keeps all the threads alive until I explicitly set threadmgr.waiting=False and all of the tasks are complete. I'm trying to eliminate the need for the former. What I would prefer is that … | |
I have run my codes (written in Python) in my Notebook (3 GB Ram, Dual-core CPU T4500 @ 2.3 GHz) and in my lab machine (11.57 GB Ram, i7-920 CPU @ 2.67 GHz). However, I have found execution time in Notebook 250.3 seconds, and in Lab machine 333.2 seconds. How … | |
I would like to make a selection menue for 2 programs that i have. A menu similar to the one below. [CODE]import sys print """Menu 1) Random 2) Search""" answer = raw_input("Make a selection> ") if "1" in answer: print "This will contain program 1" elif "2" in answer: print … | |
So this is my first post and I have only begun using python. One of my first assignments is to design a program which will count the most used words in the given text file. In my case we are using the Declaration of Independence. Here is what i have … | |
I just finished a program, it worked perfectly, then I changed a bit of it, and now it won't work at all, even if I change it back. [CODE]self.secret_txt = Text(self, width = 35, height = 5, wrap = WORD).grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = … | |
If I have a list of strings, for example here's a small part of my list: [CODE]small_list=['HETATM 2142 O DUM 2142 -26.000 -8.000 12.300','HETATM 2143 O DUM 2143 -26.000 -6.000 12.300'][/CODE] Is there a way to remove the 12.300 from a string in this list and then replace it with … | |
I'm having an issue displaying images in tkinter, I've tried the methods suggested by effbot and a couple other sources to no avail. Here are a couple ways I've tried so far:[CODE] gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image='gmail.gif') self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) self.glabim=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=self.glabim) self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.lab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.lab.image=gmail self.lab.pack() [/CODE]the last one … | |
Hi I have a file with format like [code] 8520,9.19E+02 8521,9.15E+02 [/code] where 9.19E+02 is equal to 918 and 9.15E+02 is equal to 915 I need import this file into another program.But it doesn't this "E" format that is generally..can anyone suggest a way to convert this entire file to … | |
Hey everyone, this should be simple, but I keep running into errors so help is greatly appreciated. I have a large class, call it class A, which has several methods. Most of these methods modify data. [CODE]ClassA() def __init(X,Y,Z) ... .. def data_mod1(): ... def data_mod2(): ... [/CODE] I'm dealing … | |
hello , i am using PyQt4 : QtCore and QtGui . i built a GUI with few tabs using QTabWidget(self.centralwidget) and addTab(self.device) device is a QtGui.QWidget() device is one of my tabs... i send text to this tab with self.ui.name.setText(' ....') (name belongs to this tab) how can i clear … | |
I am designing a project geared towards business and is built in C language. The design of the various interface screens are currently in XML/CSS. The target platform is a PC running linux or windows. To compile the software, I first run a source-to-source compiler which converts the XML/CSS into … | |
I've created two dialogs in which Dialog1 is the parent of Dialog2. After navigating to dialog2 if i press close button in Dialog2, Dialog2 is closed but Dialog1 is displayed. Again i've to press the close button in Dialog1 to close the application (i know this happens coz. the close … | |
hello so i have this problem that i can't solve and i need ur help. im making a program that makes the user move the fish and there is a shark at the end that he tries to avoid. here is the code [CODE] kik="b.jpg" kif="kf.jpg" kis="sss.jpg" #these are pictures … | |
#! /usr/bin/python import socket import struct import sys import os import string #MADDX = '' MADDX = '' RAW = False #! /usr/bin/python import socket import struct import sys MADDX = '' ADDR = '' #bind to address? leave blank for any DATA="414e542d534541524348204d4441502f312e310d0a3436" #the Hello ID request import binascii SDATA … | |
Picked up from old thread but currently applicable (the IBAN number became more widely required actually this year in Finland). The style was quite alien for modern Python coders, so I massaged the code to my own liking. I removed many temporary variables, as for my opinion they did not … | |
I am having trouble with the standalone builder I keep on getting this Message: [CODE] I: Dependent assemblies of C:\Python27\python.exe: I: x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_none checking Analysis building Analysis because outAnalysis0.toc non existent running Analysis outAnalysis0.toc Analyzing: C:\Users\Samarth\Desktop\PYINST~1.1\support\_mountzlib.py Analyzing: C:\Users\Samarth\Desktop\PYINST~1.1\support\useUnicode.py Analyzing: C:\Users\Samarth\Dropbox\Projects\DATABANK\data-bank.py W: library coredll.dll required via ctypes not found I: Analyzing C:\Python27\python.exe … | |
I am trying to submit the form at [B][url]http://www.harshtechtalk.com/contact-us-harsh-tech-talk[/url][/B] using the following code but no success. Please help! [CODE]#!C:/Python27/python.exe import urllib import urllib2 def main(): proxy_info={ 'user' : 'abc@abc.com', 'pass' : 'xyz', 'host' : 'xxxxxxxx', 'port' : 80 } proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : "http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)d" % proxy_info}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler) … |
The End.