7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vreality

How would you create a basic search engine? Could this search engine also search based upon tags? (Not searching a site or database but just a .txt document) Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Vreality
Member Avatar for jesicawillss

Hello experts. We are doing SEO to get a leads for the website. Can anyone tell me the ways to increase leads for the website. Which SEO techniques can give me more leads? Please, express your experience for getting leads.

Member Avatar for 88dbsakthi
Member Avatar for Jack_Rose

Hi folks, Please anyone let me know that what are the latest SEO techniques? Thanks in Advance, Rose

Member Avatar for 88dbsakthi
Member Avatar for IntegratedS

Hello friends, I have been working on one of the seo projects related online health insurance. I am doing all the activities like article submission, directory submission, social bookmarking, forum posting and blog commenting, but not getting the desired result as the keywords keep on jumping and some are still …

Member Avatar for AccurateAG
Member Avatar for philraymond

Hi all, I've been searching for hours for an answer to this. I can never get help from the google forums, so thought I'd try here. I wasn't sure whether I should post in pay-per-click or web design, but I figure PPC people have experience with this kind of thing. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for santra21

Recently I found some websites which are collecting jobs in all positions from other reputed jobsites in USA and worldwide. I think they are using RSS Technology (Really Simple Syndication) to collect jobs from other jobsites. By displaying jobs from other job sites will affect the number of visitors of …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22271[/ATTACH]It's official: Android now has a greater market share than iPhone across the EU5 countries of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. According to newly published data from the [URL="http://www.comscore.com/Products_Services/Product_Index/MobiLens"]comScore MobiLens service[/URL], nearly one in four smartphone users in the EU5 region were using smartphones running on a Google …

Member Avatar for Swordstech
Member Avatar for wasifk007

Hello everyone, I am looking for computer and IT related sites for link exchange with my site. I am also looking for link directories so that I can submit my site. If someone can help me, I will be grateful. Regards, Wasif K

Member Avatar for kerin1539
Member Avatar for paavan123

Hello friends can i get a free tool for the duplicate content. If any of you know the tools please share, it will be more helpful at present.

Member Avatar for imalizya
Member Avatar for elieobeid7

I've been trying for 3 days now to create an extension for a asp.net site and save the session, so you'll be logged out when you close the browser So i created the manifest.json and the popup.html, the popup.html opens an iframe which contains the site. in my other extension …

Member Avatar for CKShia

I am doing a project like a car gallery system and need to ask for help... Suppose I want to create a class call [COLOR="Red"]"Brand"[/COLOR], it is basically just to store the brand name, a brief description, and also need to give it a picture. Says: Toyota, it is a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for colinwood07
Member Avatar for zabalex
Member Avatar for paavan123

hello friends, could you suggest me what is that actually it mean that??? If any of you know about that please share your information here

Member Avatar for aceadam85
Member Avatar for webmaster@123

Hi Below is the title which I currently placed for my page which is only 63 characters [COLOR="Red"]SEO Company in Chennai, India, Professional SEO Company Chennai[/COLOR] But when I saw my website in Google, title tag of my site was display like below [COLOR="Red"]SEO Company in Chennai, India, Professional SEO …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Numerous SEO publications are reporting that Google has decided to hide keywords from referral information for everyone logged into their Google account when they perform a search. What this means is that sites will no longer know what keywords were typed in to land at the resulting page. It's really …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Squit

hello i have a problem with the % sign in to the url links for example my url is [code]http://www.site.com/1411/The-trafic-is-increased-to-20%-this-year[/code] that % is used like a variable in browsers and is not clickable in IE 8 or it gives errors in others browsers! removing % is not an option because …

Member Avatar for Squit
Member Avatar for mosesaaron

Is this black-hat SEO technique or something else please sharing you knowledge with me.

Member Avatar for getsunil
Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for m1051f

I am currently at this URL localhost:8080/Test/students/Steve The page from that URL displays some info about Steve and a link that goes to teachers. [CODE]<a href="teachers/all">Click to view all teachers</a>[/CODE] When I click the link it goes to localhost:8080/Test/students/teachers/all I want localhost:8080/Test/teachers/all How can I do that? I managed to …

Member Avatar for tcollins412

hello, i am making a website and i need some help. I am writing a table, here is the code:[CODE]<table style='float: left;'> <tr><td style='width: 200px; height: 500px; background-color: red; valign: top; align: top;'><a class='mainlink' href='about.html'>About Me (under construction)</a><br /> </td></tr> </table>[/CODE] now, i want the link to align to the …

Member Avatar for untitledking
Member Avatar for jesicawillss

Hello Friends. Website optimization is not an easy task for me. I know that it is very important task. Can you guide me on the navigation subject? I want to know that which navigation method proves more effective or beneficial for search engines and users?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for paavan123

How could link wheel be useful for creating backlinks??? could you tell me in detail???

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for adityaa

Which is the best way to top ranking in any search engine On page and off page?

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for paavan123

Hi friends, i am little bit confused about the outbound links whether it is a good seo strategy or not. If any of you know the little knowledge about that so please share your information. Your little input will be appreciable

Member Avatar for paavan123
Member Avatar for jack jastin

Hello everybody, I would like to ask here what is basically Drupal is? And How to use it? so if some one is having any idea about this Please discuss here to let us know. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for getsunil

hi all, Please share the information about Link Validation.What is this and what is the process of doing this.

Member Avatar for devisrimari1
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

I just bought a domain starting with an uppercase letter and inside my domain registrar control panel, it shows the same way as it it registered( first letter uppercase. ) anyway, contrary to what many people said i read in here SNIP that registering a domain with mixing upper/lower case …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Rian19

Hi I'm just starting with php programming and need some help. This is just a test script I'm writing to see how it works. I'm trying to search for phone of a certain make and price using a different search box for Make and price. I want the results to …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for AndyPants

Hello, i was wondering how would i make a search kind of thing, for example if string1 contains all the words in string2 words. like a search(not just if string1 contains string 2). it should work something like this: If string1 is "an apple" and if string2 is "djsjfsfg apple …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for eoop.org

Hello, I'm doing a small project that aims to develop a search engine. What I need is a web crawler that can scrape backlinks for a website. I need to scratch: Title, PageText, Page Size, Back Links Does anyone know of a good web crawler that can give me that? …


The End.