I want to make use of GitHub-programs, and so I downloaded a bunch of Python-tools. When I run this command in "Python 3.12", which looks like CMD to me, I get a syntax error.
"To create a virtual environment, Python supplies a built in venv module which provides the basic functionality needed for the virtual environment. Running the command below will create a virtual environment named "openai-env" inside the current folder you have selected in your terminal / command line: python -m venv openai-env"
The instructions said nothing about how to "select" a folder, and I have no idea how to do that, so maybe that´s what´s going on. It says it´s included in the program, so..
Any clue?
If you know of a good guide to this whole, general question of using Github-programs, that would be much appreciated. As I gather, it´s entire programs sometimes, sometimes just scripts, and sometimes just modules or snippets of code. How to put a general framework together would be awesome to learn, the dream being to have like a "test-program", as in a blank program with basic stuff in place, like a file menu on the top, keyboard and mouse-compatibility, and stuff like that; a program that looks just like a normal Windows-program, only you can put stuff in it. A GUI? Is that what it is? I guess the more relevant question is; is there a GUI like this that I can put in a website? Some sort of template code that you can shimmy into HTML ?