15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for sibdizzle

Hello, I am fairly new to Python and starting to get it. But I am having some difficulty with pickle. I am trying to get a account program to pickle user input and to save that in a data file and then reload said info and read as input for …

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for smithsf22

Hello, I am trying to export a SELECT statement to a csv file. I have got it work like so: [CODE] for row in context.sqlTestExport(): print "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (row.ID, row.test1, row.test2, row.test3 , row.test4) RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-type","application/vnd.ms-excel") RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment;filename=SelectTest.csv") return printed[/CODE] it does return the csv file that I want. The problem is …

Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hi, I was wondering how to get around a problem I was having with eval(). I have a list of strings and each one is the name of a python file found in the same directory as the current script. I was it to import these modules to use in …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for MindControl

hi, guide me,how to make a another way to write again [CODE] a=1 c=0 d=0 b=1 num1=1 e=1 while b <1000: b=a*3 a=a+1 c=b+c while num1<994: num1=e*5 e=e+1 d=num1+d print "Here is the sum of multipile by 3 and 5 is %d"%(c+d) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for tzushky
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

How can I read data present in a large XML file using SAX parser?. I want to transfer the data from XML into tables created in MS Access. Please help. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for tzushky
Member Avatar for s_jmp

why does this code Hangs??!!! I am on Windows [CODE] from subprocess import * proc = Popen("cmd",stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE) pin = proc.stdout pin.read() [/CODE] <HANGS JUST RIGHT HERE>

Member Avatar for tzushky
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi i have been fiddling around with the wxPython GUI toolkit for a bit and i wanted one of my programs to start with the window expanded. I googled it but couldn't find an answer there so any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for inkcoder

I'm currently trying to make an address book that can store data in a .txt file. [CODE] print "Virtual Address Book" print "Austin Jackson; Project 4 : Jun 14, 2008" print " " print "1. Add New Contact Information" print "2. View Adress Book" choice = input(">") if choice == …

Member Avatar for inkcoder
Member Avatar for saskvach

this was the question on my exam the other day Which strings does regular expression r"^([^aeiou]\w)+\1$" recognize? (3 answers) "o_o-o_" "baraba" "ananas" "anasan" "-O->-O" "izgriz" im not into re at all :D, I tried to compile that expression and check for every string.. funny thing was that none was recognized.. …

Member Avatar for Fuse
Member Avatar for VelcroMan

I'm trying to use the BlueSoleil SDK with Python. To do this i use ctypes to call the BlueSoleil DLL. Here is the code: [code=python] import ctypes print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_Init() print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_StartBluetooth() print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_StartDeviceDiscovery(0,0,0) ## print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_GetInquiredDevices(None,None) [/code] The last call should return the number of active BT devices around, which …

Member Avatar for L_E_G_I_O_N

Hello. I am a relatively new python programmer, but I know my way around the language. I have decided to do some work with PyOpenGL -- I just finished a game that had to be in XNA, now I have a bit more free reign and I prefer to do …

Member Avatar for s_jmp
Member Avatar for edholden

Hi. I'm having a little difficulty understanding character sets in Python. Basically I'm trying to write a function that will substitute a non-ASCII character with a similar ASCII equivalent. So if given a string like 'ÂBÇD', the function would iterate through the string object, replacing select characters to return a …

Member Avatar for edholden
Member Avatar for cheechand

Hello, I am trying to split a word into an array For example, "airplane" becomes ['a','i','r','p','l','a','n','e'] Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

I have started to use the PyScripter IDE and really like the many features it has. However, everytime I make an error in the code, and as a beginner I make a lot of errors, it rather ungraciously exits. There must be something wrong in my settings?

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for cheechand

I am trying to compare a list of words to a dictionary to see if there are any matches. How do I do this, as diction.has_key() does not work for lists?

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for simionpetrus

can anybody help me build a function to replace certain language specific characters in a file? for example, i want to replace Ș with &#350, so it will be published correctly in a web page.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for smartdog

Heloo, i have just encountered a problem in comiling a module of a program made by python and um not experienced in it, where should i run the module, in the command prompt of windows or in the shell, i dunno wheather i post this thread in the right place, …

Member Avatar for Fuse
Member Avatar for Trenholmes

First thanks for taking the time to review my issue. I've been banging my head against a wall the last 24 hours. What I want to do is have a list of labels bound to a list of particular events. I want to be able B1-Motion from one label to …

Member Avatar for spoksss

Hello, I have a problem with calling a staticmethod from another staticmethod when I try use dictionary {} to handle. My code is very basic, but in the future I will add many other static method: [CODE] # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys class DateFormat(): """Class to format and …

Member Avatar for bvdet
Member Avatar for TheOneElectroni

Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum. By the way it's not longtime since I started learning python. After a couple o months of studying and tutorialing I'm now nearly finished with my first application. I've used Tkinter as GUI and there's one thing that's making me nervous: I want …

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Member Avatar for parmenio79

Hi All, Beginner programmer here with an easy question I hope. I want to be able to compare the value of the first item in a list to the second item in the list to see if they are sequential. so in this list: numblist = [1 , 2 , …

Member Avatar for parmenio79
Member Avatar for theOneCalledJef

I am working on making my own chat server and client, but have reached a little hiccup. The first line of text that the client send is not displayed by the server. Everything else is, just not the first line. Client [code=python] import socket uname = raw_input('username:> ') uname = …

Member Avatar for tac
Member Avatar for preyan

Am trying out the eric ide for python Am not sure how to enable the "." function in the editor i.e when i do >>> import os >>> os. It must list me the contents that can be used against the os module I tried the autocomplete calluptips nothing worked …

Member Avatar for preyan
Member Avatar for HowardR

Let me preface this by saying that I am not very skilled with computers. With that said... I have written a fairly simple python script that accesses a webpage and downloads some text before writing it to an outside .txt file. The webpage is constantly changing and I would like …

Member Avatar for eibwen
Member Avatar for atsuko

Hi all, I am trying to write float numbers in a file. But it gave me an error "argument 1 must be string or read only character not float" then i change it to xyz = 0.9878 text = f.write(str(xyz)) now the error is .. 'str' object is not callable" …

Member Avatar for atsuko
Member Avatar for linux

Is there any way for someone to, using PyGame or SDL, to do, say: [code]00000000 01222100 01112110 01112110 01111110 00000000[/code] And have it display the 0's as a water tile (10x10), the 1's as a grass tile (10x10), and the 2's as a rock tile (10x10)? As to make maps …

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Member Avatar for ms_melagiri

Hi all, I'm trying to run 'svn update' on a given directory as a subprocess in python. I need to redirect the output of this process (svn update) to a file called updste.txt. And if 'svn update' fails, I'm trying to send out a mail to myself with the file …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for jesouhaite08

I created an exe of my application. When I click on it on my computer, it already has built in for it launch the server and open the site, and it works. When I put it on a drive where other computers in the office I work in can use …

Member Avatar for elhallouf

hey all. I am trying to assign unique IDs to a list of strings I get from a file Let's say my list (list.txt) is: [CODE] Shoes from Italy 1 Shirts made in Japan Shoes from Italy 2 Shirts made in France Boots made in United Kingdom Socks [/CODE] I …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for inkcoder

Hello Everyone! I am new to Python, this is my second project. I am trying to make a program that will take a users input and then output the words into the format where A = 1, B = 2, C =3 ... and so on. I want to start …

Member Avatar for a1eio

The End.