15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for jordan0420

am adding a GUI into a python database and i was wondering if there is any way for text to be already in an entry box when it appears. The window is for adding movies to the database so i would like the following, please enter the movies title: [Title …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for DecreaseEntropy

[code] # nth_prime.py def nth_prime(n): primes = [2] test_int = 1 while len(primes) < n: test_int += 2 for p in primes: if test_int % p is 0: break else: if p is primes[len(primes)]: primes.add(test_int) return primes[n - 1] while True: try: num = int(input("Enter a number:\n")) print(nth_prime(num)) except ValueError: …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for basketball8533

Hey guys can you help me convert this code into java... i started a little... [CODE] def minEditDistR(target, source): """ Minimum edit distance. Straight from the recurrence. """ i = len(target); j = len(source) if i == 0: return j elif j == 0: return i …

Member Avatar for DecreaseEntropy
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Hi! The following Tkinter buttons should call [I]opt_def[/I] with [I]opt[/I] as 1 or 2 depending on which button is pressed (see code). [CODE]from Tkinter import * class App: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) frame.pack() self.opt1 = Button(frame, text="Opt1", command=self.opt_def(1)) self.opt1.pack(side=TOP) self.opt2 = Button(frame, text="Opt2", command=self.opt_def(2)) self.opt2.pack(side=BOTTOM) def opt_def(self, opt): …

Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python
Member Avatar for owilliam

Chances are this is a dumb question, but hey, I don't have anywhere else to go. I wrote a basic hangingman game on my pc desktop using a paint event to draw the hangman. Unfortunately, this code doesn't seem to run the same on my new apple computer. It comes …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for owilliam

I've put together a code to make a periodic table with jpeg bitmap buttons, and here's the code: [code] element_list = ["H.jpg","He.jpg","Li.jpg"] for i in range(len(element_list)): image_id = int(i+1) image_current = wx.Image("/Applications/PeriodicTable/ButtonBitMap/%s" % element_list[i], wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap() current = wx.BitmapButton(self,id=image_id,bitmap=image_current,style=wx.BORDER_NONE) main.Add(current,1) [/CODE] I've done the id, because for some reason, I can't …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for everydaybh

Hi, I'm going through Zelle's Python Book, and for the graphics chapter, I have some problems (using pycharm): I type in from graphics import * win=Graphwin() and it shows me a window when I run it, with a background triangle and says 'centered text' in the middle - and no …

Member Avatar for da10x

Hello people, I have an assignment to do and I have no idea how to do it. First: I have to modify this program to prompt the use for a word and display how many times that word appeared in the input file. When the user hits RETURN, the program …

Member Avatar for dynaflex
Member Avatar for newbieha

How to modify the hash table implementation to use chaining instead of open addressing? [CODE]class HashTable( object ): """A data structure that contains a collection of values where each value is located by a hashable key. No two values may have the same key, but more than one key may …

Member Avatar for newbieha
Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

I am trying to optimize some code I have written. I do not wish to add 0 to my list if it is already set to zero. So it only needs to be changed if the letters or words do not match. Here is the working code (You will also …

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant
Member Avatar for dynaflex

I need to write a program that implements this algorithm. create a hash table. for each word in words.txt sort the letters in word and use that as a key enter the(key, word) pair into the hash table prompt the user for a string while the string s not empty …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for dynaflex

I need to modify this code to promt the user for a word and display how many times the word appeared in the input file. class HashTable( object ): """A data structure that contains a collection of values where each value is located by a hashable key. No two values …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am currently working on my first serious GUI application in python using Tkinter. I currently have a toplevel window that opens from the root window. when i envoke the window from the root i can see all 7 of my other widgets, but the widget: btncancel = Tkinter.Button(addboard, text …

Member Avatar for jordan0420
Member Avatar for CharlieNewey

Hi, I was pondering this earlier and wasn't sure if it was possible. Say, for example you had 2 objects; [B]spam[/B] and [B]eggs[/B], and you wanted to create a function to change attributes - e.g. colour. So spam.colour = 'Blue' and eggs.colour = 'Green'. How would you change that attribute …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Masood_786

Hi All i have downloaded following code from web that inputs sound samples and displays spectrum, i want to print frequencies present in each second in the spectrum.i.e when ever the spectrum is displayed i want to print those frequencies as well on the console. Below is the code i …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for saransh60

hello friends i have just completed the python reading from book called "how to think like a computer scientist Python" ..Now i want to dive for Django framework for web development is that book(how to think....)is enough or should i polish my python skills first.....Please note that i have no …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for lewashby

I was told that there are four python string delimiters but I can only think of three, ', ", & """. What is that last one? I searched google but with no luck.

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for hema dhevi.N

hi friends i am a beginner in python programming. I have written code to download 16 pdf files. I am getting the pdf file but I am unable to open the file it is showing error. please help me. [CODE]import re,urllib url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK16" id1=[30,24,25,28,22,23,14,33,21,29,16,27,18,20,17,26] j=1; for i in id1: address= url+str(i)+'/pdf/ch'+str(j)+'.pdf' …

Member Avatar for hema dhevi.N
Member Avatar for Ghostenshell

Trying to call the gcd from the constructor but I keep getting either a global error or gcd is not defined error. Any suggestions? The program is supposed to reduce fractions immediately. So I got rid of the add. [CODE]class Fraction: def __init__(self,m,n): self.num = m self.den = n gcd() …

Member Avatar for -ordi-
Member Avatar for Masood_786

Hi All i have downloaded following code from web that inputs sound samples and displays spectrum, i want to print frequencies present in each second in the spectrum.i.e when ever the spectrum is displayed i want to print those frequencies as well on the console. Below is the code i …

Member Avatar for Masood_786
Member Avatar for mbox_96

Hello python experts! I have a simple script that sends an email with no problem, in order to interface with vb6 I'm tried to modify the entire code into COM service...but I'm having trouble with this error..global name 'MIMEMultipart' is not defined which is on the send_email method. any help …

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Member Avatar for rubik-pypol

Hi, I am a new user and I want to show you my Python library. [B][I][U][COLOR="Red"]pypol[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] pypol is a Python library that allows you to manipulate monomials, polynomials and algebraic fractions. An example: [CODE]>>> import pypol >>> a = pypol.polynomial('3xy - 3a^2 + 2b') >>> a - 3a² + 3xy …

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Member Avatar for -ordi-

Hei, I tried to find "dynamic programming" algorithms in Python. If anyone has examples of what it means a dynamic programming, it's would be nice. (Please not post Wikipedia links). Google -> c++, java and other, not Python. Thanks!

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for tcl76

hi, i'm new to python. i want to read from a text file (as attached) and i want to plot a scatterplot. i want to plot lane as X-axis, EyVt and EyHt as Y-axis. i have a sample code but i need help on how to get python start reading …

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Member Avatar for Enorym

Hi, I'm new to Python and having difficulty opening my .py file (ex1.py). In the command prompt I cd to the folder containing the file and when I try to open it nothing happens. The prompt just gives me a new line. It looks like this... 1. I open the …

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Member Avatar for zizuno

I have this IRC bot that I am hard coding from scratch just for kicks. In it I pasted all of my functions to a separate file so that it saves spaces on my eyes when I code the mainframe. So on my imports I have: [code] import socket, re, …

Member Avatar for zizuno
Member Avatar for CharlieNewey

Hi, I'm a relative newb to Python and I'm starting my first major project - a logarithmic graphing system. I'm using tkinter for the GUI part of the design, but I've run into a problem. Basically, I want my graph (a tk canvas) to appear in the same (root) window …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey
Member Avatar for funfullson

Hello dears. I am using python 2.6 in Ubuntu 10.10. I need an interface that make me able to trace my project. for example portable python ver 1.1 has this ability. please intruduse me an interface that be compatible with my os. Thanks.

Member Avatar for funfullson
Member Avatar for GatorAlli

I'm using Python, PyQt4, and QtWebKit to load a web page into a bare-bones browser to examine the data. However, there is a small issue. I'm trying to get the contents and src of every iframe on the loaded page. I'm using [B][I]webView.page().mainFrame().childFrames()[/I][/B] to get the frames. To problem is, …

Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I don't know if anyone here is familiar with the Scala digital signage programs but hopefully this question can be answered without any knowledge of it, just in case... I am working with a Python script that checks a csv file and shares some of the info with a scala …

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The End.