What is the difference between SEO and PPC? I understand what each means but dont they technically do the same things?

SEM (search engine marketing) is broken down into two groups:
SEO = search engine optimization are the techniques to optimize your website to rank high in the search results. it is broken down into on-page seo (meta tags, h1 tags, etc) and off-page seo (building backlinks to increase page rank)
PPC = pay per click advertising where you pay (usually a search engine) per click on keywords that you bid on to appear as sponsored listings in search results and on other publisher websites

Thanks you. I needed clarification

Both are parts of Internet Marketing. In later( SEO) one one have to pay google and in former(PPC) one you shouldn't.............

<snip fake signature>

Another difference is that SEO can take a long time as you build content and links while PPC allows you to start buying traffic today.

PPC is getting harder to do as more people are advertising online. The prices are going up and the standards to advertise on search engines are increasing.

It's like the story of the tortoise (SEO) and the hare (PPC). Whilst PPC can get you way ahead of your competition in a matter of days, ultimately it is a SEO strategy that will help you to ultimately win the race.

Seo and PPC are both two different forms of Internet Marketing. PPC is pay per click on Google Adwords or another advertising format with ads. Search Engine Optimization is the optimization of your website to rank higher than your competition in the organic search results, the natural search results. 85% of search engine users click on the SEO sites, or the natural organic search results, not the ads. 15% of search engine users click on the PPC ads, the pay per click ads of google, yahoo, or another search engine. So although SEO is much more time consuming and takes a lot of hard work, it is better to be found there, and it is free. The PPC, you must pay for, and less people click on the ppc ads. However, the ppc ads allow you to start at the top of the search engines immediately, whereas the seo portion might take some time. This is my breakdown in a nutshell. thanks.

Both of these methods are important so you should pay enough attention to them, but if you are low on budget its better to start of with SEO methods afterward you can go to PPC..

PPC means pay per click and seo means Search engine optimization
and PPC is a part of Seo

So glad I found this, needed clarifying on this subject too.

What is the difference between SEO and PPC? I understand what each means but dont they technically do the same things?

SEO and PPC is the form of search engine marketing (SEM) and don't technically the same things. SEO is for a long term result in the search engine and usually the seo expert do link building and on-page optimization while PPC is for short term result if you want to earn revenue easily but its also depends on your strategies.

Both are parts of Internet Marketing. In later( SEO) one one have to pay google and in former(PPC) one you shouldn't.............

<snip fake signature>


I would think it would be less valuable to pay for traffic with the intention of a sale only to direct them to your page about the sale which directs them to a sales page of the product.

It seems redundant even, unless of course you have some hardcore know-how and your review is really on par. But, that would mean your advertisement would have to be very specific.

If I click an ad that claims this product can cure nipple aches or whatever, only to find myself on a page with a review of a product. I might just hit my back button and go to the next entry.

I guess it would be interesting to see some cross-testing.

Everybody wants to get business through their online resources and for it they try to be visible top in results pages of search engine. Google(Search Engine) is the source of making money. PPC is like direct payment to Google for getting business as Google placed the website in top sponsored results. On the other hand SEO is the techniques or changes done in/for website to get good visibility in top results through targeted keywords.

SEO is good if you want an organic visitor that you need in a long run. PPC can boost your sales but the traffic is temporary only.

Thanks you. I needed clarification

Both PPC and SEO are meant for getting traffic to your website. But SEO is more traffic focussed whereas PPC is Lead(conversion) focussed.

I will say if you are planning for buy your product then definitely go for PPC but if you have B to B portal then go for SEO. SEO is a slow process and take time to achieve a position in search engine, whereas PPC is the fast and your will start getting see your ads with in 15mins.
Pay per click is paid listing and you have to pay per every click to the search engine wherease in SEO you don't have to do much investment but need long time dedication.

for more please visit

SEO is dead , PPC is dieing , conversation per click is reducing day by day .


SEO is divided into two parts On Page Seo and Off Page Seo. There are various methods involved in SEO like directory submission, blog posting, blog commenting, forum commenting. They are effective in making a website rank higher in search engines. PPC is a part of SEO. It involves lot of keyword research.

What is the difference between SEO and PPC? I understand what each means but dont they technically do the same things?

Technically, yes they both get you placed in the search engines. SEO takes much longer to do this and the traffic is less targeted, and usually somewhat less effective than ppc traffic. PPC can be setup overnight, but you pay per click. There are distinct pros and cons to each.

PPC is quick and SEO is long time process but could yeild your long time indirect (or direct ) benefits

What is the difference between SEO and PPC? I understand what each means but dont they technically do the same things?

Technically they so the same thing... But SEO traffic is "free" which PPC traffic you pay per click. However PPC traffic sometimes beats out SEO traffic in terms of conversion rates, and also you can obviously get a website listed quicker with ppc than with seo. SEO takes a lot of time. For most businesses, a combination of both makes the most sense.

as we knw SEO is just optimize our site through social bookmarking,link building,article submission n all...
and other side PPC is also a vry huge area and interactive part of internet marketing......journely PPC is a form of online advertising whereby visitors are directed to an advertiser's website after clicking on an advertisement, and the advertiser pays for each visitor on a per-click basis.:icon_biggrin:

PPC is one part of SEO. PPC brings lots of visitors too. Its very important part of SEO other than strategies.


SEO is a long term marketing strategy that takes lots of time and energy to do properly (for competitive keyword niches). Problem is if you don't know anything about SEO or the systems involved then you will probably be just wasting your time by targetting the wrong keywords. Leave it to professionals unless you have no competition.

PPC costs money but gets immediate results. Setting up an effective PPC campaign also takes time, effort and knowledge to do properly. Lots of companies just write a quick ad and end up loosing money with PPC. Also PPC gets you stuck in the search engines systems where you will eventually end up paying more and more...

I would recommend investing your money in building backlinks and seo.

Use PPC for promotions or if you absolutely need customers today

Seo is more of a long time technique that u have to do all the way, while PPC is more of a short term strategy which can boost your site in a relatively short period time!

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