15,190 Topics
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Hello Daniweb! I learn in the Computer Sciences Circle, [Click Here](http://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/) in the chapter 8. there strings, for exemple "sse" and "assessement" or "an" and "trans-panamian bananas", and we just need to count the occurences of thr furst in the second. My wrong code is """ Cet exercice consiste a … | |
hey guys i have written progam from sys import argv script, user_name = argv prompt = '> ' print "Hi %s, I'm the %s script." % (user_name, script) print "I'd like to ask you a few questions." print "Do you like me %s?" % user_name likes = raw_input(prompt) print "Where … | |
Hello! I have a file with a list and 3 functions in it; view, append and sort functions. I want to use pickle to save data changes in to another file inorder to retrive it next time. I have a list, when i call function VIEW, i see the primary … | |
I uploaded a module named [symboldict](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/symboldict) to the python package index (pypi). This snippet shows how to use it to create a dictionary of symbols from various modules. This dictionary can be used as a common language shared by several modules. It can be used to load python libraries in … | |
Using the Python win32 extensions it is relatively simple to copy to and from the clipboard. Sorry. the Windows OS is a requirement. | |
Just a small mildly optimized function to check if an integer is a prime number. For very large numbers use the Miller-Rabin primality test. There have been questions why I used `not n & 1` to check for even integer n. The more tradional` n % 2 == 0` is … | |
You can accesss the clipboard simply by using the Tkinter GUI toolkit that comes with your Python installation. | |
Hi.....I am a newbie...really confused with do while loop in python. Does it even exist? [CODE] J=[] do: finished = "false" while finished != "true": finished="true" for j in xrange(len(lis2)): cenP2 = G[i+G0] if ((cenP2 == 0) & (sigma2 > 0) J.append(1) finished = "false" print 3 # test code … | |
This sort of works but my tkinter window kees freezing. heres my code: import pygame, sys, time, random#Imports the modules pygame, sys, time and random form the python libary from pygame.locals import *#Imports all of the pygame modules global randomNumber #randomNumber = random.randint(1,4) redandBlackCounters = [120, 735, 250, 735, 560, … | |
A dictionary in Python is an unordered set of key:value pairs. I show you how to initialize, create, load, display, search, copy and otherwise manipulate this interesting container. Like the name says, it is the closest thing to a dictionary. | |
Python's double ended queue module makes Caesar's cipher easy. | |
I need help with this program I am doing. I need to be able to select encrypt or decrypt(ive only done encrypt at the momment) and need to be able to select an offset here what ive got so far and I have a number of problems. http://imgur.com/a/N3Tul 1 is … | |
I am trying to change the first character of each word in a list to upper case using Python 2.7. I am able to change the entire list to lower case, but I am not getting what I want - i.e the first character of each word to be upper … | |
Hi everybody. I've created a .py file with a simple function in it. Now i want to call that function from linux shell scripting. How should i do that? please help me, thank you. | |
Hi to the forum; A simple question: I want to make a prime number checker: So if I want to test if 25 is a prime number. i should to verify if 2 is a factor. if it is not, i verify with 3 and 4 (not my subject if … | |
I have this script which can calculate the total of numbers given in a string total = 0 for c in '0123456789': total += int(c) print total How should I modify this script to find the total of if the numbers given in the string form have decimal places? That … | |
On my Raspberry Pi computer I did a search for PIL and matplotlib with apt-cache search python but could not find anything close in the list. Is PIL/Pillow and matplotlib available for Linux and what is it called? The Raspberry Pi has Python27 and Python32 installed. | |
Hey guys, I am making a small script here and I got stuck on it a bit ... perhaps one of you could help me out The idea is to send an email that has attached zip file to it. My script is import smtplib import zipfile import time from … | |
Hi, I need to change the nice value of a process, but not sure how to do it. My process has a priority of 0 when it is launched , i need to decrease it to some +ve value. I know we use os.system("renice -n value -p pidof process"). to … | |
Dear all, I have a window with several textctrl. I am trying to intercept the mouse click in each control, open a filedialog and set the value of the specific control with the selected file. The problem is that I would like to avoid creating hundreds of similar functions for … | |
Hey guys, I am a bit confused here ... making a script to brute force through a dictanary the password of a zip file and it seems to work fine except that it won't stop when the password is found. And when it prints the password it just prints the … | |
Hey guys, I am making a script here to read from windows registry. The problem that I am facing is that at a certain point I start getting an error that the file does not exist. First Here is what I am doing `net = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged"` `key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, … | |
Yo whats up. I need help building a chat bot in python. I put together a 'special engine' (terms I found while searching the web- special and matrix engine(they translate user input)) basicly the special engine is a bunch of sentences that each have a few responses attached to them. … | |
Hi, I am trying to write a script that will traverse through my directory and sub directory and list number of files in a specific size. For example 0kb-1kb: 3, 1kb-4kb:4, 4-16KB: 4, 16kb-64-kb:11 and goes on in multiples of 4. I am able to get list of file numbers, … | |
I always see Python for web development but not for desktop programs. I've heard you can but can't find resources on how. Thanks in advance O:) | |
''' in Python 3.4 Attempting to parse and print one line (actually a number)from the downloaded code from yahoo sourecode using regex to pull the number that is located at the (.*?). I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work - I expect the problem is … | |
Use the PySide (PyQT) GUI toolkit to play animated gif files. | |
so, i got this code, what it does is that it counts down from 20 minutes, is there a way to do so it counts from 0 to 20 min in that same gui? try: # Python2 import Tkinter as tk except ImportError: # Python3 import tkinter as tk import … | |
I'm looking for a script that generates random images using the PIL Image module by assigning random RGB values to each pixel on a blank canvas. Does anyone have one of those lying around? (I want to write my own just for practice, but if it's already been done by … | |
If you draw a series of close spaced shapes your eyes get fooled to see Moire patterns. Here is one example of this. |
The End.