7,168 Topics

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Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I've got a simple link that opens a mail message: [CODE]<a href="mailto:help@solutions.com"[/CODE] If I select a new mail message in Outlook, it opens and works fine, using the "Normal" format style for the body text. But, with the mailto: link, it opens a new message using "Paragraph" format style for …

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for Huntondoom

[left][size=18pt][b]Advanced Internet Search [/b][/size][/left] [b]Coded & Design By Huntondoom[/b] Advanced Internet Search or AIS is an program that speeds up the search process this program goes to Google and looks want you gave it to search then collect a number of results (number may differ when using different settings), each …

Member Avatar for mgranger96

I'm working on generating SEO friendly URLs from data taken from a database. I've been successful for the most part. The only issue I'm having is when I stripped the spaces and made them dashes, I lose the data being pulled from the database. If I leave the spaces in …

Member Avatar for mgranger96
Member Avatar for newgon
Member Avatar for itsyllabus
Member Avatar for shooksy101

Hi people, I have created a form that allows me to search customers from a datagrid table which holds the information from the customers table. I use a textbox to enter the phrase to search for and a search button. I can find the records within the datagrid table but …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

I found this checklist to be helpful and easy to understand. :) Anyone know of any other links like this page? [url]http://searchengineland.com/seo-checklist-of-best-and-worst-practices-part1-43752[/url]

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Recently i was searching in Google and suddenly i got this word pagerank evaporation. Is it a SEO component? Is yes then please let me know.

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

What are some of the key factors to keep in mind when optimizing your web page for BOTH pay per click and organic? I've got a general list of tips and tricks for organic placement and pay per click placement seperately, but what about universal factors to keep in mind …

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for deecoup

i just want to implement traffic calculator like this i want to implement Google map traffic calculator how plz help me i want like someone select a vehicle from drop down and in second and third drop down pickup and drop off location and when click to submit button a …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for erdemece

Hi everyone. I'm trying to develop a little blog by my self. and I'm gonna write in it as you guess but I want to give link, show picture, show video and also I want to make bold some letters. Im gonna do video and bold replace with bbcode. thats …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, When I moved to a new server, I got less traffic. The new server is faster in speed but why I got less traffice. Some keywords are not indexed on Google as high as before. Does anyone know the reason? Thanks.

Member Avatar for xcdear213
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

I have a database that has a simple search form where you enter the 'Search Text' and then mouse click the 'Search' button and the results are displayed. Alternatively if the Enter key is pressed twice, first time to enter the text and tab to the 'Search' button, and the …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for TySkby

Hi all, I've been struggling with different ways to solve a problem for about a week, and as my attempts have so far been fruitless, I figured I would turn to DaniWeb for some help. I have an unordered list <ul class="navigation"> where each list item contains some links. Example: …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

Making a layout in photoshop, splicing image... How can you use a photoshop layout to benefit you in terms of SEO? Other than image alt tags and url's of course. Is this ALWAYS a bad idea?

Member Avatar for anderson1234
Member Avatar for ankitva

Hello Friends I am doing SEO for my two websites Designed By me. And I want know about Paul and Angela Linkbuilding.

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

Im new to the line of SEO work. My boss wants me to optimize pages already created from our website for Google. I've tried a million different ways to switch the content around and change words, anything to increase the percentage of prominence. All attempts have failed. The density is …

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for shella

Hi guys, I'm pretty new in ths ocean of SEO and I'm trying to improve optimization on a website with Google. I got a question and is not easy to find answer in Google too... The website is well seen in google with the main page index.php on the root …

Member Avatar for shella
Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hello there, This is just a quick question. You know that servlets respond by printing out dynamic HTML code? Well, is it possible that instead of doing that, the servlet just redirects back to the HTML form that send the servlet the Form data in the first place? myHtml(sends form …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler
Member Avatar for deecoup

my business Doing good in .com domain but not good in .in domain what are the necessary steps for improving websites ranking in Google.co.in

Member Avatar for ezestseo
Member Avatar for RapidFire4Life

Hi I'm having a lot of trouble with this problem. Here is the assignment... Write the definition of the function template seqSearch to implement the sequential search on a vector object. [CODE] template<class elemType> int seqSearch(const vector<elemType> &list, const elemType& item); //If item is found in the list, return the …

Member Avatar for RapidFire4Life
Member Avatar for Dani

So I was thinking all last night and all morning about what exactly the algorithm update that happened on Thursday entailed. Word on the street is that they are targeting content farms, and sites with lower quality information. Content quality is all subjective, of course, as opposed to Google's history …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for Dani

A new google algorithm was released yesterday which has been targeted at content farms. According to the Google blog, it affects 11% of all search queries on the web, making it one MASSIVE update. We were *significantly* hit, losing about 50% of our traffic we normally get from Google. From …

Member Avatar for addyj672
Member Avatar for Pinchanzee

Anyone have any experience with Soft-404 errors on non-error pages on Google webmaster? I'm getting a lot of "Soft-404 (404-like content)" crawl errors in my account. The links all actually work, but google's crawler doesn't seem to like them, which I doubt will do me many favours. The problem seem …

Member Avatar for Pinchanzee
Member Avatar for arshalan

Hi guys, i readen in a news that new internet portal is coming up to kill facebook and google, Name:worldbook , url:i dont know , slogan- worldbook helps you to live in secure world Create your own secure world. Total features-1200 , total services-15, (include:Lite space ( social network),file hosting,safe …

Member Avatar for deecoup
Member Avatar for AntiQuark

The following google analytics daily unique visitor traffic graph is backed up by server traffic data and google webmasters clicks to site data. Image of Graph: [URL="http://runescape.siteguides.net/graph.jpg"]Graph[/URL] Most traffic comes from google: [URL="http://runescape.siteguides.net/sources.jpg"]Traffic Sources Chart[/URL] Before Oct 1st traffic was rising steadily with no problems. No changes where made before …

Member Avatar for AntiQuark
Member Avatar for Dani

I currently use Sphinx search, and am attempting to sort my results in time segments mode, which means time segments in descending order and then relevance in descending order. Currently I use SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, and it works fine. But every time I switch to time segments mode, it returns zero results. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KarliGrace

Hello, About 2 weeks ago I got a pop up that appeared to be a Windows update, but upon completion, all I saw was one of those aggressive programs that says you have infections but there wasn't any when I ran my antivirus program. I ran AVG, Malwarebytes and Hijackthis …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for HelenLF

From an SEO point of view is there any advantage to having separate pages on a website as opposed to one page which is dynamically populated with varying content drawn from a database. In particular, I am thinking of a restaurant website where the menu pages can either be separate …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ptara1

I currently have a linked table from two tables in one database. I would like to add information from a third table contained in another database. The code for the current table is: [CODE] <?php $con = mysql_connect("","",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("", $con); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Dani

I am pretty sure it has been proven that Google penalizes for landing pages with popup/popunder windows, because it negatively affects the user's experience. I was just wondering if they do the same for JavaScript-based modal windows? Or if they are even able to detect them??

Member Avatar for addyj672

The End.