15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Manisha_2

Can anybody please help me create a address book which can add delete edit etc..

Member Avatar for Manisha_2
Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

Hello guys..!! I'm new to python and I have a task which require me to write a simple TCP server which will interact with the web browser. I have done some coding as well as researching over the internet to find relevant notes and materials but none helped. What I …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for varshaholla

how to subtract the background in an image. i need only the object and the background should not be present. is it possible to get only the object? Any suggestions are welcome!

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Member Avatar for georgieporgie

no idea why my program is not reading the text file correctly am I doing something wrong, here is what i have so far import string count = 0 infile = open("text.txt", "r") uppercasecount, lowercasecount, digitcount = (0, 0, 0) def main(): for character in infile.readlines(): if character.isupper() == True: …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for rwe0

Hi, Is there a Python 3.x library that does mostly what a File Manager (Nautilus, Windows Explorer, PCmanFM, etc) does? I would like the typical features, mime programs launch in the native os, navigation and some GUI file pickers provide some of this. I don't think I can just invoke …

Member Avatar for rwe0
Member Avatar for Diego_4

# I have been assigned to create a POSTFIX calculator module and program with lists # # I have no idea of how to start my module # #The example we have is in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for javaxoty

Hello, I have written a python module, created dist and installed on my computer. But now I want to update the module? Do I need to edit the file that is placed in site-packages folder directly or should go "Delete previous Dist, Recreate Dist and Reinstall Module" way? Cheers

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for rexasabor

How do you add x amount of different inputs? For example, if you were to code number = input("How many numbers do you have?") for x in range(number): value = input("Insert a value:") The user would decide how many values (number) they have and what the are. I would like …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ItsAdZy

I am looking to start learning the python language and I was wondering if anyone can give me a heads up to any good IDE's for the language? I have a list [here:](http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors) but because there are so many I have no idea where to even start. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for RogueHaxor
Member Avatar for nyfan68

I am working on a simple project and I need a little help. I have created a program that draws circles on a canvas. The circles are blue, and the method flash() takes a random int count, and will light up a circle and change its color to yellow. The …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for zahra97

see first elif statement for syntax error, where have i gone wrong?? this is only a section of code, help very much appreciated. if dice == dice2 : print ("The scores on both dice remain constant, no changes are made.") elif dice > dice2 : print ("The scores of the …

Member Avatar for Daemon_CC
Member Avatar for zahra97

here is *part* of my code: newvalue1 = difference + c newvalue2 = difference + d newvalue3 = difference2 + cc newvalue4 = difference2 + dd if dice == dice2 print ("The scores on both dice remain constant, no changes are made.") elif dice > dice2 print("The scores of the …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for saimadanmohan

def get_inverse_dict(): """ returns a dictionary which maps a -> z, b->y ... z->a Hint: 1. see the constants in the string module, and the zip builtin function. 2. google lookup extended slicing notation to create a z..a string from a..z string In shell: help(zip) and experiment using zip in …

Member Avatar for saimadanmohan
Member Avatar for varshaholla

I want to do exactly how these search engines do, ![52ec8527edb271dac9465a607d37b068](/attachments/large/4/52ec8527edb271dac9465a607d37b068.png "52ec8527edb271dac9465a607d37b068") But I want to show the same thing using pop-up message, where there shouldn't be any buttons, and it should display the message continiously Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for varshaholla
Member Avatar for dedon4

hi,please i need help in the thorough explanation of this program, madlip.py """String Substitution for a Mad Lib Adapted from code by Kirby Urner""" storyFormat = """ Once upon a time, deep in an ancient jungle, there lived a {animal}. This {animal} liked to eat {food}, but the jungle had …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for Hüsnü

How can I reach to source code of a web page with python ? I use these code block but it doesn't work perfectly. If I open the html file(site.html) on a web browser, some characters disapper. import urllib.request req = urllib.request.Request('https://www.google.com') response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) the_page = response.read() a = …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I would like to learn how to code System Programming for windows via python(Python System Programming) Any tip or suggestion?where can I begin! Any recommend books,links and video tutorial? I appreciate your help

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Member Avatar for abaddon2031

So i am trying to take some code that i had working before and turn it into a function but every time i run my code it kicks it to line 9 in my code which is a continue statement and says the its not properly in the loop. I …

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Member Avatar for j.heller

Dear Daniweb community; I am working on a Touchscreen application. For this work I need to Change the window if a user clicks on it. My code: def init(win): def getclick(event): parent.destroy() openSubWindow(dialog); frame = Frame(win, width=650, height=550) frame.bind("", getclick) frame.pack() win.title("Ausgangsposition") win.minsize(650, 550) I used the following idea: http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/tkinter-events-and-bindings.htm …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

I am working on a python code that is supose to search a directory and see if a file in the directory has a _add_ or a _update_ and to change a few fields in my code that call the add and updata and change the directory name to match …

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Member Avatar for krystosan

I havent done this before, but I want to make a window that plots a graph looking at file structure on different server locations, and in that UI I want to add control like if i want to copy the remote the file to local if missing or if outdated, …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Fighter01

I am asking a question about file handling within python. I am capable of creating a text file which can then be read via python. However, i am trying to create a python Recipe storer and therefore i would need to be able to store recipes (entered through python) with …

Member Avatar for Fighter01
Member Avatar for mooseless05

Hi, I have been working on some code in Tkinter - this is my first ever coding in python and have basically copied chunks of code over to see what is possible but I am stuck on one section - I am trying to create a GUI in Tkinter but …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for zahra97

import random #allows a random value to be produced a = input("Enter name for character 1") #variable verified, reports information to user b = input("Enter name for character 2") #variable verified, reports information to user c = int(input("Enter value for first strength for character 1")) #variable verified, reports information to …

Member Avatar for nomiahmadkhan

Hey, there guys. I am working a Twitter library which can perform several tasks. If you can fork the repo and contribute I would love it :) https://github.com/itsnauman/Twoooly-For-Twitter

Member Avatar for zahra97

import random #allows a random value to be produced a = input("Enter name for character 1") #variable verified, reports information to user b = input("Enter name for character 2") #variable verified, reports information to user c = int(input("Enter value for first strength for character 1")) #variable verified, reports information to …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Diego_4

# I want to eliminate a list from a bigger list, only by typing something # tasks = [] task = [task1,year,month,day, hour, minute, second, microsecond,str(cuando),cuando]# this is a list that is filed into another list named tasks# # If I type a position, I want to eliminate a complete …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for crebs

I am trying to use web2py to build an app. I have a simple print function that a user submits a key word . The string or int key word is directed to an sqlite db to retrieve a row and output the data. I need to know 1. how …

Member Avatar for j.heller

Heyho users; I need to update a label in a window every x seconds to get an variabel ("res") which is up to date. My current code: def init(win): win.title("Ausgangsposition") win.minsize(800, 600) lab=Label(win, text="Aktuell: " + res +" Euro", bg='#40E0D0', fg='#FF0000') lab.place(x=20, y=30) btn.pack() def updater(win): ids = lab.after(1000, updater) …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for zenith_96

heya again guys - sorry for asking for help once again, but i think once i have my head round this, i'll sort myself out pretty well *python noob* :?: the prac is to add an option to change the price of a listed item in a catalog - this …

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The End.