15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for wrathofmobius

(Just to preface this, I am a Python noob, so parts may be stupid/less obvious to me) I am trying to compile a Python script to exe, with the following setup.py file: from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable includes = ["re", "PyVMF"] setup( name="Wall Tile Randomizer", version="1.2", description="Wall Tile Randomizer", executables=[Executable("WallRandomizer.py")], …

Member Avatar for wrathofmobius
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A small test program exploring the PySide/PyQT Label widget. With HTML code you can do some nice formatting of the label's text.

Member Avatar for romes87

Basically, I am trying to extract text between two strings within a loop as one of the two words changes after the information is extracted. so for example, the string is: string = alpha 111 bravo 222 alpha **somethingA** end, 333 bravo **somethingB** end 444 alpha 555 bravo So I …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The PySide/PyQT QValidator restricts the type of input a widget like QLineEdit can accept. Here is a simple test.

Member Avatar for clouds_n_things

Ok so, question about opening an application from python..is there a command that will force an app to open, while at the same time leaving the tkinter GUI open? The app I am trying to open is Snes9x. import os from tkinter import * try: import Tkinter as tk from …

Member Avatar for clouds_n_things
Member Avatar for mkweska

Hello all! Hope to be a very active nad productive member here as I learn. Currently in a python class and have a problem to solve. Not quite sure where my mistake is.... I am to put the inputs in the main function pass to the processing function and call …

Member Avatar for mkweska
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Another exercise in applied geometry. This time we use the Tkinter GUI canvas and its create_line() function to draw a triangle, or a series of connected triangles to create something that looks like fancy art work. You might be able to impress grandmama with that one!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for krystosan

with python interpreter `E:\Dropbox\Research_Study\myprojects\Batch>python Render.py ` Traceback (most recent call last): File "Render.py", line 801, in <module> else: run() File "Render.py", line 789, in run win = Window() File "Render.py", line 66, in __init__ self.createUI() File "Render.py", line 314, in createUI self.sfEdt.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for tunisia

I'm trying to expedite the process of manually opening up an XML file and searching for some info in it. I want to store some of the data, etc. Nothing elaborate. But I'm not clear on some of the file structure. For the seasoned XML data wrangler, can you instantly …

Member Avatar for tunisia
Member Avatar for mmpal78

Hi, I have python 2.7 & python 3 installed on ubuntu. I just installed pygame and have it working so far in python 3 which is what I want to be doing. However I can only load bmp images in python 3. When I try to load a jpg I …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for inuasha

alright so my exact problem is that when I attempt to visit a url stored in a text file I get the error "URLError: <urlopen error no host given>" This is strange because if I type in the urls myself they work fine(opener.open("site.com")) The lines of code causing the error …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for aVar++

I have my battleships game working completely accept ships do not generate randomly. I have each point of the ship assigned to certain squares. Example: ship_1_1 = Grid[1][1] ship_1_2 = Grid[1][2] ship_1_3 = Grid[1][3] ship_1_4 = Grid[1][3] Randomly generating ships is harder than I thought. For these reasons: - Ships …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A function to take a text and extract the string between two given substrings. Allows you to find the nth occurence. Also safeguards against dead ends.

Member Avatar for JordanSimps

I kind of have an idea what to do, but I can't figure it out. The program needs to be able to get the students name and three test scores, then get the average score (percentage) out of the three scores. After that, you need to convert the score (percentage) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for rev_ollie

Hi again, I've been looking more at reading serial - this time with a GUI in front. After attempts to get it working I thought it best to try threading to perform the task. What it should do is read the serial port and update a label with the frame …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Umar Suleman
Member Avatar for aashishkulkarni

I am going to create graphics interface to intermediate code generated by the gcc. so the output from gcc is like ;; Function main (main, funcdef_no=1, decl_uid=2162, cgraph_uid=1) main () { int i; int c[10]; int b; int a; int D.2177; <bb 2>: a = 1; b = 20; if …

Member Avatar for ZeeeeeV

I have been working on a Python coded priority email inbox, with the ultimate aim of using a machine learning algorithm to label (or classify) a selection of emails as either important or un-important. I will begin with some background information and then move into my question. I have so …

Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Hey this bit of code is giving a lot of trouble. I am new to python and have no idea why I am getting an error like this : Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Python27/saved/digital_filter.py", line 83, in <module> app=Application(root) File "D:/Python27/saved/digital_filter.py", line 23, in __init__ self.create_widgets() File "D:/Python27/saved/digital_filter.py", …

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Member Avatar for TBSouth

Hi. I'm currently working on my bachelor's thesis in which i'm hoping to assess whether a (simplified) programming exam generates a "better" result if taken in an adjusted computerized environment compared to taking it with only the use of pencil and paper. I have built a web based platform, with …

Member Avatar for TBSouth
Member Avatar for padton

I have over 10 text files, each file has exactly 2671 floats e.g. 1.232124234 #line 1 2.324234323 #line 2 . . 1.324234234 # line 2671 I would like to the add together the floats on each line with the float on the corresponding line for each of the 10 files, …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for aVar++

Hi guys, I got this from my teacher and im really confused. could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks > What does it do? > > This time I'm looking for an overall summary, in one sentence, with the word "by" in the middle: > "This function ..........., …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for nivert

so i'm making a project for a buddy that's going to (eventually) ask a word, then it's definition, and I need 50 entry boxes on the screen, but there must be a simpler way to grid all of them (I'd like to use a sort of for loop instead of …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Notice that if you negate a boolean value with `not` in comparison with other boolean value or similar, you should put it inside a pair of parenthesis, otherwise you get syntax error: >>> 0 == not 1 SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> 0 == (not 1) True >>>

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for BigPaw

In [this thread](http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/436142/which-language-is-best-suited) in the Geeks Lounge it was wisely recommended that I download an add-on for Python called Numpy. However, Numpy isn't presently available for Python 3.3. What should I do, please? How important is Numpy? Also, what would be the implications for not having wxpython available to Python …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for Rod53718

How do you get an imported function to find a function in the main program? This runs fine if I put the generate_random function in with the main, but if it is in an imported function it can't find the printa function in the main. It comes up with the …

Member Avatar for Rod53718
Member Avatar for nivedita.datta

Hi, I am unable to run the code given in the following link https://github.com/hamilton/LocalitySensitiveHashing properly. Can anyone help me on the instructions, as in where and how to provide the data. I am facing problem in the following step : this_lsh.bin_data(data) as given in the README. I am unable to …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for slasel

I tried to create those 6 radiobuttons(bh1,bh2,bh3,bh4,bh5,bh6) using a for and placing them in a dictionary but I get the following error whenever they should be displayed! I have attached a folder with the images. Any help please is highly appreciated! Thank you Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Just polling for users who are familiar with Django. Deployment? Development? Maintenance? Doesn't matter! Just trying to get a head count, maybe spawn some topics, make some friends, or whatever. Django is a pretty fantasitic project. It is extensive and documented extremely well (almost too well; reminds me of the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ITech

inventory = {'gold' : 500, 'pouch' : ['flint', 'twine', 'gemstone'], 'backpack' : ['xylophone','dagger', 'bedroll','bread loaf']} how do i delete the item 'dagger' only from the 'backpack'

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

The End.