15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for herebutfortea

As many people new to python i seem to have run into a bit of a snag with an alarm program i was making. I wanted to make something that would play a song (.wav) at a given time and would not stop unless you played a little game, guess …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for jaison2

hi basically i have to write a function which draws 4 rectangles next to eachother(consisting of spcaes then hashes then spaces then finally hashes, all of the same height). the rectangles final The rectangles common height,and the width of the four rectangles should be parameters, e.g.(3, 0, 5, 4, 2) …

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Member Avatar for kartal

Hi I have started using Eclipse as my ide. I would like to integrate python help into eclipse for convenience. Is it possible to replace internal Eclipse help with Python help? thanks

Member Avatar for patrickwang
Member Avatar for Fo_Be_La

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write some code for this question. I believe I have the right answer but it says it isn't. Anyways here is the question. 1) Given that dict1 refers to a dictionary, change the value mapped to by the key 'Boo' to 'Hoo' . My code …

Member Avatar for Fo_Be_La
Member Avatar for Kruptein

If I run the following code the textCtrl's aren't updated, they stay empty, but if I do [icode]print self.extra201.GetValue()[/icode] I get the value that is set with the code beneath. [code]self.extra101.SetValue(names[1]) self.extra201.SetValue(names[2]) self.extra111.SetValue(str(money[1])) self.extra211.SetValue(str(money[2]))[/code] Why isn't it update !! :(

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for nevets04

How do I make something like [code] x = 5 while 0 < x b = raw_input("something: ") [/code] However each time it loops, I want it to change, like: first loop - b = raw_input("something: ") second loops - c = raw_input("something: ") third loop - d = raw_input("something: …

Member Avatar for nevets04
Member Avatar for vickkeshav
Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for nevets04

I know Remembering secure passwords is difficult. So I made this. [code] import random, os a= ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','{',':','>','?','}','|','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','+'] z = int(raw_input("How many words in your password?: ")) os.system("clear") List = [] for x in xrange(z): List.append(random.choice(a)) print "".join(List) print "1) Yes" print "2) No" b = int(raw_input("Would you like to save …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for moazmizo

hi, i have to make a sudoku solver using python quickdraw, i've started on it and this is what i got so far here is the link to the assignment [url]http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~zongpeng/CPSC231/assignments/A4/a4.pdf[/url] [CODE] def solveRows(): """eliminates solved numbers by row""" for x in range(0, 81, 9): row = puzzle[x : x+9]#loops …

Member Avatar for parsifal67

Hi friends !! I'm neophite about python, my target is to create a programa that find a specific string in text file. How can do it? Thanks fel

Member Avatar for mitsuevo
Member Avatar for Kruptein

1. Is it possible to draw a border line around a table and/or a cell 2. Is it possible to draw a color to the background of a label. 2bis If not, is there an other element that can have background colors 3 How can I set the default height …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for Judgment

1. I need to make a program that creates a list that contains the first n perfect squares. All I know is that it starts with n = int(raw_input("How many squares? ")) and ends with print squares An example of how this program should work is: How many squares? 5 …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis

Newbie Here Edit: This is not homework, I am a chemical engineering student and a math minor. I'm doing programming on the side to help me automate certain calculations later in my career. Also always had a healthy interest in programming. I just read the not doing homework for people …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for krishna_sicsr

------------------------------------ ----------- --------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------- PRODUCT KIT TYPE STATE MAINTENANCE REFERENCED BY ------------------------------------ ----------- --------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------- HP I64VMS ACUXE V6.40-11P09A Full LP Installed HP I64VMS AVAIL_MAN_BASE V8.3-1H1 Full LP Installed HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3-1H1 HP I64VMS CDSA V2.3-306 Full LP Installed HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3-1H1 HP I64VMS …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for truekid

Hello all. My name is Younis, I am a computer science newb. I occasionally browse this website reading some fascinating threads. I have a simple project at hand which i am finding the extra credit portion to be somewhat difficult. The project is very simple, the project takes a number …

Member Avatar for truekid
Member Avatar for Jewsy

Hey im new here to excuse the nubneess i wanted to make a family tree thingy and wanted to do it in python i wanted to make a way so that it could read a text file and auto add a new entry called summary which would include the initials,yr …

Member Avatar for nevets04
Member Avatar for P00dle

Hi, I am reading data from a file. The data is mostly text, but has a small bit of binary in it, as well as a linefeed at the end of every block of text. Can Python read all of it and write it to another file, while not changing …

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Member Avatar for PixelHead777

I swear, those things are like shurikens in these masses... I'm trying to make a loan calculator in python, as part of an assignment. I'm basing it off of two things. 1: [URL="http://www.efunda.com/formulae/finance/loan_calculator.cfm"]This website, which contains 3 different calculators.[/URL] 2: [URL="http://www.efunda.com/math/num_rootfinding/num_rootfinding.cfm#Newton_Raphson"]The link from the second calculator (my current pain)[/URL] I'm …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for efecto

Hi all, I have found some examples on the net but was not able to use the technique.. here is what I would like to do. tst = 2 numOfDigits = 3 # change this to tst2 = 002 Any help is appreciated. Thank you. [QUOTE][url]http://www.webdotdev.com/nvd/content/view/938/99999999/1/2/[/url] >>> print ā€œz is …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jaison2

hi, i want to be able to draw two eyes with are exactly the same in radius and colour etc next to eachother. So when i open the window the pair of eyes are there in the centre. I have managed to get one eye but i dnt have a …

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Member Avatar for Felicidas

Hi everyone, hope someone can give me some hints about my problem. I write a program that read users input through command line(args). This input i put it as a list. User type number that they want separated with comma [CODE] --number 1,2,3,4 [/CODE] The next process is to read …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for i are smart

So I did some research and learn that you use the sys module to set the path for 2.5: import sys sys.path.append('usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/') And that would set the path for 2.5 permanently, but if i do the samething for 2.6 or 3.0, it will not work the next time I open …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jaison2

I need to write a function which has 2 parameters height and width and outputs a rectangle of "#" ssmbol of the appropriate dimensions. so for 93, 4) should result in the output #### #### #### but i dnt unserstand how to use the loop in this. I have only …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for python.noob

Hai guys, A very good morning to you.Currently i'm using python3 in linux. In windows tkinter is working fine but in mandriva linux spring 2009 it fails to import. Can you please tell me step-by-step on how to fix this issue? In python3.1 home page the description is not clear …

Member Avatar for python.noob
Member Avatar for yateenjoshi

Hello, I would like to know hot to pass address reference to ā€˜cā€™ function through python. I am using swig for ā€˜cā€™ anf python interfacing Interface file : stud.i *************************************************** %module stud %header%{ #include "stud.h" %} %include "stud.h" %array_functions(char *,charp ); %inline %{ extern int parse1(char *,char *,char **); %} …

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Member Avatar for math743

For whatever reason, Python on OS X sets the default file directory to the "~/Documents/ " folder. It's a bit annoying because it makes my documents folder massively cluttered with python files as well as files from my computer. I'd like to change it simply by adding a "Python" folder …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for AutoPython

Okay, the encryption algorithm idea was stupid. But I still made an encryption program. I got the absolute most possible frustrating situation. The program doesn't work in the console window. It spits out a giant error (probably recursion judging how many errors it got), but it DOES work in IDLE. …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for nevets04

[code] #Credits: #Nevets04 #Fallen #Uber1337 #Farout import os List = [] z = int(raw_input("How many words in your list?: ")) os.system("clear") for x in xrange(z): List.append(raw_input("")) List.sort(),os.system("clear") print "\n".join(List) [/code]

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for gangster88

I want to be able to output the area of the circle and the cirumference of the circle to the user. so the output is to be "the area of the circle is... and the circumference of the circle is..." and it has to be to 2dp. the question says …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for laxter17

I am totally new to programming and could use some help. I am trying to write a while loop in python that could execute this equation but in a while loop type function. the equation is n * (n + 1) / 2 any ideas?

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The End.