15,170 Topics

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Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hey! Does anyone know how can i read the "sensitive" property of a gtk.Widget?? It seems that it only has a set_sensitive method, but has no way to retrieve that property... any suggestions??

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for superiorss

JOB: Telecommute Python Programmer - IMMEDIATE NEED Please see [url]www.superiorss.com/jobs.htm[/url] ---- Python, Zope, and Plone Jobs [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pythonzopejobs[/url]

Member Avatar for shanenin

I am trying to use distutils to install a pyhon module. below is an idea of the code I want to use [code] #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup setup(name="freevo_cropit", version="0.1", description="A Freevo plugin for wirting mplayer config files", author="me", author_email="shane@test.com", url="http://test.com", py_modules=['cropit.py']) [/code] I have the cropit.py module in …

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Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I start learning Python GUI using Tkinter as IDE I'm using wing IDE 2.0.3 trial. I'm using Tkinter mainly because of very good debugger. Belive it or not I get exception in this code: [code] from Tkinter import * root = Tk ( ) my_container = Frame ( root …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for Micko

Hi, folks I'm really having a bad time learning Tkinter. I started this morning and it was gooing pretty wel, but I cam accross this problem. How to make application windows of fixed size i.e. maximize button in the title bar is disabled? And also is there any way to …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for PKort

What is the easiest way of installing wxPython on Mandriva LE 2005 ? I have tried it several times but didn't worked. ( I am not a Linux guru ). I just want to see if the simple programs I've made runs on linux to. Also tried Kubuntu but tha …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for Micko

I wonder it it is possiblibe to write function to swap two variables like in C [code] void swap (int* x, int*y) { int temp; temp = *x; *x=*y; *y = temp; } [/code] I already tried with soemthing like this: [code] def swap (x, y): tmp = x x …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I am trying things with wxStaticText (a label). I can chnage background colour, but not the text colour: [code]import wx class MyPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) str1 = "Camembert cheese is the best!" self.label1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str1 , wx.Point(15, 30)) self.label2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str1 , …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for danizzil14

I am using Tkinter as my gui programming addon for python but i think it would be better to lean something else.... do you know where there are any good pyWin32 or wxPython tutortials? Help is apprecaited. :cheesy:

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for leb

I need help in creating a python program that plays MP3s, using the [URL=http://www.pygame.org/news.html]PyGame[/URL] package to play both MIDI files, and Ogg Vorbis files. Using a menu that would look something like this: 1. Go to new music directory. 2. Play a song or playlist. 3. Stop music. 4. Create …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

The Internet has many animated GIF files, they are funny to watch. Does Python have a way to play those? I am asking to much?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

A somewhat strange find in the Pyton Code Snippets here on this site. Is the BOO language very much like Python? It seems nice that one can compile and interpret the same language. Will it be worth to translate Python code to BOO just to get a nice small exe …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I did find the Python code snippet on PMIDI module here. It works fine and I have made some interesting sounds with it. Is there way to save this as sound file?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for xav.vijay

Hai friends I have a some trouble in running a 3rd party program. This 3rd party program actually takes one file as input & does some processing on it and creates an output in a different folder with the same name, but with different file extention. I do it manually …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for shanenin

I wrote a python script that checks for new media on my windows box, if it is new it copys it over to my standalone freevo jukebox. Below is a small part of the script that does the actually copying [code] source = "/mnt/samba/%s" %i destination = "/mnt/media/movies" print "copying …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for danizzil14

Ok I was wondering if anyone could help me with how to make a python program interact with files. Copying, pasting, moving, things like that, opening. If it cant really be discussed quicky are there any good tutorials? Mainly a organinzing python program.(looks for a certain file extention, then moves …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for danizzil14

Ok, Im still really shaky w/useing python with other programs. So here is my question, is it possible to create just a very small program that grabs my IP adress, copys it, and then sends it to certain IM buddys? The reason I am asking this is beacause my friends …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hey.. Does anyone know what libraries are needed for using GnomeDruid class (and other Gnome classes), and where can i download these libraries? Thanks!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Riptide-X-

I have this function that takes info from two lists, and produces a list that shows their values in ... non interger form (0.8). I'm calling this function in a for loop, and this function gets repeated 20 times, pulling different info each time. This function works just fine, and …

Member Avatar for mawe
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Is there a function in wxPython or anything that can creat a variable frequency sounds?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for c_shaft05

I'm working on some python programming and I need some help as to how to double the size of a picture using the image module.... any ideas?!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I want to creat file with each line having date + time + data so I can append more data as need be and know when it was added. What date+time function would be best?

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I have run the slider demo that come with wxPython docs. It is rather stupid, as it puts slider on a panel using many unexplained numbers, never tells how to get position of slider or what to do next if the slider is moved. I am much lost, does anyone …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for shanenin

I noticed I have two versions of wxPython installed on my linux system. I found a way to choose which version you want to import [code] #!/usr/bin/env python import wxversion wxversion.select('2.6') [/code]

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for Riptide-X-

I'm very new to python, but am having mighty issues. I was wondering if someoen could help me out. I need to write a simple program that will draw an X whos size is specified by the user. So five would look like this (5 spaces across, and 5 down): …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for shanenin

when I try and run boa-constuctorI am getting this error. Any suggestions to solve this. [code] C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u "C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/wxPython/tools/boa/Boa.py" Starting Boa Constructor v0.2.3 importing wxPython reading user preferences Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/wxPython/tools/boa/Boa.py", line 214, in ? import Preferences, About, Utils File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Preferences.py", line 151, in ? screenWidth …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I can not figure out the order of dictionary keys, they seemed not to be sorted. Any insight?

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Okay I have copy and pasted the code from the tutorial on the jpg image [url]http://daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread33791.html[/url] onto my IDE editor. This time no problem with indents! Now I need to know how to instal required wxPython. I have Windows XP, also Python 2.4. Where do I best get free wxPython …

Member Avatar for wally_lawless
Member Avatar for G-Do

Hi all, I just added a clustering module to the code snippets. There are classes for modeling points and clusters of points, as well as two point-clustering functions - one is an implementation of the k-means algorithm, which I believe I posted earlier this year, and the other is an …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for a1eio

How do i access or call system commands (can't really think of a better thing to call em???) for example on explorer you can right click on an object and select eject, or format ect ect (mainly eject is what i want to know about) any help would be greatly …

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The End.