15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for HelloPeople1

Hi guys I'm making a top down shooter game using sprites. I have created all my game but one part, how the enemy shoots. Basically I was wondering how I could check if there was a wall sprite between my player sprite and my enemy sprite. This would be so …

Member Avatar for markfw

Hi How can I run the function from function name? Here what I have and it gives me an ERROR. Can someone explain why and how to fix it. Thanks ContantsGlobal.py [CODE] CMD = ["02", "A0"] [/CODE] Test.py [CODE] import ConstantsGlobal as GCONST class Test(object): def __init__(self): self.__dic = dict(("0x"+f, …

Member Avatar for markfw
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi, i am working was python script developer,i want to write certification exam(certified professional) in python,can you name such cetifcation exams? Thanks mukthyar

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for bleedblue

I am creating a phonebook and i have some problems. I get everything to work except im having trouble deleting an entry and also when i add an entry im having trouble sorting it in alphabetical order. This is my code below if someone can help it would be much …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for vom53

------------------------------ [U][B]Problem:[/B][/U] Given a slider x-value find and plot the equation of the line tangent to a given curve f(x) together with the function f(x). ------------------------------ [CODE]from visual import * def function(): print "Type in your function." return raw_input("Enter it again, %s." % (yn)) from visual.graph import * # import …

Member Avatar for vom53
Member Avatar for rijvana

hi users.. now i created one application in linux by using python. now i want 2 create setup file using distutils package 2 installation process.. i saw many of the setup file in other application.. each application has diffrent types of setup file.. so it make me some confusion.. help …

Member Avatar for imperialguy

Some details of my machine and installed packages before proceeding further: [B]Mac OSX version: 10.6.6 Python version: Activestate Python 2.7.1 wxpython version: wxpython 2.8 (uses Carbon API hence limited to 32-bit mode arch only) [/B] I installed wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7 from wxpython website using their .dmg installer file. This package uses the …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for imperialguy

Before proceeding further, my system configuration is as follows: Mac OS X 10.6.6 MATLAB 2010b ActiveState Python 2.7 I have a gui built using matlab. I wrote the following python script to open that matlab gui using pymatlab python module: [code]from pymatlab.matlab import MatlabSession session = MatlabSession() session.run('cd ~/ratter/ExperPort') session.run('addpath(genpath(pwd))') …

Member Avatar for hondros

Hey there. I've been programming in Python for about a month now. I've created simple programs for myself, such as games and e-mail applications. Still getting GUI down, I'll post if I need help there. Anyways, here's my problem: Running: Windows XP Python: Python 2.6 I installed the newest version …

Member Avatar for Eswarimallur
Member Avatar for novice20

Hi all, i have different modules developed so far, and a main script needs to call the modules based on user's choice. will doing like this work?? using raw_input(), i wait for user choice, and once a choice is made, corresponding module is called. if main.py, does an 'import xxx.py' …

Member Avatar for novice20
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi I am new to python programming,please explain me how to install external modules written by other python users,please mention names of such modules.. Thanks Mukthyar

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for bmanzana

when i run this code an icon for the image is created but when clicked it says that no preview is availeble any help would be grately apretiated. heres the code. [CODE]from Image import * import ImageDraw z=1 win=new('RGB', (400,400), 'rgb(255,255,255)') win.save('c:\\Documents and Settings\\bradley\\desktop\\python programs\\frac.png') while z < 100000: x=(z**+1) …

Member Avatar for bmanzana
Member Avatar for Zaffron

Obviously, it doesn't work. So what I'm trying to do (this is all very rough at the moment, merely an experiment/test to see if I can get it to work) is have a method under the player class that, when called, takes the value of the requested item, sees if …

Member Avatar for Zaffron
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So, I am working with some code I don't understand. Here is the file: [CODE=Python] import sys import os def change_ext(directory, old_ext, new_ext): for f in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]): base, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext[1:] == sys.argv[2]: os.rename(f, "%s.%s" % (base, sys.argv[3])) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "usage: …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for colts18

Hey guys I cannot figure out how to add collision detection can someone explain how I just want my tank to stop moving when it hits the other tank. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for HelloPeople1

Hi We are high school students working on a final project for our course. We are making a top down shooter type game using pygame (its kind of like boxhead), and have made made all of our game except for the ai. We really need some help with this, so …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for jarograv

I have this code: [CODE]import csv from math import * distances=[] pos=0 tally=0 target_x=input("Please enter the X coordinate of the target city: ") target_y=input("Please enter the Y coordinate of the target city: ") count = sum(1 for row in csv.reader( open('cities.csv') ) ) cityname = csv.reader(open("cities.csv", "rb")) citynames = [] …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mahela007

Hi. I want to try and control a Servo motor directly from a USB port. (without using an intermediate microcontroller). To do this, I need to send pulse width modulation signals on one (or more) wires of the USB cable. Is it possible to do this with python? (I found …

Member Avatar for mahela007
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

I [url=http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/364777]recently discussed[/url] some problems I had had in getting PyODBC working with Django and Django-pyodbc, but at the time it was decided to switch to an ASP.NET solution instead. For various reasons, we are trying once again to set up Django and PyODBC, and while we've had some success, …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi, I am new to Pyhton programming,I have 2 doubts 1)can i do client-server,web application,database access programming using python,GUI application? 2)what are the modules are used to do this programming? please provide some website link and details reading this programming. Thanks Mukthyar

Member Avatar for rssk

hi all.... i hav three scripts like 1)memory.py 2)channelmap.py 3)upload.py [B]i need to run only one script depending upon a selection(i.e,1)memory.py, 2)channelmap.py , 3)upload.py ) is there way to do this [/B] plzzzz help me

Member Avatar for rssk
Member Avatar for ehud07

Hey guys, I'm new to pygame, and working on a simple educational worm game project. The idea is to display a math problem every time the worm hits the apple, and then have the student answer that math question. I can't figure out a way to get the keyboard inputs …

Member Avatar for matthewkeating
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi all, I was experimenting with techniques of generating random numbers and eventually decided on the following. I realize there's a big discussion in computing circles about "randomness" and as such am not trying to make any claims here. What do you think? Thoughts, comments, suggestions, discussion of underlying theories, …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for LogicallyInsane

So after pretty much giving up on programming (I think I should say that I kinda forgot about it actually) and not checking Daniweb, I decided after a few months of doing other things I'd come back to Daniweb and start trying to program once again. After skimming through "Learn …

Member Avatar for LogicallyInsane
Member Avatar for JohnRedCorn

Hi I'm trying to strings to be saved into a textfile, however, it does not put each string onto each line. So instead looking like this, First Second Third It looks like this, FirstSecondThird What do I need to do to get it to write to the next line?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi I was wondering if there has ever been/ are plans to be a python os and if it exists where could it be found? secondly i was wondering if python could be installed on windows mobile or android?

Member Avatar for SamarthWiz
Member Avatar for e-papa

HI guys, I want to create and encryption system that converts a character to encrypted data, I'm thinking about using the ord() and chr() functions in python then slice the sting into characters implement the encryption on each character and bring them back together what do you think, Is there …

Member Avatar for vidur
Member Avatar for zpzp16

hi I have a list like L=[1,2,-3,5,12,0,-2,23,51,-10,1,68] I have to Subtraction each item of list from other .i.e l[1]-l[0] & l[2]-l[0] & l[3]-l[0]&... and l[2]-l[1]& l[3]-l[1]&... and l[3]-[2]&... I must arrange this Subtraction in a table.I know I must use while or for...in... to create tow loop but I am …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hisan

hi All, I am importing the SQL DB data into a CSV file, the length of the data is too large and doesn't fit with default csv file column width, so i need to increase the column width please let me know how can you achieve this . below is …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for hisan

Hello all, i am importing the data from db using MySQLdb module in python, please let me know how to write this data into an excel sheet. from db i get data in multiple rows and columns please tell me how to write in excel

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo

The End.