15,192 Topics

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I want to start a program and pass arguments used by that program. How to do this using os.spawnl ?

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for muyiwaj

i'm a programming beginner, and wanted an information for developing a soft from scratch. Pls. do assist me. Thanks

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hey what's up everyone? I have a script here that works when i execute it from command line, and when I double-click it. Now, there is something interesting going on here. 1) When the program is executed by process.start it does not load (even when called from cmd.exe /c ...) …

Member Avatar for pittip

I have 2 classes in python and both of them extend the unittest.TestCase class. Hence I have 2 test cases. These test cases (classes) are: class Test_ID_94017(unittest.TestCase): ex = Excel() def setUp(self): self.driver = Browser().createBrowserDriver() self.driver.maximize_window() self.driver.implicitly_wait(15) self.ex.setUpASheetInExcel('Login') def test_CCPD_Regression001_PER_Custom_Check(self): ccp = CCPLogin(self.driver) loginDetails = self.ex.getLoginDetailsForATestCaseFromExcel('Login', '94017') ccp.login(loginDetails[0], loginDetails[1], loginDetails[2]) …

Member Avatar for aVar++

I am going through challanges in python and cant see why i'm not getting the correct answer... The challange is 'Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.' Here is my code: #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 a = 0 b = 0 eA = [] eA2 = [] …

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

So you want to find out which day of the week you were born. Well at least some of us do. I actually wrote this program because my whole family was born on Sundays, and my friends didn't believe it! An oldie but goodie, moved from DeSmet C to Turbo …

Member Avatar for 1baga
Member Avatar for Bhavya_1

Hi. I want to learn penetration testing in python.but i am entirely clueless where to start. I have read about some famous tools like SCAPY and pycap.So,the thing is that i want to develop my own tools to comprimise a network.Are there any good tutorials on sapy or any other …

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Member Avatar for EriCartman13

How do you rest your variable everytime your execute the program. [code]for x in range(1,100): running = True while running: guess = int(raw_input("Enter an integer:")) if guess == x: print "Nice" running = False if guess < x: print "Higher" running = True if guess > x: print "Lower" running …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for dilita.mido

Draw an inheritance hierarchy for classes Quadrilateral, TRapezoid, Parallelogram, Rectangle and Square. Use Quadrilateral as the base class of the hierarchy. Make the hierarchy as deep as possible.

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

I'm creating my own handler, but what kind of object is request? I can just have the documentation for it and look at that, but I don't know where to.

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Member Avatar for Eggborne
Member Avatar for manuel.ramirez.9619

Hi! I´m making a really big program of mail sending. However my last problem is the scrolling... The scroll bar don´t react to the mouse wheel and only functions when focusing in the bar , And that´s not user-friendly. how Can I achieve to make the scroll bar react with …

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for Tcll

IMO, VS2010 with PythonTools 1.5 is the best IDE. it may not be as glamorous as Eclipse or PyScripter, but it certainly has more functionality and accuracy than either of them. -intellisense (PyScripter does a better job than Eclipse) -split file scrolling (not sure about PyScripter, but Eclipse doesn't have …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Hikki_Passion

Ok, so I am trying to write a code that will find the attributes in a html tag using lists and splitting them up. Unfortunately its giving me a hard time with the added quotation marks. [CODE] def find_attribute_value(html_tag, att): '''Return the value of attribute att (a str) in the …

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for Swetha_1

for example: consider the contents of file1.txt: 1 0 9227 1152 34 2 2 111 7622 1120 34 2 3 68486 710 1024 14 2 6 265065 3389 800 22 2 7 393152 48438 64 132 3 8 412251 46744 64 132 3 9 430593 50866 256 95 4 10 …

Member Avatar for rrashkin
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

If you use the same HUGE number many times: * import sys * sys.maxint = sys.maxint+sys.maxint * This is because if you have the INFINITE(or lower) refrence to the same integer, It will take up the sppace of that integer. If you use many diffrent huge numbers: * Use a …

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for Swetha_1

for example: consider the contents of file1.txt: 1 0 9227 1152 34 2 2 111 7622 1120 34 2 3 68486 710 1024 14 2 6 265065 3389 800 22 2 7 393152 48438 64 132 3 8 412251 46744 64 132 3 9 430593 50866 256 95 4 10 …

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Member Avatar for deonis

Hi everyone, I have a problem to setup a custom lexer using in wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl (wxPython). I have a text file which consit of certain keywords which I would like to highlight. The text file is not related to any of the programing languages and so I cannot use the buildin …

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Member Avatar for 3e0jUn

I've been looking for a way to parse a simple XML-like language for use as a type of data storage. I've been through stuff like JSON, XML, etc but I don't want to use them because they are quite slow. I just need a simple way to parse this: [stuff] …

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Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Brad_2

My platform is Ubuntu 12.10 with wx.Python (gtk2-unicode). My application uses wxPython to print text to a printer. I want to use Ubuntu Condensed font face for some of the text. The problem is that when the text is printed the text that should be in Ubuntu Condensed face …

Member Avatar for pythonforlife

Sorry guys, how do you print a message dialog box if a file doesn't exists in python? I am currently using a program to do segmentation of video file and assembling it the files that I need and excluding those I don't. I have completed the tasks but if I …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for lewashby

How could I get the file name and the permissions to a file as a string? This is on a Linux system.

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for amartin903

I've built a classifier after following an online tutorial. I take a bunch of tweets, use a HTML parser to get rid of unescaped syntax, remove everything shorter than 3 words and make a dictionary out of them. I then work out the frequency distribution of the words and so …

Member Avatar for lewashby

(Linux) In the following program when the command python permissions.ph is issued I simply get another prompt, but when python3 permissions.py is issued I get the error below. Why does python2 see tkinter but python 3 doesn't? garrett@bedroom ~/Projects/TestArea $ python permissions.py garrett@bedroom ~/Projects/TestArea $ python3 permissions.py Traceback (most recent …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pythonforlife

Sorry guys, how do you print a message dialog box if a file doesn't exists in python? I am currently using a program to do segmentation of video file and assembling it the files that I need and excluding those I don't. I have completed the tasks but if I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

I want to start a command in command prompt, but os.system() can only do one command, and I want it to start from a url. Example: import os,getpass print "Altline (C) James Lu" print "All rights reserverd." def currentuser(): try: return "Users/" + getpass.getuser() except: print "Cannot detect user, starting …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sudipta.mml

Hi All, I was trying to evaluate the matrix coefficient by the method of constrained least square fitting. The linear matrix differential equation looks like X'=AX, where X' and X are two vectors and A is matrix. Moreover, there is a constraint on diagonal matrix element and which is a(i,i)=-Sum(i/=j)a(i,j). …


The End.