15,193 Topics

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What is parsing and how do I use it? My guess is that parsing is something that locates a keyword in a statement. My guess, okay? I don't understand wiki. If it isn't, is there something that can locate something in a statement and do something if it finds it? …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for mikeyj9009

I need the output of the following code to be printed in a text file. So far it creates the text file, but it does not print anything in it. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE]def findSlope (x1, y1, x2, y2): rise = y2 - y1 run = x2 - …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for KrazyKitsune

If we have more than one if statement, is it possible to combine them? Like this: [code=syntax]x = raw_input("> ") if x == a: print "1a" elif x == b: y = raw_input("> ") if y == a: print "1y" elif y == b: print "1b" elif y == c: …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for novice20

hi...i am trying to install python 2.6 on my debian system.. I followed the following instructions[B] [url]http://www.fps-gamer.net/installing-python-2-6-on-debian-lenny/[/url] [/B] on doing [B]aptitude install -t testing python-central[/B] i get [B]E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header[/B] can any body pls reason out:(

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for redyugi

This is used for finding the roots of a parabola. The parabola must have a number in front of x2 (x squared), a number in front of the single x, and a following number, or you can have a perfect square parabola. (in the form "number x2 - number") This …

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Member Avatar for neely615

I am new to this forum (and python), but since I found excellent post here, I figured it would be the best place to post this question which is two part: I have many (+100) .txt files which are space delimited (not csv or tab, possibly referred to as ASCI?) …

Member Avatar for neely615
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The with statement allows all sorts of syntactic sugar in python. This snippet defines two contexts: [icode]inevitably[/icode] and [icode]preferably[/icode] which register a function call to be executed at the end of a block of statement. Although they are not very useful (the function call could be written directly at the …

Member Avatar for dustbunny000

Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows how to establish x,y,z coordinates in python. I want to be able to extract this data from a text file. Here are sample lines in my text file: [CODE] ATOM 1 N GLN A 4 62.131 49.287 59.621 1.00 67.10 N ATOM 2 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for group256

Hello everyone, It's about a week that I have started to learn Python, and I am planning to design and code a simple chat server, with a bunch of clients as a practice. I have seen the easiest implementation of such program on the net(just google: "Simple chat server in …

Member Avatar for python01
Member Avatar for communitygirl90

So I'm pretty new to using python and a beginner. I've written a code on how to figure out the length of 2 polylines and now I'm trying to figure how to display the data using canvas... I've tried like a million times and I just can't get it to …

Member Avatar for strider1066
Member Avatar for doctorjo5

I am trying to make a number guessing game in Python. The correct number is 42. Right now I have it so that it gives you a message when you are too high, too low or right on. I want to add two other messages. One message for no input …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Brutus2000

Hi, I have some problems just to write a simple string output to some txt.file. That is my test code: [CODE]test = open('Test.txt', 'w') test.write("Teststring") test.close()[/CODE] I use Python 2.6.5 and PyScripter If I direcly enter the code in the IDLE SHELL, sometimes it works, sometimes only the file is …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for PaulStat

Hi Folks, I have a set of csv files that I open and read the contents of a row into a DictReader, this works fine 99% of the time, but occasionally one of the fields in a record has an extra new line character. For example here's the format of …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Ashena

I have a file that has a repeated number of blocks of different sizes as in below: ID: 2 Time: 76 Op: GET Domain: facebook.com LPath: /common/css/common.css Referer: [url]http://google.com[/url] User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 ID: 3 Op: GET Domain: rfi.fr LPath: /common/css/common.css Referer: [url]http://yahoo.com[/url] For each block, I want to print only the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for python01

Hi all, does anyone know if there is already a module or something floating about that would let me create apps for my itouch all responses are appreciated, python01

Member Avatar for KrazyKitsune

If we have a number -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc, can we remove the floats with minimal usage of if statements? I know that we can round down, but it wouldn't work in case we get a float like 1.2435532, or something similar. Note: Note that the list …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for novice20

I want some insight into /etc/apt/preferences and /etc/apt/sources.list file on debian

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Wumbate

I'm trying to make a Python script that makes a HTTP POST with some headers, and with a file as the body. I've found all sorts of documentation online about making a HTTP POST with headers, but can't figure out how to make the POST with a file as a …

Member Avatar for knan

I have 2 lists X=['a'] Y=['b','c','d','e','f'] I need to make a new list Z such that, Z = ['ab','ac','ad','ae','af'] I know this uses simple concatenation. I tried several times but without success. I am a beginner so please help me with the code. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Ultralisk

Hi I've been pulling my hair out over this program. It is uses a Class for creating objects to be used in an ordering tracking system. I'm having problems calling the objects and implementing them. I'm trying to follow a structure along these lines When an order is created payment …

Member Avatar for Ultralisk
Member Avatar for sss33

Convert the following code to a for loop while (b < a) : b = b + 1 print b

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for nk28

Hello all, I am in need of a simple plotting library in python that can work according to the given specification. I have around a million entries of data which I need to represent on a graph. The problem is that most of the libraries need a list for plotting …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for python01

whenever i want to use urllib or urllib2, i get this error IOError: [Errno socket error] (10035, 'The socket operation could not complete without blocking') i have tried googling it yet i havent found anything helpful any help is apreciated, python 01

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Member Avatar for sjones1025

Hi there, I am fairly new to Python and have installed Python 2.6 and IronPython 2.6 for .net 4.. I am attempting to write my first script and can't get past my first line of code, which is just import clr I get the error ImportError: No module named clr …

Member Avatar for PaulStat

I'm trying to use pythons logging.handlers.SMTPHandler with a configuration file (so that I don't have to have passwords etc. inside of the script) Now the guide I'm following is [URL="http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#configuration-file-format"]here[/URL], now the RotatingFileHandler is working, but I never receive an email, or an error for the SMTPHandler. Anyway here's the …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
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Member Avatar for python01

hi all, im fairly new to python and am struggling to find out how to read javascript values from a site. Help is much appreciated. thanks, Python01

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Member Avatar for dustbunny000

Say I have two lists: list1=[a,b,c,d,e,f,a,b,c] list2=[a,c,d] How could I compare list1 and list2 such that I would get an output like: list3=[match,-,match,match,-,-,-,-,-] So that it goes in order Here's my code: [CODE]h=[] for i in range(len(change2)): for j in range(len(atom)): if atom[j]==atom[i]: h.append("H") else: h.append("-") print h[/CODE] Both change2 …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for dustbunny000
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Member Avatar for Megabyte89

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, I haven't been here in a long time. Hi, I'm having a hard time in trying to position my wx.StaticText and wx.TextCtrl so that it's not stuck at the very top and very left. Life so [URL="http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s274/Tye-Ann/daniweb.png"]Screenshot Here[/URL] Here is the code …

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The End.