15,190 Topics
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It is very annoying, I have typed it as best I can, but option 2 doesn't work. Option 1 is to take the test in Test.py, option 9 is to quit, and option 2 is supposed to print all the questions and answers. This is the code: [CODE]true = 1 … | |
Need help. How do I fix this code? [CODE]max_points = [25,25,50,25,100] assignments = ["hw ch 1","hw ch 2","quiz ","hw ch 3","test"] students = {"#Max":max_points} def print_menu(): print "1. Add student" print "2. Remove student" print "3. Print grades" print "4. Record grade" print "5. Save Students" print "6. Load Students" … | |
A friend of mine just introduced me to the Eclipse IDE, which may or may not end up replacing IDLE for me. Anyway, one of the features of Eclipse is error warnings as the code is *displayed*, rather than waiting for errors to pop up at runtime. This code got … | |
I have a problem: How to insert raise in Text()? for example i have file: [code] #my_program.py a=ddd [/code] and other file: [code] #my_file.py: from Tkinter import* root=Tk() text=Text() text.pack() execfile('my_program.py') #text.insert(END,raise) mainloop() [/code] In file my_program is Error. How to insert raise of this error in Text? thanks | |
I have a dictionary defined say D, I also have initialized it. When I say len(D), some time it gives me correct answer, but some times it throws me error saying [I]UnboundLocalError: local variable 'len' referenced before assignment[/I] can anybody tell me why is this error. Am I wrong some … | |
What does connection.conv() means? I know that connection.conv() - set type conversion options between MySQL and Python but How to implement this in python Vinay | |
What is a closure? I keep reading this word in programming, but never got a good explanation. | |
I have tweaked this program but not sure additions I made are correct and also need some help in making some additions. I want to make sure the program can track the dates of all the types of transactions within the program also having a loop involved so someon can … | |
I'm befuddled by something. Here is transcript of the interactive session: [code] >>> range(9).remove(3) >>> >>> print range(9).remove(3) None >>> a = range(9).remove(3) >>> a >>> a = range(9) >>> a [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] >>> a.remove(3) >>> a [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, … | |
I have made a program that does the rolling for you for the board game "Risk" I even made it tell only the attackers top two rolled and it says the attacks and defenders rolled in order of highest to lowest. But I need it to say who has to … | |
hi everybody i m lekshmi i m using python for web design i want to know hw we creaye sessions in python like in jsp nd all | |
Could anybody tell me the difference between Dispatch and DispatchEx. I am new to python and extremely confused about the usage of the two methods. | |
is there anyway to clear the screen like if you are using cmd prompt?? yes i kno im a noob but any help would be greatly appreciated | |
Below is a working program that goes through the xml document and outputs all of the data to an output file. That part is fine, but what I need help with is that the tagname Comments: in the xml document will have the word Patch* in it. I need to … | |
Hi, this is my first post. I'm pretty new to python. I used it a bit in my summer research, and I wanted to apply it to my current situation. I'm trying to figure out a way to best assign chores in a 23-person frat house. I wanted to assign … | |
I had a problem in connecting to remote MySQL server, which is being firewall protected. I searched in Internet to find possible solution, I found, I have to use port forwarding using SSH command, and I am using WinXP. But unfortunately, SSH command is not there in Windows. I used … | |
I would like to read a html file that has asian encoding (gb2312), then extract the specific strings and then copy them into a new html file. But when i try to read the html file, i get gibberish. Im using Python 2.4.3 and i know it supports gb2312 but … | |
Hi, I'm still trying to straighten out Tk in my mind. :eek: What I want to do is, under certain circumstances, completely clear the screen and display something new. Instead, it displays the new stuff together with the old. Here's excerpts from the code, with the offending line marked with … | |
Hi all, I am working on a problem that should have been very trivial but has turned into a multiple marathon without an end in sight. I have written two very small scripts, one auxiliary script as below with two classes 'Node' and 'Queue' intended for use in a linked … | |
This is a repost coded for everyone to read a little easier. I created this program for my daughter to use but I want the program to retain information on questions/answers and not have to start over every time program is started. [code] # questor.py # define some constants for … | |
How to execute the code written in a .py file. I wanted to know the exact command to be used. Is it executeFile("File.py")? | |
I created a program for my daughter and its a little rough around the edges. I need to make some improvements to it but stuck. I want it to be able to save input data and be able to load it back in so every time you start the program … | |
Does anyone have a good example of a wx.FlexGridSizer() application. | |
Is there a way to verify an exit, if you click on the exit symbol on a wxPython frame? | |
I have a simple program started and need help enhancing it and making it a more realistic database tool giving easy entry and retrieval. import shelve import string UNKNOWN = 0 HOME = 1 WORK = 2 FAX = 3 CELL = 4 class phoneentry: def __init__(self, name = 'Unknown', … | |
Hi All, I have an algorithm on the server. I want the algortihm to perform calculations based upon the data which is stored from a database to nested lists before the algorithm is run. Is there anyway of keeping the program running without any need of retrieving the data from … | |
hi, This is my problem i have programmed a little word unscrambler i have a file wordlist.txt in my python folder and this program works just fine and unscrambles one word at a time but i dont how how to edit it to make it unscramble 10 words at a … | |
I would like to extract the header info from an image file. For example I would like to search for the key "LINES" and return "2240" as string. And should I use open("r") or open("b") since im only interested in the header. Header: [inlinecode] BANDS = 1 BAND_STORAGE_TYPE = BAND_SEQUENTIAL … | |
I am not able to connect to remote MySQL server, using MySQLdb package. I have enough permission on remote machine with all rights set to 'Y' and Host field of USER table in mysql database has a value '%', which allows remote login. I tried using Navicat which requires me … |
The End.