Hello friends ,
I am sachin from delhi .
dear , I am new in seo . I have some seo project . so can U help?
Designer Wallpaper and Fabric
Interior Design London
Interior Decoration
Home Furnishing uk

These are my seo project keywords . so can u give me some tips so
How can I rank my keyword in Top10 in google within 2 week.
if u have some tips for me so plz pm .
I am w8ing for your positive reply .
sachin singh

Hi there,
SEO means patience remember this.There are various factors that are considered by google for ranking the websites.
I need to know certain facts such as the domain age.
If possible can you let me know the domain name?
You can try adding the site to directories, submitting to forums etc. in short increase the web presence.


He have already mentioned his domain in his signature.
I will suggest you to work on link building, more i think one way linking will be best. It will help you to boost your keywords in SERP.

i think one way linking will be best. It will help you to boost your keywords in SERP.

yep, I do agree with you. Try to get maximum quality links which are pointing your website.

I have not yet seen your website but I would also suggest to focus more on internal linking and use proper anchor text on such links.

Remember off-page SEO matters more. having that said, you also have to look for your titles, description. Try to get your keywords in titles, description, H1 tags.

Off page SEO includes link building and search engine submission.

some popular one-way Link building ways are social bookmarking, do follow blog commenting, forum signatures, press release, free classified ads listing. You can search more through google..

Top10 in Google within 2 week is almost impossible.

Fastest possible way is link building. Start buying links...... preferably signature links, blog post from nich forums/ blogs.

Good luck :)

That's impossible, within 2 weeks? you must be kidding.
Dude, SEO needs patience and efforts. If you find any way to top in Google, then please let me know too.

your keywords are not the hot words, so I think it can work after your hard working, but it seems impossible to get high position in 2-3 weeks, this period just enough for indexing , work for a long term job, guy.

Google loves patience and branding. Invest time in your website and you will get much better response from it. Fast impact can only be reached with black hat seo.

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