15,185 Topics
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I have the following python code to access a MySQL database: [CODE] #!usr/bin/python # server_version.py - retrieve and display database server version import MySQLdb con = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost", user = "username", passwd = "password", db = "test") cursor = conn.cursor () cursor.execute ("SELECT VERSION()") row = cursor.fetchone () … | |
Hello all, im making some script with python mechanize, one of problem is it really hard to find which support javascript supported web client scraping or crawler. actually i was found some such as python-spidermonkey and pykhtml and so on. but most of all only support on linux . i … | |
[CODE]#! /usr/bin/env python #filename:pwd.py # development environment:python2.51 import getpass usr=getpass.getuser() while True: pwd=getpass.getpass("passwd:%s:" % usr) if pwd=='123': print "welcome to python!!!!" break else: print "The password you entered is incorrect" [/CODE] | |
I have to write a code for generating random numbers without using random module and its function. How do I do it? I tried using the system time as it keeps on changing (importing milli seconds) but with tht I am able to get random nos in the range of … | |
I want use MD5 to compare both folder in Python. Following steps that i want to compare both folder by using MD5: 1. After all the files downloaded to folderA. 2. All the files inside folderA will copy to folderB. 3. Then MD5 will compare both folder is correct hash. … | |
Anyone know the developers? Anyone else waiting for 3.x support? This is the only thing keeping me from upgrading to python 3.1 .... | |
Hi, I am undertaking a peice of work and may need a bit of help. The problem i need to find a solution for is as follows - I am requesting a Text based document through a http request, and currently have the document i want from the http request. … | |
Hi Guys and Gals! I come to you today requesting assistance! Let me explain what I am trying to do first, and then I will show you my code. The purpose is to read a list of regular expressions in from a text file (one regex per line, only about … | |
| Hi, i currently have these 2 files: [code] #!C:\Python26\python.exe #index.py print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n' print '<html><head>' print '<title>My Page</title>' print '</head><body>' print '<h1>Powers of two</h1>\n<ol>' print '<form action="sqr.py" method="post">' print '<label>How many numbers?</label>' print '<input type="text" name="b"/>' print '</ol></body></html>' [/code] and [code] #!C:\Python26\python.exe #sqr.py import cgi a = cgi.FieldStorage() b = … |
I have managed to create a custom sized grid which prints correctly but when I try and print X or 0 a new line is started. Please see the "test" result below. [code] def createBoard(): global rows,columns,board rows = input("How many rows (more than 4)? ") columns = input("How many … | |
I'm new to this forum and to python in general, so be easy on me please. :icon_smile: I'm making a class to handle all events including mouse events. (I'm using pygame by the way) Heres how it looks so far: [CODE] class Event: #controlls all actions relating to events including … | |
If I have a text file that contains strings and integers such as: Alabama 3200 Denver 4500 Chicago 3200 Atlanta 2000 what code could I use to print the smallest number (2000) after reading in that textfile. I know I first have to split the text so I'm just operating … | |
I should be getting this as my output, but it keeps going through each result: [CODE]10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 ; length = 7 11 -> 34 -> 17 -> 52 -> 26 -> 13 -> 40 -> 20 -> 10 -> … | |
I have written a script for scraping a web site, and it works fine. What does not work fine, is when I try to use the write function, to write the results to a txt-file. I am trying to run this: import BeautifulSoup, urllib2, re, time import codecs path='C:/Users/Me/Documents/Python' outfile=open(r'C:/Users/Steinar/Documents/Python/Vegvesen/vegresultat.txt', … | |
This is one simple way to emulate a singleton class on behalf of a normal class. (A singleton class is a class with at most one instance.) The implementation does not emulate a class 100% (for example it lacks the special attributes lile __dict__ or __bases__), but it should be … | |
Hello everyone, I'm learning Python and I have a few questions about Dictionaries and sorting them by a value other than the key. Lets say, for example, I have a Dictionary full of data that needs to be sorted on the 3rd value instead of the key. How would I … | |
I have a file of the following format: a 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 c 7 c 8 c 9 Here is my code: [CODE]def file_to_dict(fname): f = open("file.txt") d = {} for line in f: columns = line.split(" ") letters = columns[0] numbers … | |
i have to write a rock paper scissors program in python, but every time i run my code... [CODE]def rockPaperScissors(): import random computerIndex = random.randint(1,3) if computerIndex == 1: computer = "rock" elif computerIndex == 2: computer = "scissors" else: computer = "paper" player = raw_input("rock, paper or scissors :") … | |
Hi, may anybody tell me what "initializes the interpreter" mean in detail? Does this function starts a new process or thread of the python interpreter in the background or what does this call do?? Hopefully somebody can give me a little hint :) Jonny | |
Hi all, I want to take this code: [CODE]list_in_list = [[1,5,13,30,-4], [1,5,10,30,-4], [1,5,15,30,-4], [1,5,9,30,-4], [1,5,16,30,-8]][/CODE] and sort it by the 3rd item in each sublist (list_in_list[x][2]) I'd like to do it by the highest number so my output would be: [CODE]sorted_list_in_list = [[1,5,16,30,-8],[1,5,15,30,-4], [1,5,13,30,-4],[1,5,10,30,-4], [1,5,9,30,-4]][/CODE] Any help or suggestions? | |
I have a dictionary like {"a":["b", "c", "d"], "b":["h", "i", "j"], "c":["k", "l", "m"]. I need to write a function that returns True if a requested key has requested value. Also, if "a" has "b" and "b" has "h", "i", and "j", then "a" has "b", "c", "d", "h", "i", … | |
I am new to programming (but not to the concepts) and I need to process some .csv files. Here's what I have: The files containing Cartesian coordinates, XYZ of various "polygons." (They are cell perimeters of a mouse embryo) The polygons are in quotes because they are not closed, and … | |
Hi, I'm stuck with a certain problem. I'm using URLLIB2 to get the end url of a list of links. This was pretty straightforward. Some of the links I'm probing pass through 1 or more other urls before landing the user at the end destination. For example, the start url … | |
Hi, I'm a newbie! I'm writing because I have a question about wxpython and trasparency... I'm trying to design a visible frame with a trasparent window inside it (think about a sort of "window" in which you can see the desktop). With SetTrasparent() on the wxFrame the entire frame becomes … | |
is it possible to search a multi dimensional list for a certain letter then print out where that letter is? i know u can use list.index() to find a letter but i could figure out how to do it with multi dimensional lists. thx in advance | |
Hi guys , Im new at pythons . Hope you all can help me out here : Im trying to write a code which prints the elements from every list as a line . so If my lists are : l1 = ['0000002', '0000003', '0000004', '0000005', '0000008', '0000009', '0000010'] l2 … | |
I am facing problem connecting problem connecting remote MySQL server which is firewall protected. I used the valid user name and password, but it throws me the error [I]OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'www.myreomtemysqlserver.com' (10061)")[/I] I want to connect from python. I searched in Google is there … | |
I am trying to make pygame draw a shape from a list of shapes imported with fileIO but i get a pygame import error please help [CODE]import random import pygame w = 640 h = 480 x = open("shapes.txt") z = x.readlines()[n] n = random.randrange(6) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w, h)) pygame.draw.z(screen, … | |
Ok so if anyone can spare a few minutes and can tell me what each of these things are in terms of python (or plain english), that would be FANTASTIC! [code] (this is in a for loop where d is defined as 1-9) D = load(['digit' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'-ascii'); save(['digit' num2str(d) … | |
The End.