15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for harshadaj

Hello, I need to generate graphs(nodes&links) on a web page in python. Please, could anyone suggest libraries/modules which could be used for it? I know about web graphics in Perl, but don't know about python.

Member Avatar for harshadaj
Member Avatar for shadwickman

For some reason (this hasn't happened to me in the past), any wxPython scripts I package via py2exe crash on my other Windows computer (lacking a Python install). If I try running it on my other machine, I get an error message telling me to look at a log file …

Member Avatar for rajivgupta1107

Hi, I have an application which writes some data to a file (csv). Now there is python script which is to be invoked once the application writes to the file. The application cannot generate any indication of completion of the process. I thought of opening that csv file and handling …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for PetuniaRose

I am trying again(!) to learn enough Python to be able to process a bunch of files, and have run into something I don't understand right at the beginning. I am using Python 2.5 IDLE on a WindowsXP machine, and going through examples given in a Python tutorial. My understanding …

Member Avatar for PetuniaRose
Member Avatar for Lingson

hi, is there anyway to display a .jpg (or other type) images in Tkinter with Python 3.1? From what I read here in the forum, for Python 2.6 I could use the PIL package. But the PIL packages doesnt support Pyton 3.1 yet (from what I read on the PIL …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I am working on a Python project which will enable to watch movies on YouTube easily. I have added 'YouTube Video Downloader' as an add-on to my Mozilla we browser. Now, everytime I enter a list of URLs containing the movie I want to watch in parts, the …

Member Avatar for tarun02kumar

hello everyone, I am new to python so I need help about [B].pyd[/B] file I have a[B] xxx.pyd[/B] file which is basically a merge of many [B].h5[/B] data files. I have to use this [B]xxx.pyd files[/B](merge of simulations files) and compare it with one experiment data file which is also …

Member Avatar for tarun02kumar
Member Avatar for eggowaffles

Hey I am obviously new here, but would love to get better at programming. I currently am using Michael Dawson's "Python Programming, Second Edition (for the absolute beginner)" to try and learn it. Anyway he gives code on how to make a very basic tic-tac-toe game inside the cmd prompt …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Lingson

hi, how do I left justify all the radiobutton displayed? For example, I have 5 radio button with different text, each on different row using: [CODE]rb[i].grid(row=i, column=0)[/CODE] Instead of displaying it left justified, its all centered. I tried using anchor='w', but result the same. I tried also to count the …

Member Avatar for Lingson
Member Avatar for DimmerMeerkat

Hello, I'm very new to Python (meaning I just started class about a week ago) and I'm a little stuck on something that I'm hoping to get some direction on. I'm trying to write a program that asks for user input for the names of two food names, then pushes …

Member Avatar for DimmerMeerkat
Member Avatar for becca23

I'm very new to Python and don't know very much about it's syntax and I need to write a class to interface with code given to me. [code] result = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit() [/code] The class is a temperature class that converts from celsius to fahrenheit and vise versa. The thing that …

Member Avatar for willygstyle
Member Avatar for willygstyle

Hey all, I've figured out how to monitor changes in a directory. But is it possible to monitor if a user is accessing a directory. I assume that when you click on a folder to change directory that triggers some event, but what event and how would I get access …

Member Avatar for nickcampbell

Hi, I've got two tables in a database - one a list of schools (around 50 entries), and one a list of pupils (around 17,000). Both are spatially-attributed using PostGIS. Basically I need to allocate each pupil to their nearest school. Currently I'm looping through the schools repeatedly, using the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for blade18

Hi Guys, I need to modify this script so that is also scan a range of host. [CODE] import socket import sys import fileinput import re import time from optparse import OptionParser usage = "./%prog -t target -p port -i input file -P proxy\nExample: ./%prog -t -p 25 -f …

Member Avatar for Lingson

hi, I'm newbie in python and I'm using python 3.1 From the project ideas thread, I try to write a small module to calculate your age in years, months and days. Calculating the ages without the month (only years and days) would be easy, but adding the months makes me …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for kavingray

I’ve developed a twitter bot @Twity001 provides with useful information.It’s an auto reply bot.So you have to send a direct reply message to this bot to get information. Well,Twity is developed in Python.With the help of Cron job of GAE(I upload this program to gae btw),the program get the latest …

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for nani123

I have a python script whihc logs in some file. This script calls some outside bat file which also logs in same file. The out side program complains that it cant get lock on log file. The python script has lock to log file so it has to temporarily release. …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for mn_kthompson

A couple weeks ago I was reading a thread about character counting and Vegaseat made the comment that [QUOTE]Function calls are time expensive in Python, so I modified Sneekula's count_char2() approach by replacing all those calls to islower(), isupper(), isdigit() and isspace(), and also changing the order of if/elif to …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for EAnder

Im confused and I need to know how to read from a tkinter textbox in order to create a text editor. Also would it be possible to have certain words colorized as you type in words? I would like to make this into a code editor possibly. Any help would …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for someone112

hello there everyone , i am trying to compile a python script into exe , i tried both py2exe and pyinstaller and both cannot produce an exe without errors... when trying to compile simple scripts , the resulted exe works fine..... both programs after compilation displayed error messages requesting modules …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for mayanktalwar
Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for goldy736

hi , i just started working in python , am using postgresql connected using turbo gears , python . I have connected to DB modifying the dev.py , I want to display a created table from postgre sql in web browser using python turbo gears , my table in the …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello All, I want to copy zipped file from one machine to another in same network. I have the IP and folder of destiny machine, but I'm pondering on the best way to go! transfering among same drive, I will use shutil module. But what about networked PCs? Should I …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for trayres

Hi everyone - I've got a C function that doesn't have a return type. Instead, its argument is a pointer to an array of doubles (the array is four doubles long - so the argument to the function is a pointer to the first one). So this function takes this …

Member Avatar for computerfreak97

I don't know why this isn't working properly, it is supposed to use different colors every time you specify a new color, but it is not. [code] import pygame, os pygame.init() pygame.display.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((830, 620)) draw = 0 selected = 0 points = [] col = [0,0,0] selectedtxt = …

Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I wanted to make a simple Python program to send an email to my Gmail account. So: [code=python] import smtplib sobj=smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com") sender="sravan953@gmail.com" rec="sravan953@gmail.com" msg=""" From: From Person<sravan953@gmail.com> To: To Person<sravan953@gmail.com> Subject: Test Does it work? """ sobj.sendmail(sender,rec,msg) [/code] -but it doesn't work, it shows an error [code] Traceback …

Member Avatar for BDG
Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot

I programmed a a neural network class in python using numpy. I had some trouble getting it to work properly, in my case I wanted to train it with back propagation to approximate XOR, but then it started working, then it didn't, and overall it only seems to work sometimes. …

Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot
Member Avatar for hkfwy

Hi, I'm using Python 3.1, and got some confusion when using eval. The code is in the following [ICODE] from datetime import date globalDict = dict() globalDict['today'] = date.today globalDict['date'] = date globalDict['__builtins__'] = None #date.today() funName = input('please input the function name: ') result = eval(funName, globalDict) print("The result …

Member Avatar for fallopiano

hi all. This might be more of a math problem then anything, but i'll give it a shot. I have an idea for a game i am working on, in which the player must advanced thru a level my the means of propelling a cube in the air (across the …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Lingson

hi, I'm using python 3.1 Is it possible if I run two applications at once? For example, if I make a clock/timer application with alarm etc, then I want exercise with my python, creating other codes, and running it. Is it possible? If I can make the application as stand-alone …


The End.