can get a step by step approach please?

Many linux systems have a package named "python-numpy". You only need to install it with your software manager. Don't ask such questions without specifying your linux distribution :)

Many linux systems have a package named "python-numpy". You only need to install it with your software manager. Don't ask such questions without specifying your linux distribution :)

i have the latest version of ubuntu but i check and it's not there

This was the first google result for "ubuntu python numpy".

sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy

Also, don't forget to install matplotlib and its dependent files:

sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-tk

Also, the author mentions that the scipy website provides pre-built binaries for Ubuntu already.

This was the first google result for "ubuntu python numpy".

Also, the author mentions that the scipy website provides pre-built binaries for Ubuntu already.

worked thanks

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