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Member Avatar for wally_lawless

Hey everybody, first new thread for me on this forum. Just noticed that there's no posts here involving wxPython, I'm just curious to hear if anybody knows why that might be? Anyway, I've got some projects in the works that use it and I'll be happy to post some code …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I have read the tutorial about Python and JPEG here, but there si no mention about showing the actual picture!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

[B]Intro[/B] In part 1 we learned mostly about the header of the JPEG file. In this part we get to display the image and also extract and show any embedded comments. [B]wxPython[/B] To display the image we use wxPython. The raw JPEG image information is first pushed into a data …

Member Avatar for plazmo

i know it is possible to use python with c/c++ but can python be used similairly with c#/vb?

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Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for TheSkunkMan

sorry about my post on pygame, but i'm having more trouble. frist off im ending the simple program that opens a window with if event.type == QUIT: raise SystemExit That makes a window pop up asking me if i want to quit. Is there another way to exit the window? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shanenin

I was helping my 6 year old read some sentenses he learned in school. for example: the dog is on skates the bird is on a plane the pig rides the horse I noticed he was not really reading(kind of) the individual words, he had the whole sentenses memorized. When …

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Member Avatar for vanitha

hi everybody :) , Python is relatively new to me and i have installed python 2.4 and am not able to use IDLE(to run the modules) that comes along with python. can anyone help me out with this. Regards, vanitha

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Is there a ways to merge two similar dictionaries, and what happens if the key words clash?

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for jchang

I built a function as following [code] def IsExists(fxfcustid): #global noduplicates db = db_connect("triumph","freight","vcpdb") cursor = db2.cursor() #************************************************************************* #*** Query to get entries made by the person acessing the system *** #************************************************************************* sql = '''select count(*) from triumph.fxf_salescontest_entry where fxf_acct_nbr = %(fxfcustid)s) and (delete_flag is null or delete_flag not in …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for georgerohith

Hi All I have created created executable of Helloworld.py using McMillan Installer on Fedora core 3. It is working fine on Fedora core3. when i try to execute it on fedora core 2 it gives an error "segmentation fault" plese any one can help me why is it like so. …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for john_27

Hi all, I am a newbie to python and am not sure,what i am doing is correct or not ,i wanna call c function from within python. i have my python program as: [code] import DLL if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(1,6): DLL.RECEIVE_FROM_IL_S(10,50) [/code] here RECEIVE_FROM_IL_S() is c …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for qwester

Hello, I'm having trouble with a project that I am doing in turtle graphics. I'm making a graphic of a soccer field with a ball bouncing around, but I want the ball to stop when it hits the net. I can get the ball to stop when it hits the …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for TheSkunkMan

Ive been trying to make a game recently but all pygame windows freeze. i have to use the Task Manager to exit. I also have to use it to exit a fullscreen too. All im doing in my code is opening a blank screen. How can i fix that?

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Member Avatar for Jackiemonster

I have a project to do for my CMPT 120 Class. And it's using basic python coding. I'm trying to write my name out with block letters. 'JAX' I need to use for loops and i'm stuck on my X here's the code for it [code] def x(n): t3=turtle.Pen() t3.left(60) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for SpacePony

I am trying to access some of Adobe Acrobat 7.0's methods using win32com. The IAC reference manual ([url]http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACReference.pdf[/url]) tells me that the methods I want are in AxAcroPDFLib but I'm having trouble determining which type library I need to load to get access to AxAcroPDFLib. I'm able to get access …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay

Hai friends I have a small problem with my code... I want to copy an existing file (its a model MS Excel file) to a new file & name it with the current date... First I tried to create the model Excel file, but when I opened it, it had …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Does Python have something like peek(memory) and poke(memory) of other languages that read and write to memory addresses directly?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shanenin

I would like to write an application that would search a site like "minitorrents.com" and automatically download torrent files of tv shows I like. I am thinking urllib.py might be able to do something like this. I need to be able to use the search feature of "minitorrents.com", then recursivley …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for Skyline_GTR

I am very new to python and I have this code that I wrote... I am trying to make it so the turtle will bounce if it touches any of the box.. but somehow the turtle does not fuction the way it suppose.. I wonder can anyone give me a …

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Member Avatar for bumsfeld

What are the ways to find substring in string in Python? Which way is most effiecient?

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for mikul86

Hello, I'm very new to python script and I am attempting to understand a part of a program developed at my work place because the have the most computer knowledge here, though still very little and the person who developed the program is no longer accesible. Here's the problem i'm …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jchang

Dear Python Gurus: I am a very new Python user, would really appreciate your help. I used Python to write a web form for users to enter. The underlined database is Oracle. One validation needs to enforce to eliminate duplicates entries. For example: one customer ID can only be entered …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld

I hear a lot about PyGame for writing games and that I understand is SDL in a Python coat. Is DirectX used in a similar fashon? Any examples?

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for mccarthp

Alright, I think my previous post about this subject was very confusing so I will try again. First off I appreciate all the responses to my prior post (Setting a Variable to the Exit Code). It is my understanding that when a script completes it returns an exit code. I …

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for coder_gus

Hello to all!How can i make a list from all the small letters of the alphabet without writing every one?Is there an operator/function that does that,something like ['a'-'z'].I've tried in many ways but i'm new in Python and if there is that operator i haven't discover it yet.My appreciation!

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Member Avatar for c_shaft05

Ok well I've hit a snag... i'm trying to write a program that makes Acronyms from user input... I can get all the letters capitalize, but the problem i am having is, well, taking the first letter from each and puting them together to make an acronym!!!!!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hey everybody... Does sombody knows how can i use the getattr function in order to call to a sub function defined inside another one? somthing like this code: # ---------------------------- def func1 (self, func_name) : def func2 () : print "Blaaaa" def func3 () : print "Yaaaaa" getattr(?, func_name)() self.func1("func3") …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shanenin

I have been doing most all of my python programming in a linux bash shell. I mean I run all of my scripts from a bash shell. If my script produces an error(hardly ever happens :-), the error is outputted to the shell, so I am able to fix it. …

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The End.