7,154 Topics

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Just took a look at [url]www.collecta.com[/url] . It is in Beta and is billed as a real time search engine that searches twitter, RSS feeds, and various social media outlets for results. Looks interesting but unsure what the potential is.

Member Avatar for millsy007

I had a malware warning about my site but have no idea how it would of got on there or what I should do about it? ------------------------------------------------------------- Safe Browsing Diagnostic page for example.com What is the current listing status for example.com This site is not currently listed as suspicious. Part …

Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi
Member Avatar for MktgRob

While Bing is the big deal, another [I][B]decision engine[/B][/I] has quietly been made available for all to play with and help make stronger. HUNCH, from a team lead by Caterian Flake of Flikr fame, has been in invitation-only Beta since March but it was opened up to the general public …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was just reading about a new website that is in Beta that is using the Twitter model for Press Release-type announcements. The site is called QuickNewsBits and it uses a 160 character model. The website shows the Facebook and Twitter logos so there must be some reciprocal servce involved. …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Yahoo will officially release Search Pad tomorrow. It allows users to collect information from search pages to one page. With release of a public url, Yahoo will allow data integration with Del.icio.us, Facebook, and Twitter. From a SEO perspective, I wonder how SearchPad will affect the SEO landscape. What do …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

Got tipped off to this one at a recent event. I don't know if any or all of you have seen it or played with it yet but I invite everyone to check it out and let me know what you think the SEO implications will be. Go into Google …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Mozilla has release Firefox 3.5 with a functionality called 'Location-Aware Browsing'. The feature determines the computer’s location and asks permission to share it with sites that use it to enhance the functionality of online applications and services, such as helps you search for the nearest restaurant, can provide information that …

Member Avatar for phoenix06007
Member Avatar for MktgRob

One of my clients has links from their website to the Linkedin profiles of their execs as well as the Linkedin Company Page. Additionally, each of the exec's linkedin profiles list the corporate URL as does the Linkedin Company Page. My question is this, if a company has this type …

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just read an article that said that in a study conducted by the Online Publishers Association (OPA) and comScore Networks, U.S. residents spent more than $500 million on online dating and personals in 2007, the second largest segment of "paid content" on the Web, and that those numbers would …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was just reading a blog that talked about one website that had its ranking affected by the fact that there were spam messages in the comment section of the website. Not only did the spam messages not pertain to the business but they were porn related. As many websites …

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Member Avatar for posterreal

i request help on this topic: MSN, Google and Yahoo Directory currently ignore on of my clients website. None of the other search engines seems to have trouble. The index.html is already in the three above. From there on, a cms is called through a frameset looking like this: frame …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just read that Google is offering SEO tips under the name Google Speed. I have only taken a cursory look at it but I have seen some other stories about it in other places that have been critical of the tips they provide or they just question the validity …

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

In my reading I have seen some articles on Page Age and Link Age and for the most part the assessment is that older pages and older links will do better in page rankings because of their age. But they also state that at a certain point older becomes too …

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Member Avatar for poppaippi

Hi Forums Members, I was just wondering have anyone every got their account closed, shutdown or banned for no reason at all. There have been people I have talked to who have had problems like this, which is very sad. These are people who have ran their businesses online, weather …

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just read a blog post where the author states that to maximize your SEO efforts, and the benefits as well, the SEO specialist or team inside an organization should share the SEO strategy with a number of different parties within the enterprise so that everyone is working towards the …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Bing has announced that they will include the twitter feeds for a few prominent twitterers in their search results. The result listing will show the most recent tweets by the person and a link for more. Will this cause companies to encourage employees to tweet more often to get into …

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Member Avatar for flaxseoguru

[B]I just noticed that unlike wordpress blogs where most of them use nofollow, .NET blogs have dofollow in their comment section not only that most of the blogs approve your comments instantly and also there is practically no spams in these blogs which makes it very great for SEO. how …

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Member Avatar for seopositive

Short for search engine marketing, SEM is often used to describe acts associated with researching, submitting and positioning a Web site within search engines to achieve maximum exposure of your Web site. SEM includes things such as search engine optimization, paid listings and other search-engine related services and functions that …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Hi There are lessons we have learned while doing internet marketing. Which lessons have you learned? I have learned: 1. NOT to create a website on Flash, especially the home page. 2. Becareful where you submit your links. 3. You can create the best website but if you dont plug …

Member Avatar for DansMuayThaiMMA
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was just reading a report of a speech given at SMX Advanced in Seattle where the speaker, Matt Cutts, stated that NoFollow links no longer conserve page rank but that they in some cases the evaporate it. The example given was as follows. You have Pagerank of 10 and …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I decided to challenge myself and use Bing for a week. I encourage you to use Bing for a few days and report your experiences on this thread. I sure will. If you already have been using Bing, what are your experiences.

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Though many may find this page basic, I found it still provide insights. What do you think? [url]http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=35291[/url]

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Member Avatar for certficationmx

Hello there SEO poeple, What is the best technique to become an effective and efficient SEO consultant?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

How often to you optimize your website to increase natural search visitors? Do you do it on an ad-hoc basis or consistently every week or quarter?

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

Google has added a new function to the Google Maps app. It is called 'What's Here' and it when you search on a specific location and right click the map the menu allows you to select What's Here and then shows you various business in the area. Does anyone think …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for DansMuayThaiMMA

My PR just increased yesterday from PR 1 to PR 2. Lately I have been doing a lot of Social Bookmarking, which I am thinking was a factoring in raising my PR. New Goal = PR 3 by the end of the summer. :)

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Member Avatar for mspethman

GPI launches New Global Search Engine giving users 3x the search: by language, by country, and by search engine! WASHINGTON, DC, - April 21, 2009: Globalization Partners International (GPI), a provider of website, software and documentation translation services in over 100 languages, announced today that it has launched a new …

Member Avatar for DansMuayThaiMMA
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just read an interesting article about landing page optimization (LPO) and the author said that the best judge/gauge of your LPO strategy is conversion rate of visitors to the LP. This is a completely new concept to me and I was wondering if anyone is actively doing this type …

Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello Friends, I have changed on my sites to do friendly URLs and I am not sure if they help to get more indexed on SeO or not. Do you use search engine friendly URLs for your sites? What is the results? Please share you advice. No advice is stupid. …

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Member Avatar for Alli

I was wondering what your thoughts were about buying text links. Where is the best place to buy text links? Has anyone had any experience buying permanent text links? I'm actually more in favor of gaining links through article marketing, quality directories, and joint ventures but I'm always willing to …

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The End.