7,168 Topics

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Member Avatar for Squit

hello i have a problem with the % sign in to the url links for example my url is [code]http://www.site.com/1411/The-trafic-is-increased-to-20%-this-year[/code] that % is used like a variable in browsers and is not clickable in IE 8 or it gives errors in others browsers! removing % is not an option because …

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Member Avatar for mosesaaron

Is this black-hat SEO technique or something else please sharing you knowledge with me.

Member Avatar for getsunil
Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for m1051f

I am currently at this URL localhost:8080/Test/students/Steve The page from that URL displays some info about Steve and a link that goes to teachers. [CODE]<a href="teachers/all">Click to view all teachers</a>[/CODE] When I click the link it goes to localhost:8080/Test/students/teachers/all I want localhost:8080/Test/teachers/all How can I do that? I managed to …

Member Avatar for tcollins412

hello, i am making a website and i need some help. I am writing a table, here is the code:[CODE]<table style='float: left;'> <tr><td style='width: 200px; height: 500px; background-color: red; valign: top; align: top;'><a class='mainlink' href='about.html'>About Me (under construction)</a><br /> </td></tr> </table>[/CODE] now, i want the link to align to the …

Member Avatar for untitledking
Member Avatar for jesicawillss

Hello Friends. Website optimization is not an easy task for me. I know that it is very important task. Can you guide me on the navigation subject? I want to know that which navigation method proves more effective or beneficial for search engines and users?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for paavan123

How could link wheel be useful for creating backlinks??? could you tell me in detail???

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for adityaa

Which is the best way to top ranking in any search engine On page and off page?

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for paavan123

Hi friends, i am little bit confused about the outbound links whether it is a good seo strategy or not. If any of you know the little knowledge about that so please share your information. Your little input will be appreciable

Member Avatar for paavan123
Member Avatar for jack jastin

Hello everybody, I would like to ask here what is basically Drupal is? And How to use it? so if some one is having any idea about this Please discuss here to let us know. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for getsunil

hi all, Please share the information about Link Validation.What is this and what is the process of doing this.

Member Avatar for devisrimari1
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

I just bought a domain starting with an uppercase letter and inside my domain registrar control panel, it shows the same way as it it registered( first letter uppercase. ) anyway, contrary to what many people said i read in here SNIP that registering a domain with mixing upper/lower case …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Rian19

Hi I'm just starting with php programming and need some help. This is just a test script I'm writing to see how it works. I'm trying to search for phone of a certain make and price using a different search box for Make and price. I want the results to …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for AndyPants

Hello, i was wondering how would i make a search kind of thing, for example if string1 contains all the words in string2 words. like a search(not just if string1 contains string 2). it should work something like this: If string1 is "an apple" and if string2 is "djsjfsfg apple …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for eoop.org

Hello, I'm doing a small project that aims to develop a search engine. What I need is a web crawler that can scrape backlinks for a website. I need to scratch: Title, PageText, Page Size, Back Links Does anyone know of a good web crawler that can give me that? …

Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi! I would just like to know if its possible to give an linked image the ability to send the form instead of a submit button? Like in the example below: [CODE] <form method="post" action="Search.php"> <table id="search"> <tr> <td> Search: <input type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder="Search for friends"/><td><a href="Search.php" action="Search.php"><img src="graphics/search.png" …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for us0343

what is the best way for bringing a website on the first page of Google ? is it link building ? if the page rank increases website can become on the first page of Google search engine ? what is the best way ? Regards usman

Member Avatar for Seobytes
Member Avatar for Sabryan

Some SEO specialists become more successful than others. It may depend on several things, the company they work for, the way they work and why not think that they are somehow lucky And to understand the reason I want to know the strategy of the best professionals.

Member Avatar for mattwls
Member Avatar for roydimeo

Hi Everyone I am new to search engine optimization and I have a few questions on keywords. I am told that I need to include my key words at the top and bottom of my pages. I have about 10 keywords in total that I want to use through out …

Member Avatar for russellwallace
Member Avatar for Donieob

I have a JTextArea in a JScrollPane with hundreds of lines of text in it. I would like to add a JComboBox with some key words in it and when the user selects one of the key words the scroll pane moves to the first appearance of this word in …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I want create a Link same like Wall with Different name and Diffrent icon. See in the attachment image.

Member Avatar for joshtimber
Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for trinsleynewton

Google News, which has long relied on automation to deliver news content from countless providers, has announced a twist in its algorithm: It will now recognize "featured" content among the tens of thousands of stories it delivers every day. [url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/25/google-news-algorithm_n_980064.html[/url]

Member Avatar for joshtimber
Member Avatar for swissknife007

[CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node {struct node * left; struct node * right; int info; }; typedef struct node node; node * root=NULL,*loc,*par,*save,*child; int item; void pre(node *); void in(node *); void post(node *); void find() { node * ptr; loc=root; par=NULL; if(root==NULL) { loc=NULL; par=NULL; return; } if(root->info==item) …

Member Avatar for swissknife007
Member Avatar for Angel69
Member Avatar for Dani

As many of you may be aware, DaniWeb was originally hit by the Google Panda algorithm back in February. We finally made a full recovery (and then some!) during the Panda update at the end of July. We were just hit by Panda yet again this past week, which was …

Member Avatar for claydcousta
Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for wimmer

I am a newbie with php and was hoping someone can help me out. I am creating my first dynamic site in php and have gotten stuck. I have one page with 100's of links. I need all these links to load the same page but I need the server …

Member Avatar for wimmer
Member Avatar for Khodz

Hello All I'm not quite sure you can do this but it seems to me like something python is probably able to do. Basically, I need to assert that somewhere in my list of lists i have a '2', and a '1'. Now my lists in the biglist are all …

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Member Avatar for AWorkTool

I am building a tool for my team at work to search a XML file for a particular item and return back the nodes associated with it. I have searched the web to no abounds and was wondering if someone would mind letting me know what I am missing. Here …


The End.