15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ene Uran

Couldn't sleep last night, so I was browsing and found the "Starting Python" thingy. I must say Python looks interesting from the examples. I learned C++ in school, Python sure looks easier to understand. Does any one think it's better than C++?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Python is relatively new to me. I have mostly programmed in C and C++. I read that Python has a good build-in debugger, but I can not understand the information in the reference manual. Can anybody please give an actual commented example how this works.

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for Avner .H.

hello fellows, I seem to have a little problem: I tried to use the function getattr([I]object[/I], [I]attribute[/I]) with two strings which is being read from a xml file as arguments, and seem to have a problem with sending the first one as a string. the function thinks that the string …

Member Avatar for kerumai
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I have read vegaseat's "Projects for the Beginner" sticky and got really interrested in the eqaution solver for physics or mathematics problem. I just need a little Python hint how to get this started.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for CutCrusader

Thanks a lot for the help on my last question. I have another problem that I need help with. I need to generate the check digit for an ISBN number. Like if the input is 076372339 the function should return 8. To find the check digit, which is the last …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I know Python has adopted Java's decorator, but I can not make much sense from the reference manual example. It would be nice if soemone could give a good example of the implimentation of a Python function decorator.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for CutCrusader

alright, I'm new to this community and I have been reading the beginners posts, and I am still having trouble. I need to design a function for a class. It needs to convert decimal numbers to base 16. So for example if the input is 705083, then the function should …

Member Avatar for CutCrusader
Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hello beautiful people..! i need a way to run a python program from another one... does anyone know what is the best way to call a process which runs another program in python, and when running that child process, causing the parent process to continue without waiting for the child …

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for shanenin

I want to make a small backup script to copy files to cdr. Are there any python modules that can accomplish this?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I've been experimenting with different Python IDEs since I started to learn Python. I must say that WingIDE is the best I tried, but unfortunately it's not free and that 10 minutes use is killing me. So I decide to write my Python programs in DrPython which was recommended …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I'm trying to execute this simple code: [code] class Person: population = 0 def __init__(self, name): print 'Creating % s peron' % name self.name = name Person.population += 1 def __del__(self): print 'Destroying %s person' % self.name Person.population -= 1 prvi = Person('Asimi') drugi = Person('Mici') [/code] I'm using …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Rete

Hi, I've been trying to make a really simple word unscrambler, that takes a scrambled word, and then compares it to a txt file filled with words. The problem I'm getting, is that I'm trying to only read the first word of each line, and if it finds the word, …

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for G-Do

Here's a cute little encipher/decipher program with a Tkinter GUI I wrote a while back. It's an implementation of a derivative of the Vigenere algorithm; the algorithm is taken from Laurence Smith's [U]Cryptography: The Science of Secret Writing[/U], Amazon link [URL=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/048620247X/qid=1125004078/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-6170856-3267319?v=glance&s=books&n=507846]here[/URL]. It's a dated book (and the technique itself is …

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for mccarthp

Hello, I am new to Python and I am just starting to figure things out but this one has me stumped. I need to capture the exit code of my processes in order to track them in a database. I have all the other components working except this. In DOS …

Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I've downloaded PythonWin as a better IDE for writing Python code. I came across an interesting issue (as vegaseat pointed out) When I try to write this sentence in my native language "Ja sam

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for a1eio

I want to read everything from a file using python. the one problem i am having (note: EVERYTHING from a file) is that python is returning an EOFError when i know that it's not the end of the file, is there any way to just read the damn thing till …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for cleblanc

I'm completely new to python and really need help with this. I have written this basic cash fund program that allows a person to withdraw, deposit, and receive a balance from it. But now I need to now add email capabilities, by setting up a database (or list) of account …

Member Avatar for cleblanc
Member Avatar for nephish

Hey there, i have a simple question about getting a script to do two things at once. like this. for i in range(100): print i time.sleep(.2) if i == 15: os.system('python /home/me/ipupdate.py') print 'done' when i run this, it stops at 15 and runs the script called out in the …

Member Avatar for nephish
Member Avatar for xav.vijay

Hai Friends This is my first post to this forum. I am new to Python but I find its quite interesting. I have a problem with the folowing code... ########################## import telnetlib import sys HOST = "" USER = "somename" PASSWORD = "somepassword" telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST) telnet.read_until("login: ") telnet.write(USER + …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for nephish

i have an interesting project at work going on. here is the challenge. i am using the serial module to read data from a serial input. it comes in as a hex. i need to make it a binary and compare it bit by bit to another byte. They have …

Member Avatar for nephish
Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hello! I need some help... I parsed an xml file using the minidom.parse method, but when i printed the document object to the screen (using toxml() function), i noticed that the parser automatically replaced my " (inverted commas) chars into ' chars. for example : <Father_Tag> <Son_Tag title=' "Son" '> …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Micko

Hi, I wonder if you can give me any advice how to learn Python. My plan is to read python tutorial in documentation from begining to the end, and then to get some book (learning Python, or Python in a nutshell). How long it will take (in average) to get …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I've just started to learn Python. I have two questions: 1. Is there any way to set up default folder for Python files (that Atest from introductionary example)? 2. can you suggest any good Python IDE (existing is OK, but I have a fealing that I'm working in ordinary …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for mccarthp

I have a script that is called by a batch file. Whether or not the script completes successfully the batch file continues. I need to know the results of the script. Is there a way to open an IE session, and call a CF page that I can pass an …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shanenin

I would like to write good code, it is so east to start writing crap. Is the following bad. lets say I have the following code [code] testvar = 5 def test(testvar): print testvar test(testvar)[/code] is it a bad practice to use the name of a variable or function in …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for peaceofmind

hi I have this source [code] env = {} env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''+self.version_string() env['SERVER_NAME'] = self.server.server_name env['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] = 'CGI/1.1' env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.protocol_version env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.server.server_port) env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = self.command uqrest = urllib.unquote(rest) env['PATH_INFO'] = uqrest env['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = self.translate_path(uqrest) env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = scriptname [/code] how I can print arrays in this format [code] [HTTP_GET_VARS] …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for peaceofmind

hi I have a problem with this source code [code] #fi, fo = os.popen2('c:/python24/python.exe C:/AppServ/webserver/www/index.pyw') #fi, fo = os.popen2('c:/Perl/bin/perl.exe C:/AppServ/webserver/www/wwwp.pl') fi, fo = os.popen2('c:/appserv/php/php.exe C:/AppServ/webserver/www/wphp.php') data = self.rfile.read(nbytes) fi.write(data) fi.close() shutil.copyfileobj(fo, self.wfile) sts = fo.close() [/code] when I try with python or perl it works but with php not. first …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for peaceofmind

hi :) i have problem with opening ".py" files in my web server this is the source code: [code] import string,cgi,time from os import curdir, sep from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: if self.path.endswith(".html"): f = open(curdir + sep + self.path) #self.path /index.html self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') …

Member Avatar for peaceofmind
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, I've just read thread why I should lear python and I must admit that I'm very interestwed to learn oppython myself. i have experience with C and C++ programming language. If I understood corectly Python is an interpreted language. What is advantage of interepreted languages (if there are any)? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The End.