15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for tehbrozor

Hello, The situation here is I have a file and each line has a 8 digit number in it (aorkey) the file is called target.lst In another file (file.lst) there are tons of paths in each path there is an aorkey (somewhere its not always in the same place and …

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Member Avatar for SoulMazer

For my script, I am trying to open a text file and print out the information in the console window. However, I am having trouble finding the right way to load it. To start, I need to figure out how to load something in the same directory as the script, …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for ararik

Hi, I am very new to Python and computer programming language. I have been working on a text file where I want to find the average length of words in a text file. Well, to start with: Let's say I have only one sentence in my text file (we can …

Member Avatar for ararik
Member Avatar for TerabyteST

Hi, in my program, I need at one moment to set a window on the top of the others created by my program but not of all the windows (so that it does not popup randomly when I'm doing something else) how can I do it?

Member Avatar for TerabyteST
Member Avatar for RDCooter

Just started working on a project that is using Python to drive C API's. When the C API's take an unhandled event they terminate using a C exit(3). How can I monitor for these exit conditions with in my Python code and handle and process the error code used in …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for aot

So far the move to wxPython has been going fairly smoothly. However, it's crucial that I be able to display items in the center of the screen (images, buttons, and radioboxes). I read about wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL and wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, but the vertical option just doesn't seem to be working for me. Below …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for SAFC

Hi. I know that Python comes bundled with Cygwin, but can Cygwin work without Python? I believe it can but I'm just checking as there's some non-developers that we wouldn't want to get access to Python when using Cygwin and Xfree86.

Member Avatar for SAFC
Member Avatar for tombatista

[CODE]Test = ''' SELECT /*+ INDEX (s_evt_act acc_temp_teste) */ todo_cd tipoemail, name subject, email_sndr_addr remetente, evt_stat_cd status, to_char(trunc(created), 'yyyy-mm-dd') data, COUNT(1) quantidade FROM sblprod.s_evt_act WHERE created >= TO_DATE(:DATAI, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND created <= TO_DATE(:DATAF, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND todo_cd IN ('Email - Entrada','Redução de Preço','Fax - Entrada','Email - Saída') GROUP BY …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for syris

This is my first time programming anything and i'm reading the learning python book. I'm stuck at step one and very annoyed. I'm trying to run just a simple print saved program i wrote in notebook. For some reason i can't open it, ive gotten to the point where i …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

When the .request method is called, an error is happening. The page does exist, but for some reason the request is failing. Any idea as to why? [CODE]''' Created on May 29, 2009 @author: snorris4 This program will spider the repo.or.cz site for information on their open source projects, gathering …

Member Avatar for harrykokil

how do i set the input value to 150 as default? n if i enter non-integer value how can i validate it?? thanks [icode] from Tkinter import * root = Tk() lbl = Label(root, text = "Enter Number of vehicles", bg = 'blue', fg= 'white') lbl.pack() textbox = Entry(root, width="20", …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

Is it possible to separate python's syntax checker and check a string object with it? I've read through the py_compile module but it looks like syntax checking it done at a fairly low interface level. Anyone tried this before?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for billymcguffin

I was wondering if it is possible to convert audio files with python. like wma to mp3. thanks!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for harrykokil

hi guys.. i want to disable a button in tkinter (this mean i can't click on that button) for 3 seconds if the user has already clicked on that button. how can i do that?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Aestter

I've been trying all day to make an executable from python file using pygame too. I was doing okay until it got to the mixer module which is where it failed quite epically. I then searched the web a bit and came up with this as it was on the …

Member Avatar for Aestter
Member Avatar for lickettysplit

hi ive got a school assignment where i need to access data in a MySQL table, use style formatting and output it in a HTML file. Additionally, there is a frequency column that I need to use to create the style. The more frequent it is the larger the font …

Member Avatar for poeticinsanity
Member Avatar for bond00

I've been working at this for nearly a week and just don't understand why it isn't working. The code works great in Windows, but once I move it to Linux, it doesn't work. I'm basically using mechanize to login automatically to a website. The website requires cookies, however, and I …

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Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

I'm new to the forum and to web programming. I appreciate all the help thus far, and I have a couple more questions. 1. What is the purpose of HTTPconnection object? If i can get a page simply using an HTTPresponse object formed from .request("GET",URL) call? What is the difference …

Member Avatar for daviddoria

I'm just starting python and it seemed reasonable to go ahead and learn the new version. I read that numpy wont be available for python3 until at least 2010. All I need is a basic "vector", "matrix", and some basic functions like matrix/vector multiplication. Is anything like this available for …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for gujjar19

Hi, I am new to python. I am working on parsing text from a smi file . I want to extract only dialogues and want to ignore the timestamps (lines starting with <SYNC) for one case, e.g. Below is part of smi file <SAMI> <HEAD> <Title>ÁŠžñÀ» ÀûŸî ÁÖŒŒ¿ä.</Title> <Style TYPE="text/css"> …

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Member Avatar for pydude94

im a first time programmer learning python from books and so far ive learnt how to create and define functions but once ive saved them, im not sure how to call them so that i can use them. it works fine when i type in the function name but only …

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Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

I am coding a web spider for research purposes and have run into an error I am uncertain about. I am fairly new to web programming and need a bit of guidance. I use http.client to get a connection, request a site, get the response, and read the resonse into …

Member Avatar for poeticinsanity
Member Avatar for mg0959

I have written a program that is supposed to take a string via a socket connection and echo it back. This program is also run as a service. I can get a client program to connect to the service if the client program is on the same machine as the …

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Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey guys, Have been working on this tiny simple code for an hour and can't figure out how to fix it. The code does this: Reads in 3-column, tab-delimited data file Adds "1000" in the fourth column to every line Writes out the 4-column file [ICODE]def columns(infile, outfile): f = …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for harrykokil

hi guys.. hw can i reset my whole software in tkinter?? as if to restart running the software?? thanks..

Member Avatar for perksieuk

Hi everyone I have been trying to combine the data from two seperate text files into a new text file. The code works OK and no errors are produced, but at the join between the two files, a few lines of data are left out. The same happens at the …

Member Avatar for Deepak.G
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi All, I am using the .search function. [code=python] strValue="XXX" strTemp1="YYYXXX" strTemp= strTemp1.search(strValue) [/code] Python is not able to recognise the .search function. AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'search' What should I import for this? Please help!

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for mohankumar554
Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for betatype

I have a problem that I've been puzzling with so I thought it was time to ask the experts. I have two csv files that I am trying to search between. One csv has a Title column, and a URL column. The second has a variety of columns but a …

Member Avatar for betatype
Member Avatar for bhanu1225

Hello All. While making ".py" program to ".app", we need some steps to follow. [B]1. Create a setup.py file $ py2applet --make-setup MyApplication.py 2.Clean up your build directories $ rm -rf build dist 3.Development with alias mode $ python setup.py py2app -A Running your application 1.$ ./dist/MyApplication.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApplication 2.$ open -a …


The End.