15,185 Topics
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I recently worked on a research project where I had to find the inter-annotator agreement for tweets annotated by three annotators. Inter annotator agreement refers to the degree of agreement between multiple annotators. The quality of annotated (also called labeled) data is crucial to developing a robust statistical model. Therefore, … | |
## Introduction I recently bought a new laptop. Since I haven't used VB.Net in years (nothing but Python now) I did not install Visual Studio. That meant rewriting all my VB apps in Python/wxPython. One of my most often used apps was a shell extension I wrote to add a … | |
Which programming language does PHP resemble? Please tell me | |
I need help with this problem! I can't get all three to display. Write a program that prompts a user to enter their hourly pay and rate. Understanding that "time and a half" applies to hours in excess of forty, calculate and print the user's regular pay, overtime pay, and … | |
Hi guys, i am new here. Been on this code for some days and i seem stuck and not getting the expected output from this code. first the code functions as a FIFO QUEUE where it takes input from the user and put it at the beginning of a list … | |
I am new here. I passionately need the help of python gurus here to help solve this my statistics analytics problem. I want to write a python code that prompts for an imput. Then saves the new input data into a table of numbers at the last position while it … | |
from tkinter import * app = Tk() label1_text = StringVar() part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='Check1', font=('bold',12), pady=10, padx=20) part_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) label1_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label1_text) label1_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) label2_text = StringVar() part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='Check1', font=('bold', 12), pady=7, padx=20) part_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) label2_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label2_text) label2_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) label3_text = … | |
hi im using tkinter and have a scroll bar that works with my text widget but its so small i dont know why ?? [CODE] scroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(content,borderwidth=50) Text = tkinter.Text(content,wrap=CHAR, width=50, height=20) scroll.config(command=Text.yview) Text.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) Text.grid(row=2, column=1,columnspan=1, rowspan=3, sticky=(N)) scroll.grid(row=2,column=3) [/CODE] | |
I'm making a game in Python, where two armies battle each other. The soldiers both spray arrows at each other. But for **each** soldier, there is a 1 in 15,000 chance every frame them firing. One thing I noticed was the FPS dropped from 60 to less than 3. Both … | |
I had scenario where I have to delete the current line if I Have ';' at the end of current line and replace string in the previous line in the text file. Here is an example: Prev line - I am Manish & current Line - I went to college … | |
Hello, I'm trying to make a login code for my game algorithm but it isn't working as I want it to so can someone help to stop my loops from repeating when I don't want it to please? ``` def login(): username = input("Enter username: ") password = input("Enter password: … | |
Hello All, I am working on a project which based on python and java both and I am good at java. I want to know which programming language support high database connectivity? According to this [source](https://www.interviewbit.com/blog/java-vs-python/), Java provides stable connectivity but not an idea about python? Can anyone tell me … | |
I'm working with the code to summarize the text using BERT. I am stopped at the step "loading all pages of the pdf file to the program". My code below just loads only one page. Please help for the instruction. I am a new coder. f= open('/content/Example.pdf', 'rb') pdf = … | |
Running some v basic scripts with environment variables so I don’t have to hard code things like my api key or id. My code wouldn't run and was failing on authorising so either my id and/or key didn't work. So I just printed out the variables to see where it … | |
Hi guys, I am relatively new to Python and have been working on a calculator application. It is relatively simple, but I would like to share it with everyone here in the group. I hope that there is someone in Daniweb who can guide me through Python. As I read … | |
My son uses Anaconda so I thought I'd install it so we could collaborate. I downloaded and installed the latest version. When I ran Anaconda Navigator, the first thing it told me was "there is a new version available". That's when I started having misgivings, but I downloaded and installed … | |
Hi this is Palak, I am in third year of my engineering and my interest and strength is python, to enhance my skills into next level I need more study in this field therefore I want to know which python course will be best for me to enhance my skills … | |
the codes has to include for and while loops. ![pt_2.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/9b458f568973a3531e003a18bd1fac3c.png) ![pt_1.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/8dbeaea58f539d123c2f49dcce4872c6.png) | |
An image distortion (blurring followed by additive noise contamination) and restoration model is shown as below | |
Hi All, I need help to understand hoe does this find() works in the case of, find Total occurrences of a substring. This is my assignment question. [Thread 1] | |
I have this simple RandomForest Regression Model which does training and testing and then prints the predictions and model accuracy. I want to write a python automated script for scheduling this code which will do training once every month and testing once every week automatically. | |
If someone with a mechanical engineering BSc degree wants to have a job in cloud computing, would his mechanical engineering background benefit him in the high-tech filed ? | |
it skips line 11-29 it is really annoying can you pls help me to fix my code i am brand new to coding and need help. Thanks calculater_name = 'Tajs Calculator' print("Please enjoy " + calculater_name + "") print("\n") print("Addition = +") print("Subtraction = -") print("Division = /") print("Multiplication = … | |
I want to split my data in 3 partitions training, validation and test: 70% training, 15% validation and 15% test for regression. Python provides a way to do that only for training and testing by cross_validation.train_test_split. Any Ideas? | |
I discovered, after upgrading to Python 3.10, that wxPython no longer worked. Fortunately, a kind soul at wxpython.org suggested I try installing a snapshot build of wxpython via the command pip install -U --pre -f https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/ wxPython So far my existing wxPython scripts run just fine. If you are wondering … | |
Im very new to flask and im trying to convert a python tkinter gui app to web. As you can understand i have all the functions made so it would be great if a could call them and pass variables with a single click of a button. for example: get_sub_menu … | |
He, i am strugeling whit a problem , i wannel call the ok restrasion botten. but it don't show on the screen. of form i gows over this pies of code in the program. btn_ok_REG = Button(root_reg, height=1, width=7, text='Login') btn_ok_REG.pack() btn_ok_REG.place(x= 100 , y=50) #!/urs/bin/evn python from tkinter import … | |
I work on `sql server 2017` I run script depend on `python language v 3.10` . I need to export data to excel fileStudentExport.xlsx already exist, and keep header without change after export. header of excel file StudentExport.xlsx before export data to it as below `StudentId,StudentName` after run script query … |
The End.