7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for seo2005

Hi Everyone, I want to exclude all files except one in robots.txt file. All my files in temp folder. The one file I want to allow is abc.html Can oneone please point out how to go about it.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for MaRio8006

Hello everybody! please tell me something: the using of bbcodes is part of google optimization? increase the traffic? thanks a lot!

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hemanthjava

Hello All, [U][I]I have my Robots.txt as[/I][/U] [CODE]User-agent: * Allow: / [/CODE] and used the "[B]Robots Meta Configuration[/B]" Plugin with settings as shown in the Attachment Then I ran the Tool to check my Robots.txt Syntax using some Robots.txt tool validator ( [url]http://tool.motoricerca.info/robots-checker.phtml[/url] ). I got Errors. Could you please …

Member Avatar for BrotherBill
Member Avatar for flaxseoguru

[B]I am trying to create a link between two of my clients websites but they don’t want them to be visible on either website. Is there a way I can do this but still have google recognise it as a link? Also When we have videos on our website from …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

In regards to SEO, I think of the following metrics: 1. # of results per search engine in English 2. differences in # of results among various related keywords 3. different categories represented. 4. Where does your company fall under the first page, second page, and even third page or …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

One of my clients has asked me to set up two blogs, using WordPress, to discuss two vertical markets that the company has expertise in. As WordPress allows you to add pages to the blog that are more like standard webpages, he is planning on using the two blog sites …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Hi It seems that the trend is that SEO techniques have Google in mind. But what about optimizing for the other search engines like Bing and Yahoo?

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Member Avatar for bettsnirvana

All my backlinks in MSN are gone, is it because of the new search engine called "Bing"? Did microsoft change their algorithm?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just read a blog entry where the blogger attempts to make the case that Big Business (he refers to corporate world) does not engage in web 2.0 for a variety of reasons. I find the whole blog to be slightly suspect and I will explain why. First, he compares …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

One aspect of search engines that worry me is the privacy aspect. Search engines use this information for their behavioral targeting. Look at the grid on the cnet page. [URL="http://news.cnet.com/2100-1029_3-6202068.html"]http://news.cnet.com/2100-1029_3-6202068.html[/URL] So has this issue of privacy ever impacted you on which search engine you will use?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I freely admit, as my screen name points out, to being a marketer more than I am an SEOer. I began educating myself on SEO for two reasons. The first being that one can never have enough knowledge so that they can make themselves as valuable as possible to their …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was reading a blog post about optimizing internal links and the blog said that if you use drop down menus for site navigation you are hurting your SEO efforts. I would assume the blogger was advocating some sort of tree navigation but he does not say. I was wondering …

Member Avatar for goodroi
Member Avatar for Dani

Yay for Bing! They're sending me 3X the amount of traffic that MSN used to. It's LITERALLY MS flipping a little switch and sending me 3X the amount of traffic one day to the next. Did anyone else notice a huge increase/decrease when Microsoft flipped the switch?

Member Avatar for goodroi
Member Avatar for lovemyseo

That's what happned to me recently just started working on new website with loaing time issues etc page rank dropped to 0 but then again in 16 days of efforts (on page , off page both) I got it back to 4 which was never 4 before. Visit the link …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for ashimaparveen

I was working for one site its PR was 0, and within 15 days there is a substantial increase in the “Page Rank Value” (PR) of website from 0 to 2. How can i view my previous page rank for my site. I want to know if there is any …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for wendellanderson

The title of this DaniWeb article is misleading and the author needs to be careful of how "quoting" someone needs to be kept in context. Just because Steve Ballmer [B][I]"says"[/I][/B] Microsoft [B][I]"ceded"[/I][/B] Search to Google does not automatically or explicitly imply that Microsoft had a choice in whether they lost …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for jingwen

As a seoer we know that the links have internal link and external link,but which one is more important? I think it is internal,you know it is easy to control and if your internal link are good,the pr will be transfer to other pages.The external link need time to build,and …

Member Avatar for Robdale
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Earlier this week, Opera announced that with the release of Opera 10 they are adding a new Technology called Opera Unite. According to the Opera website, "Opera Unite harnesses the power of today's fast connections and hardware, allowing all of us to help define the future landscape of the Web, …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Meta description tags are like a permanent 'Tweet' for your website when it appears in search results. The 3 majors SE's have different character limits but if you go with the shortest (google at 160) you are talking about a defining 'tweet' like statement that will be the first bit …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Reading from another forum on this community, many bloggers disclosed their PageRank to be within the 0-2 range. Even for a blog I have that has not been updated often, the PageRank is 2. What is your blog's PageRank? Is it a business or personal blog?

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Member Avatar for Sirabbub

Is the following a good technique for improving 'how to link to us' pages? A well-known problem with link to us pages is that if you manage to get enough people visiting them and obeying the 'how to link to us' instructions, all your links (resulting from them) will be …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for LisaRole

In the search engine wars, Microsoft has been nowhere to be found when it comes to market share. In fact, they nearly spent over $40 billion to buy Yahoo which is a distant competitor to Google which owns about a 75% market share of searches. In the latest battle for …

Member Avatar for shivanikapoor
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Last week Microsoft made available for download the latest IIS SEO toolkit Beta, another part of the larger Microsoft Web Platform Strategy. The three components are a Site Analysis Module, Robot Exclusion module and a Sitemaps and Site Indexes module. Microsoft states that the toolkit beta will 1. Improve website …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for witty4u

Hi All, I have a travel site and it's 10 keywords are rank in top ten in Google and now i get the 20 new keywords for same site (all are not in Google ) if i again make changes in META then it will effect my previous keyword ranking …

Member Avatar for vfrank
Member Avatar for jbrown1

For people who use their blog to sell products, how exactly do you make it work? Do you have entries about each product discussing them, or do you blog about the general purpose/area of interest related to what you're selling, and then link to a "store" section on a different …

Member Avatar for DansMuayThaiMMA
Member Avatar for flaxseoguru
Member Avatar for vanesa

Anchor text is what we call text links. You should always try and have all text links as descriptive keywords. When a spider follows the link to your page it should have an understanding of the content. Anchor text is a great way of improving your rankings on competitive keywords.

Member Avatar for brainsteh
Member Avatar for FirstD11

Hi every body, I have question : It is good or not if the title tag and the meta description tags have the same meaning or description.. for example : <TITLE> Learning about SEO <TITLE> and my description tags <META NAME="description" content="learning about SEO"> Is any body can explain to …

Member Avatar for shivanikapoor
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I have been told that a keyword-rich title tag is the key to SEO excess but the latest I have read about seems to be both logical and so stupidly simple that I was curious if anyone had heard of it or even tried it. The suggestion in the piece …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I have been presented with a somewhat odd challenge and I was wondering if anyone had any experience or tips they would like to pass along. One of my clients has a website they build in Umbraco, a CMS system created in Denmark and that has very little in terms …

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The End.