15,192 Topics
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Just trying to make pickle work, but when I load the file the dictiionary is still empty. It's an addressbook, with the dictionary keys being names, and values being numbers {N:NUM} I've programmed pickle to save it to a file with a user specified name, and it does so. I … | |
Hi all My first time with this forum:). I'm running python 2.4.4 and unicode enabled wxPython on Windows XP. I'm writing a gui application which requires users to be able to type accented characters easily into a TextCtr. To this end I have built a set of tools on a … | |
I want to write a flash player by using python,can someone help me . Thanks a lot. | |
O.K. This is what I have changed in my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread65045.html#"]program[/URL]: import string import math class Student: def __init__(self, name, hours, qpoints): self.name = name self.hours = float(hours) self.qpoints = float(qpoints) def getName(self): return self.name def getHours(self): return self.hours def getQpoints(self): return self.qpoints def gpa(self): return self.qpoints/self.hours def addLetterGrade(self, LetterGrade, credits): … | |
Hi all, In the never-ending quest to master Tkinter, I wrote a small version of Notepad. Here is my "SaveAs" function: [php] def save_as(): if not mainw.filename: mainw.filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Save As...", filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),("Text Files","*.txt")]) if not mainw.filename: return f = open(mainw.filename, "w") s = mainw.frame.edit.get("1.0",END) f.write(s) f.close() [/php] As you … | |
Hi, I need help please. At first I was understanding the Python language but I got lost somewhere along the line. Can someone please guide me through implementing an addLetterGrade method? I am not very good with computers and I am having a very hard time. This is my first … | |
[php] import random availableCountries = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] firstTurnsCountries = [] secondTurnsCountries = [] def countryDivider(countryNum): counter = 0 while True: if counter == 8: break num = 7 if num > 0: countryToAdd = random.randint(0,num) if num == 0: countryToAdd = 0 if counter … | |
I like to create a database of common chemicals with Python. How would I go about that? Any help welcome! | |
This came up on Chris99's bus ticket program thread. Would like to see any simple examples on how to pass variables between classes without using global variables. | |
python 2.4.1 mySQLdb 1.2.0 kernel 2.6.12 Hi, How can I make the following statement so I can search for any string? Right now I need to input at runtime %whatever I'm looking for% between % signs to get all records matching that query. I want to have this statement set … | |
I am horribly (obssesed?) with writing a visually appealing game (simple) in python. My text adventures didn't appeal to my aufience (family), so I was looking at a tut on making a pac man clone, supposed to be line by line, it seemes choppy. Any ways, here is the code. … | |
I was wondering, if I wanted to attempt an ANSII dos game in Python, what would be the best way to do it? I would like to know how I would run it, i.e., would it run in the Python Interactive shell or could a make it run in dos? … | |
I have been working on a GUI-based program using Tkinter; it is coming along nicely and I am very pleased with the results. I am at a point where I am trying to attempt a graphic manipulation of the GUI canvas. I have researched this but I am unsure what … | |
As you can see, I am playing around with the Tkinter GUI toolkit. How can I keep a number of widgets fixed in a location even when the user expands the window? | |
I am writing a small Python program for the use in our departments stockroom. This is what I have come up with (just starting): [php]# table of chemicals in stockroom # order --> stock number, chemical name, quantity (grams) # short version of the table table = [ ['ud-99137', 'm-chlorobenzoic … | |
Hello! I am working nowadays at a little script that reads mail (gmail).Nothing fancy here.The only problem is that i want to check if pop is enabled and if not to enable it from my python script. Do you know some way[s] to do that?I've tried googling but all i … | |
**[I]Note: This may not be the correct forum for this post; I posted here as I thought it may be related in at least an indirect way. Please move if necessary.[/I] I have never knowingly worked on any projects where I had to attempt to extend a language. I hear … | |
Hello! In Visual Basic, there is a piece of code that can be used to see if a command starts with a certain text. For example, if I had a textbox, and I wanted to see if the user had started it with an "A" then I would use (not … | |
Is there a way to make a Tkinter GUI window that the user can not change the size of? | |
when i say basic i mean basic it doesnt store the encrypted string in a file or anything it just prints out what it would be and all i intend it to do is swap a for b, b for c and so on then turn the string round backwards … | |
Concerning Python Indentation Syntax: I have researched this and read some reasoning behind indentation-level enforcement. My question is: does this exist simply to ensure consistency when dealing with nested statements, a precaution against sloppy composition of code? I am not complaining about this, and actually I somewhat like this, but … | |
I have been working on a somewhat small Python GUI for a few weeks now primarily focusing on the GUI and not giving much in-depth thought to the logic of what is to be a simple card game. I assumed the logic to be in my head and in general … | |
So the Text Adventure is lost. ;-;. I am working on a GUI to take a starting point and a destination input by the user, and scan a file to find a match for both. If it finds a match for Variable A + B then it will assign variable … | |
I am writing a small tkinter-app involving user keyboard-input, and want to control the range of acceptable input-characters. I'm currently using an Entry-widget, but haven't been able to access the individual characters AS THEY ARE ENTERED. What I (think I:confused:) need is somthing like the 'command=' option (as in the … | |
I am trying code a single button that will fire two commands, that is, it will open two image files with one button selection. I have researched this and have not found much directly related to this question; what I found was to use a def within a def, thus … ![]() | |
Hi, I have a small python program with e-mail capabilities that I have pieced together from code snippets found on the internet. The program uses the smtplib module to successfully send an e-mail with an attachment. I want to give users an indication of the percentage of the e-mail that … | |
sharky_machine Offline Posting Whiz in Training Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: New York City Posts: 253 Rep Power: Re: Starting Python Today, 1:41 pm | Add to sharky_machine's Reputation | Add Infraction | Flag Bad Post | IP | #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegaseat: I have been reviewing this code you had … | |
hi friends, help me in regarding , making a "setup " using py2exe, actually my project contains ( dlls,libs,and icons,sip file) so how can i wirte a steup for the project for example my pj name is : " manukumar " it cotains : m1.py,m2.py,m3.py etc files and it contains:: … | |
hey guys, I'm almost done with my newest project (PythonCMS) pretty much a simple, personal, python-based version of dreamweaver;) anyway, I can build webpages with it upload images, media, updates, anything like that. but what I"m trying to get to work now is something that will resize an image to … |
The End.