Hello, regarding OOP I have Java background, and I usually think in java when I code OOP in python (which sometimes is actually a bad thing).
class Card():
SUIT = { 'C':'Clubs', 'D':'Diamonds', 'H':'Hearts', 'S':'Spades' }
VALUES = { '2':2, '3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, \
'10':10, 'J':12, 'Q':13, 'K':14, 'A':15 }
def __init__(self,ctupl):
""" New card instance.
'ctupl' = (str,str): denoting (SUIT,VALUES) """
if type(ctupl) != tuple:
raise TypeError("Need (str,str) tuple.")
self.suit = ctupl[0]
self.value = ctupl[1]
def __init__(self,suit,value):
if type(suit) != str or type(value) != str:
raise TypeError("Need str,str as parameters.")
self.suit = suit
self.value = value
def __cmp__(self,other):
""" Overide __cmp__ method.
Compare two cards. """
if Card.VALUES[self.value] < Card.VALUES[other.value]:
return -1
elif Card.VALUES[self.value] > Card.VALUES[other.value]:
return 1
# Can go SUIT comparison
return 0
def __str__(self):
""" Overriding to_string() function """
return "%s of %s" % (self.value,self.SUIT[self.suit])
class PokerHand():
SIZE = 5
RANKS = { 0: "Straight Flush", 1: "Four of a Kind", 2: "Full House", \
3: "Flush", 4: "Straight", 5: "Three of a Kind", \
6: "Two Pairs", 5: "Pair", 6: "High Card" }
def __init__(self,player,cards):
""" New poker hand.
(str,[cards]) """
if len(cards) < PokerHand.SIZE:
raise ValueError("Invalid hands size: %d/%d" \
% (len(cards),5))
self.player = player
self.cards = cards
def __str__(self):
""" Overriding to_string function """
return "[%s]: %s" % (self.player,\
", ".join([ str(x) for x in self.cards ]))
def issflush(self):
res = True
for i in range(self.SIZE-1):
print Card.VALUES(self.cards[i].value)
if self.cards[i].suit != self.cards[i+1].suit:
res = False
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Poker Hands")
p = PokerHand("Andrei",[Card('C','2'), Card('C','3'), Card('C','4'),\
print p
print ("Is straight flush: %d" % p.issflush())
It seems that the static variable: Card.VALUES is not accessible from PokerHand issflush function. Can you please explain me why. Thanks.
PS: I've flirted with python a year ago, but I am still at a very basic level.