15,190 Topics

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# VARIABLE DEFINITIONS name="" adress="" city="" state="" zipcode="" course1="" course2="" course3="" course4="" course5="" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTANT DEFINITIONS courses= "Enter courses name (Type 'STOP' when finished) :" pointsR = "\tEnter points received ( Type '9999' when finished) :" pointsP = "\tEnter points possible for this assignment :" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTION DEFINITIONS …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for longtomjr

Ok this is a suggestion... If someone post here in the python forum the must have a tickbox to choose what version of python they use... This will make it esier to see if you'll be able to help Kind regards Longtomjr

Member Avatar for longtomjr
Member Avatar for amweasel

I have been trying to make a simple "quiz" program on Python. And this is what I coded: print("Mathematics Quiz") question1 = "Who is president of USA?" options1 = "a. Bharat Chauhan\nb. His dad\nc. His mom\nd. Barack Obama\n" print(question1) print(options1) while True: response = input("Hit 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd' …

Member Avatar for amweasel
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is my celebration post for entering level 3 in Project Euler. Again I left in my debug prints. I am in process of adapting myself to new .format style of formatting. I have commented out the prints though to get visible the running time of the functions own action. …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for dp121307

I have to make a login program where the username and password are taken from an existing file. I have successfully, in my opinion, opened, read, and brought out all the user names and passwords from the file. The problem is, the user is only allowed to input an incorrect …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for HiHe

Explore the Python module bisect to search a sorted list and insert elements in the proper location in a sorted list.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for krystosan

I recently made an appication that utilizes pyqt , i could say i wrote the code pythonic and made everything work work as I wanted, but didnt used any data model , so later I realized I could have used data model since I am building list in the QListView …

Member Avatar for krystosan
Member Avatar for rexmorgan

Good Day, I have a text file in the .csv format. The file originates as a xlsx (excel) file type. The file looks something like the following. Name Number Lat Long Jan Feb Mar Apr Brockton 24-1670-06 38.145236 145.854921 0.15 0.62 1.25 2.14 Westby 24-7432-04 35.846125 132.743652 0.25 0.94 1.14 …

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Member Avatar for MartinPB

Hi all I have a large folder containing multiple xlsx (only one sheet) files which I need to convert to a csv format. I can convert them individually using the [xlsx2csv](https://github.com/dilshod/xlsx2csv) but I cannot make a working function that loops over all the files in the folder and saves them …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for lancevo3

I have to be missing something obvious here right? I ran test on all the variables and everything looked like it was correct when i > val the loop kept running. Any suggestions? Thanks x = raw_input(":") def whileloop(val): i = 0 numbers = [] while i < val: print …

Member Avatar for lancevo3
Member Avatar for krystosan

I have made an standalone app inheriting from base class `QtGui.QFrame`, and now i want to add a floating toolbar to it the way I could have in QMainWindow, how should I do it ?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for krystosan

this gives syntax error, why would it give ? `[index, each for index,each in enumerate(names)]`

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for toldav

Hi, Everyone if any one can help me guide me to move sh script to python. thanks. #!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y"); turn_off_services() { echo -e "\n## Remove unnecessary services" ## Turn off unnecessary services ## chkconfig --list |egrep -i "iptables|smartd|kudzu|bluetooth|rpcgssd" chkconfig iptables off chkconfig smartd off chkconfig kudzu off chkconfig bluetooth …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for halien

Hi, I have a Python script that calls a program that only prints to the terminal [yes I tried to force it to print to file ... no luck]. However, I need to save the output of the terminal to file in order to perform further analysis. In the code …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for aVar++

hello, I think it is just a silly thing but i can't work out why im only getting one number back from this..? def MakeList(n): # Returns a list of n random numbers List = [] for i in range(0, n): List.append(random.randint(0,1000)) return (List) MakeList(10) I get: [546] But if …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A short code to show you how you can download and display an image from the internet on Python's Tkinter GUI toolkit.

Member Avatar for gerswin

I have two text files containing multiple lines of text, I need to compare both files and write the missing lines in the file two. i will use a while loop for check every 60 seconds, i an idea but just work 1 pass File one: 2012-10-04 01:03:11,50EF87C3.req,,12312312312,OK -- HUAWEI …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for kadowling

I'm wanting to create a while loop that asks the user if he wants to run the program or not... very basic... I know. I was wanting the prompt to ask the user to input "Y" or "y" to have the program run. Like this: programStart = str(input("Please press 'y' …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for glez_b

#! /usr/bin/python import numpy as np data = np.loadtxt('path-tracks.csv',dtype=np.str,delimiter=',',skiprows=1) print data [['19.70' '-95.20' '2/5/04 6:45 AM' '1' '-38' 'CCM'] ['19.70' '-94.70' '2/5/04 7:45 AM' '1' '-48' 'CCM'] ['19.30' '-93.90' '2/5/04 8:45 AM' '1' '-60' 'CCM'] ['19.00' '-93.50' '2/5/04 9:45 AM' '1' '-58' 'CCM'] ['19.00' '-92.80' '2/5/04 10:45 AM' '1' '-50' …

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Member Avatar for farhan69

Hi , I am new to python coding . I have a Strace output file and i need to extract two columns. The sample Strace file i have attached here i would like to extract the "calls" columns and store the count of the calls withrespect to the syscall. I …

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Member Avatar for siga

Hi, I am given this assignment that should be run in Jython. The assignment says that the program consists of a Java application with a canvas and a textarea for turtle code. I need to create a Jython application that takes turtle code from the Java application, parses it with …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Greyhelm

I have a strange problem, I have written a for loop to check a list of words for a match and it is not checking all of the words: I am using two files to check for matched words (Enwords.txt - a list of English words and Encontract.txt - a …

Member Avatar for Greyhelm
Member Avatar for longtomjr

I have been playing around a bit and I want to know if you can update a global varaible... rowA = [] def printSeat(): global rowA print "A", rowA = ['*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*'] print rowA print "B", rowB = ['*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Niner710

I want to convert a Pandas DataFrame series to a List. In [63]: bayFails Out[64]: 0 [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14] In [63]: type(bayFails) Out[64]: <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> Can someone show me how to convert bayFails into a list?

Member Avatar for dashing.adamhughes
Member Avatar for donkatsu

Hi, I'm new to Python and am having trouble with this. Here's my code: import urllib, urllib2, re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # The get_zipcode(address) function will be called with an address string with # no zip code, such as 'Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ', and it …

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Member Avatar for chinaexpert1

Hi Folks, My partner and I are experienced investment professionals with a background in mathematics. We are picking up Python now and we're gonna take this free online class from UC Berkeley on AI programming. We're looking for a third to join in our study group, contrast approaches, discuss topics, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for longtomjr

I am making a basic comand line program that does conversions in python and i want to add more conversions to it without scripting. so you can command the program something like (you command the PC) add new_conversion (The PC ask) name the new_conversion: *here you enter your function name* …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for clouds_n_things

So my program is progressing quite nicely, and I'm semi-proud of myself for getting this far (I'm a newbie), but I had 2 questions. One question is that my program recognizes a .CFG extension...but never finds games with any other extension (.smc, .srm). I type it in EXACTLY as it …

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The End.