Character creating program ie Dungeons and Dragons.
Player has 30 points to spend on 4 attributes - strength, health, wisdom, and dexterity.
Player should be able to spend points from the pool on any attribute and should be able to take points from an attribute and put them back into the pool.
Currently i'm able to deduct points how do you return it back to the pool?
Also is there an easy method from preventing the player from entering more points than what the pool has?
# Character Development Dungeons and Dragons
# pool are the total points that I can use.
pool = 30
strength = 0
health = 0
wisdom = 0
dexterity = 0
choice = None
while choice !="0":
print \
Character Development
0 - Exit
1 - attributes
choice = raw_input("Choice: ")
# exit
if choice == "0":
print "Good-bye."
# Strength points
elif choice == "1":
strength = int(raw_input("How much strength points do you want?: "))
print "Your Strength points are", strength
health = int(raw_input("How much health points do you want?: "))
print "Your health points are", health
wisdom = int(raw_input("How much wisdom points do you want?: "))
print "Your wisdom points are", wisdom
dexterity = int(raw_input("How much dexterity points do you want?: "))
print "Your dexterity points are", dexterity
balance = int(pool-strength-health-wisdom-dexterity)
print "After deducting all your attribute points you have", balance , "total points left",
# some unknown choice
print "Sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice."
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")