15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for triksterx

I am using the following code to create a set of radiobuttons. The radiobuttons are created fine, but when it comes time to delete them, the buttons and text persist on screen. How do I go about ensuring that the radiobuttons get deleted? [code] import Tkinter class App(): def __init__(self): …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ramesh125
Member Avatar for quinnifir

ok. i am making this program called Human_Data to store peoples info on your computer. bwahaha. i need help with opening and reading peoples info, stored in a profile class. i am also confused with instances of classes. here is the code. [CODE]#----------------------------------| #Copyright Muffinware 2011 | #Human Data and …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for FL Botanist

Hi! I'm in the Environmental Horticulture department at the University of Florida and I'm trying to build an online, multiple-entry key to help students identify the plant families. I have permission to modify and build on a similar script that was written at Colby College, but the computer people there …

Member Avatar for sohel807

I can print whatever I want (definitely texts) by using following "Printer" class. However, it prints only in Black and White mode regardless original color of texts. Is there any way I can print color texts? [ICODE]#License: MIT import wx from wx import Printout, PrintData, PAPER_LETTER, PrintDialogData from wx import …

Member Avatar for runge_kutta

Hello, I am new to the programming game and have a question for you seasoned veterans: I have a data collection device whose API is c++ based. When I want to write a program whose first step is to initialize the system, I write "InitializeSystem(); " In a C++ IDE …

Member Avatar for runge_kutta
Member Avatar for Archenemie

Im trying to call the two functions from the numbers class but it returns an error even tho i believe i have coded it correctly. i have played with the code but cant seem to get it working. [CODE] class main(): num1 = input("please enter a number") num2 = input("please …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Just curious how you got started. For me it was science class that used Python as the main tool.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hogdogjr

I am working on a python application where most of the GUI is written in TKinter, but I need a data grid control like Excel. I know tktreectrl is supposed to do this but I am unable to get the latest version to compile. What I want to know is …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello! I need help to construct a regular expression in Python that will help me get the file name of a include directive in C++. I think that regular expressions are a good way to solve this problem, but I'm open to new ideas. Consider these following includes: [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for iwanttolearnc

basically my application will move in 3d space based on input from the user. the model cannot be a simple shape so using vpython alone is not really possible. any other libraries you might suggest sirs?

Member Avatar for fugmag

[CODE]import os import fnmatch for l in os.listdir("C:\Bilder"): if fnmatch.fnmatch(l, 'IMG*'): l.replace(l, "HH") print l[/CODE] I am trying soemthing like this, but it is not working. Can anybody help me? Cheers

Member Avatar for fugmag
Member Avatar for killerpopiller

Hi, I can connect to an energy-meter (Baudrate 300!) and the logfile with 228 lines comes slowly in.[code=Python]line = ser.readline(eol='!') print line [/code] If I use the above code, the complete logfiles is shown. And if I parse separatly saved logfiles with match, it sorts out the right values into …

Member Avatar for jintujacob

file transfer can be easily done with python xmlrpc. it is very simple and spans a very few lines of code.. :) pls [URL="http://1024bitez.blogspot.com/2011/02/simple-ftp-program-with-python-xmlrpc.html"]check this link to see how i done it...[/URL]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Mithrandir85

Hi, I recently set about making a simple application using python with some 3d components, i switched from PyOpenGL, because it was a little bit to complex for what I wanted to do, to VPython, which based on the YouTube video's looks very easy and simple... which is exactly what …

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Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

I am coding a web spider for research purposes and have run into an error I am uncertain about. I am fairly new to web programming and need a bit of guidance. I use http.client to get a connection, request a site, get the response, and read the resonse into …

Member Avatar for TrinitronX
Member Avatar for old_kid

Please let me know if I should make something more clear 1. Each item in list contains a tuple with its name -> ((value, work), 'name') 2. the function "sort" below sorts the list of subjects by "value" in descending order 3. I get: TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable (occurs …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for blenkhn

I need help with a py generated file that was made in QT. I use the following line [CODE]QtGui.QTabWidget.addTab(self.tabWidget, QtGui.qApp.tr("New Tab"))[/CODE] and get this error [CODE]Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\python\mainwindow2.py", line 349, in createInvoice QtGui.QTabWidget.addTab(self.tabWidget, QtGui.qApp.tr("New Tab")) TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: QTabWidget.addTab(QWidget, QString): argument …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for novice20

I want 1.py to call 2.py. 1.py takes an Ip address as a command line argument. I am trying a '[B]subprocess.call()[/B]' in 1.py to call 2.py. I have defined addr= sys.argv[1] before the [B]main()[/B] of 1.py. I want the same address to be accessed in 2.py. In short, 1.py should …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for jordan0420

Im working on my first big project, a GUI library for movie files (much like in itunes). so far i have the ability to list the movies title director and year in a list box as well as add movies to the database, however it is only text no actual …

Member Avatar for jordan0420
Member Avatar for scru

Sometimes IDLE crashes when trying to run GUI code. I already know the standard responses to this issue (use another editor, run from command line etc.). What I'm interested in is why does it do this? Does anybody have any information (or a link to info) on why this issue …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for suri94

Hi! My brother made a programme that was a prank. That all computer that were connected to internet thought that his computer where internet. And i thought if you can make a programme that can check what other people are doing. And if i could like turn off the internet …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for novice20

Hi, in the pysnmp tutorial, I couldn't find an equivalent for snmpwalk. What can be used?

Member Avatar for Insomaniacal

Hi everyone. I'm having a little bit of trouble getting a piece of code to work correctly here. Here is the code. [CODE]] filename = "./" + `random.randrange(0,9999999999999999999999999999999999)` + ".txt" f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(`data`) f.close f = open(filename,'rb') ftp = FTP('ftphost.com') time.sleep(5) ftp.login('user,pass') time.sleep(5) ftp.storbinary('STOR `filename`', f ) [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for jintujacob
Member Avatar for razax

Hi, This is my first post.I found interesting thing while playing with lists. [CODE]l = ['asd',"asd'das",'qw','213'] print "original list:", l print "first item:", l.pop(0) print "second item:", l.pop(1) print "modified list:", l [/CODE] [B]output:[/B] original list: ['asd', "asd'das", 'qw', '213'] first item: asd second item: qw modified list: ["asd'das", '213'] …

Member Avatar for razax
Member Avatar for LadyRelm2

So I'm new to python, although not terribly new to programming. I am going through some tutorials, but am having some trouble. I am trying to execute a program from the python shell (using Python 3.1). Right now, I have the >>> prompt. I can't seem to get any program …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for triksterx

Hi everyone. Let me start by saying I have managed to learn quite a few things and solve pretty much any python problems using this site. So thanks to everyone who contributes to these forums. Now for my problem. I am having a hard time getting the .grid method to …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I have left my source of information as docstring comment on code side. If you want to solve the problem yourself do not run the code. This code actually gives the correct answer. I have not reacted to the border case comment in my formula source as it is quite …

Member Avatar for MasterMic

I've taken 1 course in Java and 1 in C++ and now I'm tinkering with Python (love it so far). My module I'm currently working on is designed to solve a certain puzzle. To understand the code you'll need to understand the puzzle: There is an upside down triangle with …

Member Avatar for MasterMic
Member Avatar for AnaR

Hi, i would like to put some icons over desktop and these launch apps. It's necessary to use xlib with python, and i'm lost. thanks in advanced

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The End.