Navanax 0 Newbie Poster

First of all, just want to say hello, new to the forums, and hope that I could receive some help.

I spent some time learning reversing, (Up to tutorial #30 of lena151's) I know pretty much everything except advanced key-genning and crypto, even reversed a few programs that were being annoying to me. (Sorry if a few of you frown at that) The point is I know most of what I need to know in that area to continue in my project of making a bot for solitaire/minesweeper/MUD's... things like that. Except for how to actually implement it all.

Looking through modules and such I've gotten a bit lost.

I know for internet games some TCP/IP is needed for packet sniffing, decrypting, and so on.

I know I will need pywin32 for mouse/keyboard functions, maybe PIL for reading some images from screen.

What I cant seem to find, is how to read the actual data that I will need from the memory addresses. For example say I know the address for my health in a MUD, how would I read the bytes at 00432bc5?

I know that offsets change, I will need to find a way to find those through python, (I believe that's in the PE header). I will also need to find a way to find the PID(its a number?)

When It comes down to it, Ive tried Google-ing, gotten some results, but none specific enough to guide me on the next steps I need to take. Here are my questions...

What modules should I know/learn/use?
What programs/tutorials would help me? (Debuggers a given for finding memory locations)
Could you give some viable links?
And in general, whats next?

Any help is appreciated, I'm not looking for a how to (though anything extra would be nice), just a direction, thanks!

Nav, ^^

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