15,192 Topics
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anyone have any idea? i need some suggestion urgently :sad: | |
Hi All, I want to remove a substring from a string without any additional tabs/returns in the output string. Is there any method availaible or how can I do it. For the ease, I am giving an example: [code] mainstr =""" ${if:isLeaf} Dont include this isLeaf=True ${/if:isLeaf} ${if:isStatic} include this … | |
Is it possible to limit the size of list in python. I want to make list of 5 elements. How can I achieve this thing in python. And one more thing can we declare list to store elements of same type as in c, C++ we can declare an array … | |
Hi everybody, I want to get the start and end of all the patterns mattched in regex. I know I can get it with start() and end() fn of matched objects. But re.search() return the match object of first matching regex in the string. I want all match objects in … | |
Is this correct? How do i fix the error? [CODE]for i in range(10): for j in range(10): if(list[i] != alpha[j])[/CODE] | |
A client just asked me to find him 2 F/T Python Programmers for their Orem, Utah office. I haven't gotten the tech specs yet, but I figured I'd get a jump on the gun and get some people prior to receiving specs. So if anyone is interested, please send me … | |
To process my data files I need whitespaces between all characters in a string, to be written to a text file. Is there a simple Pythonfunction to solve this? | |
Python itself has xml parsers and dom support. So if we install PyXml what additional features or advantage we get on using pyxml. Why should I use PyXml? Anyone please provide the briefing. | |
Trying to get pypod working, and being stuck with "Umlaut" like öäü in filenames (linux) - linux suse 9.3 with iPod patch from Sven Andersen (kaputtendorf) - filenämes.mp3 have umlaut - with much cheeting (explicit translation), I got char>128 translated into unicode (e.g. "ä"=ascii=132, unicode=228) and actually written onto iPod's … | |
Hi there, Here is a (hopefully) convenient description of my situation: - I have a main folder, containing several subfolders. - Every (sub)folder contains one or more .xls - Workbooks. - Every Workbook contains one or more different Spreadsheets. - The workbooks contain some cells which have Hyperlink addresses to … | |
I was working on a python project that was open source and had some questions about a problem I am having. Some background: I am proficient with Java and C++, so I know how to code, however this is my first attempt at Python. Using windows, and have python 2.4 … | |
I can do a control loop like this in C++ [CODE]int case =0; while( case<0 && case>20){}[/CODE] How am i suppose to implement this in Python? I didn't get any errors if i wrote this, the problem is it doesn't enter the while loop when case<0 and case>5 [CODE] while … | |
Do anyone know why i got this error ? Do i have to import anything in order to use string.lower() & string.upper() ? [CODE][color=RED]sentence = "how are you" newS = string.lower(sentence) NameError: name 'string' is not defined[/CODE][/color] | |
Hello friends, I just want to say that last week a got a job. Since I'm electrical engineer I got job in nearby Thermal power plant. Now, I don't have spare time anymore as I used to have, and I guess it's time to quit my hobbies. Sometimes I'll be … | |
# Other field creations here.... self.Sfield1 = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_SEARCHBROWSERSFIELD1, name=u'Sfield1', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(144, 80), size=wx.Size(216, 21), style=0, value=u'') self.Sfield1.SetToolTipString(u'') self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_SEARCHBROWSERSTATICTEXT1, label=u'Customer N\xb0', name='staticText1', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(32, 80), size=wx.Size(83, 16), style=0) self.staticText1.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) self.staticText1.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, u'Verdana')) self.staticText1.SetToolTipString(u'') self.staticText1.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 128)) [B] self.Sfield1.SetFocus()[/B] [B]Why isn't the focus set to … | |
I have a very simple plugin I wrote for freevo. below is the plugin. it will shutdown your computer after your avi file has finished playing, kind of like a sleep timer. [code] #!/usr/bin/env python import os import time import commands import thread import plugin from gui.PopupBox import PopupBox from … | |
I'm new to Boa constructor (not to Python) and seem to have a litle problem. It looks to me as Boa creates the focus order in the same order as you create visualy your form. If that is the case, what do you do when you forgot a control and … | |
Little, by little my calculator is getting a look I want. However, I find that using Tkinter is not very intuitive, and i cannot find detail documentation. have a look at this [code] # menu-example-2.py #from Tkinter import * #root = Tk() #def hello(): #print "hello!" ## create a toplevel … | |
Hello... I'm using glade on linux platform, and i've bumped into a problem with Gtk.Image... When i'm using an image in glade, the xml glade file that's created does not contain the library path of the image, and that results in errors printed to the screen when running the application. … | |
I am not sure if any of you use a pvr. Linux offers some good choices. One of the choices is freevo, it is fully implemented in python. Of cource it uses tools like mplayer(video player) and others that are written in c/c++ . I wrote python script that makes … | |
Hello everyone..! I'm having a problem with gtk.ListStore class, while i'm trying to insert values into it. It seems that after I create the class object and use each one of the functions which responsible for values insertion (insert, append, prepend etc...), the only value that gets inserted to the … | |
Hello people! does anyone know in what way can you edit a default value inside a gtk.ComboBox? | |
Hey! Does anyone know how can i read the "sensitive" property of a gtk.Widget?? It seems that it only has a set_sensitive method, but has no way to retrieve that property... any suggestions?? | |
JOB: Telecommute Python Programmer - IMMEDIATE NEED Please see [url]www.superiorss.com/jobs.htm[/url] ---- Python, Zope, and Plone Jobs [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pythonzopejobs[/url] | |
I am trying to use distutils to install a pyhon module. below is an idea of the code I want to use [code] #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup setup(name="freevo_cropit", version="0.1", description="A Freevo plugin for wirting mplayer config files", author="me", author_email="shane@test.com", url="http://test.com", py_modules=['cropit.py']) [/code] I have the cropit.py module in … | |
Hello, I start learning Python GUI using Tkinter as IDE I'm using wing IDE 2.0.3 trial. I'm using Tkinter mainly because of very good debugger. Belive it or not I get exception in this code: [code] from Tkinter import * root = Tk ( ) my_container = Frame ( root … | |
Hi, folks I'm really having a bad time learning Tkinter. I started this morning and it was gooing pretty wel, but I cam accross this problem. How to make application windows of fixed size i.e. maximize button in the title bar is disabled? And also is there any way to … | |
What is the easiest way of installing wxPython on Mandriva LE 2005 ? I have tried it several times but didn't worked. ( I am not a Linux guru ). I just want to see if the simple programs I've made runs on linux to. Also tried Kubuntu but tha … | |
I wonder it it is possiblibe to write function to swap two variables like in C [code] void swap (int* x, int*y) { int temp; temp = *x; *x=*y; *y = temp; } [/code] I already tried with soemthing like this: [code] def swap (x, y): tmp = x x … | |
I am trying things with wxStaticText (a label). I can chnage background colour, but not the text colour: [code]import wx class MyPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) str1 = "Camembert cheese is the best!" self.label1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str1 , wx.Point(15, 30)) self.label2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str1 , … |
The End.