15,190 Topics

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The Eric4 IDE I've been using IDLE under the latest Enthought release (python 2.7) running windows XP (and windows 7 on another computer). But I decided I wanted to use a real IDE with the goal of writing GUI applications. It seemed like Eric4 would be a reasonable choice. I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for tbjo

Hi! I'm working on code for a personal project thingie, and I'm stumped by part of it. I am trying to search a line (provided in a separate .txt file) to see if I can find any consecutive occurrences of elements of a list in said line. For example: in …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for dilbert_here00

Hello All, I have a question on win32gui, how do I get the window ID corresponding to a window handle. I am able to get the window handle, class, caption using functions like "win32gui.GetWindowText", "win32gui.GetClassName" etc, but I can't find a function that returns the window ID for a particular …

Member Avatar for jamie-pu

Hello, Im trying to make a simple equation solver with tkinter. Originally i built it without using classes and it worked fine however I am now trying to use a class. [CODE]from tkinter import * import math class RootFinder(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): self.root1lbl=Label(self.outputframe, text='') …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi, I am a beginner in programming of python , in python to view all the functions and other objects of 'keyword' module,i used the command ,dir results the some objects like __file__,__package__,__doc__ but these are not the functions of keyword module,could u please tell me the reason................. :D >>> …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jarograv

I have this code: [CODE]def welcome(): '''========Welcome to Jaron's======= ====Video Game Rental Service====''' def menu(): while True: print '''0-\t Exit 1-\t Register 2-\t Log-in 3-\t Browse 4-\t Read-me''' try: menu_choice=int(raw_input('Please make a selection by number: ')) global menu_choice break except ValueError: print "Oops, it seems like you made a mistake. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi, i am beginner in python programming,can you please let me know.what is difference in between the python Package and python library, Thanks Mukthyar

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I am going through a tutorial and have come to opening a file. I'm running it in Command Prompt, but I know there is no problem with that because I have been running code in it without problems. Here is the code I'm supposed to be typing: [CODE=Python] f = …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for palobo

Hi all, I'm trying to learn python. So far I've managed to get some usefull scripting done to automated some tedious jobs. Now I have an itch I'd like to scratch writing and app in python. I do however want a unified look and feel across Mac, Windows and Linux …

Member Avatar for Arthas

Hi. i didnt actually find the exact place to start this thread. I ,and my friends, are doing a major project on HIDS(host based intrusion detection system). I think i know the sources of information i need for the analysis but i dont know how to get them. These are …

Member Avatar for Arthas
Member Avatar for mukthyar1255

Hi , I am beginner in python programming ,how to configure new Python Package(third party packages) on windows7 platform..please tell me the configurations Thanks Mukthyar

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for JohnMG

Hello! This is my first post. I've put this up on several other forums, but this one seems slightly more active (python-forum.org is a snooze-fest). I have been learning python for a few months and decided to make a chat server that you connect to through telnet. It's working fine …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for markfw

Hi First of all I want to thank everyone in this forum who helped me to understand PySide. I have a question about QtCore.QProcess: Here how my program works: I have button (QtGui.QPushButton) when it gets clicked, my program should call my C compiler (GCC) and compile the source code. …

Member Avatar for markfw
Member Avatar for Sandmann

Hi there!... i was seeing some codes in Python, but i can't understand it, so... i really don't want learn phyton, by that reason i want to know some things (specific things) for try convert it, now... if someone can convert it for me, i'll be sooo glad :P. Here's …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Shane the House

I have been working with lists for a year now, but I am inconsistent with the way I have them setup. I want to know the standard. Let's say you have a computer represented as pixel colors in the form of a list. To simplify it let's just use numbers …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sahityaonprakri

Can anyone give me these solution PLZ.[TEX][/TEX] [CODE]import string STUDENT_ID = 0 STUDENT_FIRST_NAME = 1 STUDENT_SECOND_NAME = 2 STUDENT_MARK = 3 def inputMarks (mList): print "inputMarks not yet implemented" def calcGrade (mark): print "calcGrade not yet implemented" def printIndividualRecord (record): print "printIndividualRecord not yet implemented" def printAllRecords (mList): print "printAllRecords …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for mikio

please could some one understand what i am saying i need a program that can count number of digit in a number given by the user .for example if we see123 it has 3 digits...?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for markfw

Hello Quick question: Does anyone know why my window doesn't show frame? Thank Mark [CODE] import sys from PySide import QtCore, QtGui class UI_CMDTester: def __init__(self): self.__app = None self.__win = None def init(self, \ w_title, \ w_width, \ w_height): self.__app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.__create_win(w_title, w_width, w_height) sys.exit(self.__app.exec_()) def __create_win(self, w_title, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bleedblue

Need help building a phonebook that will store and produce a telephone directory. The phonebook needs to be able to order the data by first name, last name or birthday, and produce output as such. The data is to be stored in a text file (simple database), and can be …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Ronene

Hi guys , I have the following code : [CODE]x=int(input())[/CODE] If I get a string from the user string ,list or a double , then I'd an exception . Is there a way to get any input from any type , and store it within "x" , even though I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Aaronjw

Alright, I am working on this for an assignment and I cannot seem to figure out where I went wrong... My first problem, whenever I input the CC number, the only one it accepts is the last one in my text file... My second problem, when it does accept a …

Member Avatar for Aaronjw
Member Avatar for hisan

Hi All, i have basic python knowledge please let me know how to get started with jython please let me know where can i find good online books for jython, how to write some small programs and how to run them

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for MaYouSHka

hi all, i have been working for two months on a project and i have come up with an algorithm that is a mix of R. Mitkov's algorithm on anaphora resolution (robust, knowledge-poor algorithm) and several filters that are applied first to the xml file (a POS tagged text) to …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for dx135

You can use a decorator to modify the function object once, by assigning initial values to some new attributes. Then use these attributes as you would use static variables in other languages. Here is the result: (1, 1, [1]) (3, 2, [1, 2]) (6, 6, [1, 2, 3]) (10, 24, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Hello, I am vegaseat, the goofy moderator from the Python forum of DaniWeb. I wanted to know if anyone in the Java forum has played around with Java based Python, also known as Jython. Jython uses easy to learn Python syntax and can use the Java libraries. To make a …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for txwooley

In the book "How to Think Like A Computer Scientist" on the website openbookproject.net the tutorial leads you to draw a house with a pre-written script. It then instructs you to: # Wrap the house code in a function named draw_house(). # Run the script now. Do you see a …

Member Avatar for shasta90
Member Avatar for HiHe

According to the Python 2.7 manual this construction of the with statement should work: [code]text = "aim low and reach it" fname = "test7.txt" with open(fname, 'w') as foutp, open(fname, 'r') as finp: # write text to file foutp.write(text) # read text from file mytext = finp.read() print("to file --> …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Zeruba

Hello, I am currently trying to learn programming and am using Python to start with. I am currently practicing programming with classes and have placed the following code into a python file called complex.py: [CODE]class Complex def __init__(self, realpart, imagpart): self.r = realpart self.i = imagpart[/CODE] and placed the following …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for chrisvj11

I have 2 images, one is supposed to be on top of the other. This works fine until one of the "movement" keys are hit (a,s,d,w) [CODE]import sqlite3 as sqlite import wx username=None class MainWindow(): def drawmap(self): self.map4_31="C:/python27/game/4_31.gif" self.map1=wx.Image(self.map4_31,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF).ConvertToBitmap() height=self.map1.GetHeight() width=self.map1.GetWidth() self.map1.map4_31 = wx.StaticBitmap(frame, -1, self.map1, (270, 170), (width,height)) def …


The End.