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From http://pymbook.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules.html I've added some code to this code to make a little header for my code snippets as an exersise. """ Bars Module ============ This is an example module with provide different ways to print bars. """ def starbar(num): ''' (int) -> integer Prints a bar with * >>> …

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Member Avatar for chris99
Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for Ankurjain123

hi to all i want to use c program in python or in other way i want to run c program from python

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for RHNation

def main(): print ('Welcome to the mpg calculator program') print() #get the miles driven using the input function miles_driven = input ("Please enter miles driven: ") miles_driven = float (miles_driven) #get the gallons used using the input function gallons_used = input ("Please enter gallons used: ") galons_used = float (gallons_used) …

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for onalenna.bobeilwe

develop a program which asks for a name and a password,and prints an acceptance message if the name is "aladdin" and the password is "sesane".the program should print a reject message in all other cases.this should be achived by combining the two tests into one using the "and"key word

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for farmwife

This error frustrates me when I want to iterate over the elements of a set, for example when trying to convert the set to a list. How do I get around it?

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for giancan

Hi guys, I need some help with lists or dicts. I have a list with 2 columns like this "123.04 241.30","232.00" [and so on for about 400 lines] and another list which is more complex: "val1","val2","val3","nnn.nn nnn.nn","232.00" (where "n" is a number) [some thousands lines] Now I want to compare …

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Member Avatar for Dunkler

Hey guys, I am new here and have found many answers to my problems from this website so I figured it was time to join. Here's the deal: I have just started trying to learn Python through MIT's OpenCourseWare. I am currently on PS1a (Problem set 1a) and am having …

Member Avatar for Ashley_4
Member Avatar for farmwife

As I've learned more about basic console Python script writing, I've had a look at both Tkinter and GTK+...and, at first glance, I like GTK+ better. Which do you guys prefer, and why?

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for Rebecca_2

Hi, I have a quick, and what seems like very stupid question. I have a list of files in a directory with various extensions. I want to open only the ones with the extension '.txt'. I have got as far as finding them (and can print their filenames to a …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for thecreator232

hi guys !!! i want to make an web browser in python , as my college project . what i'm looking for is guidance , on how to make it and which module's shall i use . currently i'm planning to use webkit and gtk+ to obtain my goal. secondly …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for amrX

Hi. if I want to use the for loop to make multiplication table for the number 3 in sequence. For ex; when I excute the for loop, I want the user to enter intger "3" and then it start to question 3x3, to the user and up if they did …

Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

Hi everyone I am learning python, I came across a sample program which checks whether the given number is prime number or is not a prime number using **for loop** and **range()** function. I can't understand that program, can someone please help me understand it? Here is the program and …

Member Avatar for lucpet
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Using the PySide GUI toolkit will make selecting, copying and pasting encrypted and decrypted text somewhat easier. Not ideal yet, but it will be a good start for those of you who are not very familiar with GUI programming.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for Jacklittle01

I am trying to make a save feature in a game so that a player could save, then quit the game, then open the window again to select proflie and play from when they left off. Thanks!!

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for Rebecca_2

Hi, I am very new to programming but am hoping it will be able to speed a few things up for me. However I am struggling to work out how to write a Python3 script that does the following and am wondering if you could help me out. I have …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

I tried downloading the file and playing it using `winsound` to play it with the flag `SND_MEMORY`, but it only accepts `str` instead of the `bytes` object I got from `urllib.request.urlopen`. Using `decode()` needs a valid encoding, but I don't have one. CLARIFICATION:downloading the file I mean as using `urllib.request.urlopen` …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Ismatus3

Hello , I am making tries to display images in different tkinter windows , in every window displaying a different image , for this i made this code : # -*- coding: cp1252 -*- from Tkinter import * import Tkinter as tk import ttk from PIL import ImageTk, Image import …

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

This short snippet shows you how to preprocess a text to remove punctuation marks, then do a word frequency count using Counter() from the Python module collections. Finally, two sorts are applied to display words with matching frequency in alphabetical order.

Member Avatar for crag0

I am still new to programming and hoping someone can point me in the best direction. I am creating a script that monitors a directory and creates a zip file and then mails the archive. I have successfully monitored the dir and can zip the files. I am somewhat lost …

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Member Avatar for estetik23

I started learning about Python 15 days ago and I'm a little bit confused whether it is a programming language or scripting language. I am thinking it is a programming language because it contains Exception, RE, Networking etc. However I thought scripting languages could not contain features like Networking,Exception etc.

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

The code shows you how to create a persistent to file dictionary of data using the python module shelve.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for mohan.jce

i have been looking around and its hard to find what i want. I am able to add context menu item to a FOLDER by doing this: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command] @="TestRightClick:" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command\Command] @="myExe.exe %1" I need to have "context menu for all the files in folders of a particular directory". context menu …

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Member Avatar for Fcasualty

I am trying to add a custom widget dynamically, multiple times. However, the widgets just stack up in the same place. I have tried several combinations of Layout() and Fit() and setSizerAndFit() after adding custom widget to the sizer Thank you for any help #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: US-ASCII …

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Member Avatar for zswinford

num_trades = int(input("Number of trades for today?")) for i in range(1, num_trades + 1): action = input("Trade number", i ,"(buy/sell)?") num_shares = int(input("Number of shares to buy?")) price_per_share = float(input("Price per share?")) I'm getting a TypeError on the line "action = input("Trade number", i ,"(buy/sell)?")" Help Thanks

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Taruna_1

I have an integer dataframe and in my code I am doing some length calculation( which can be only perfomred on string), therefore I need to convert my dataframe to String. I have tried using str(), its not helping me, it would be helpful if you could suggest something.

Member Avatar for Taruna_1
Member Avatar for Jacklittle01

I saw this code on stack overflow def writeProfile(profileName, profileData): """ pickle user profile data """ os.chdir(PROFILE_DIR) fileName = profileName + ".dat" f = open(fileName, "wb") pickle.dump(profileData, f) f.close() os.chdir("..") It is for saving progress under the pickle module. I don't see a way to save variables. How would I …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for farmwife

Which of these is the best practice for executable Linux scripts: #! usr/bin/env python #! usr/bin/python #! usr/bin/env python3 #! usr/bin/python3 All four of them work just fine on my system, so I'm looking for the best practice. Thanks.

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for farmwife

This code: def reverse(x): for i in range(len(x)): y[i] = x[-(i+1)] return y a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = reverse(a) returns a "global variable 'y' not defined" error. WHAT GLOBAL VARIABLE????? If I add 'y = []' anywhere in the code, either inside the function or outside …

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for farmwife

I had a function all by itself in the file [filename].py, and the file was properly executable. This is how people advised me to call it externally: import func func.[filename]() But I was getting errors all over the place. So I contacted Python help and they told me something different, …

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The End.