Hello Everyone,

My website's backlinks are very less, less backlinks causes low pagerank.
However i want to increase my website's backlinks so please tell me what to do.
Its 54 before a month and now drop down at 19. so can any one help me for this problem?

Also want good and related reciprocal partners so i can get good backlinks.

Need your positive replies...



You sound desperate William. You have some tough lessons ahead of you.

go for directory submission you get one way links, also do Article submission, Blog posting, Link exchange with your relevant site,Forum by Adding a Signature..... its help you in maintain your site in top ranks and also use for PR.........

You can try your luck on various webmaster forums by posting a thread in the relevant section mentioning your website URL, Niche, PR, and other information. But make sure you post it in the relevant section meant for reciprocal link exchanges, not in a SEO section like this.

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