Many people on this blog have suggested many ways to organically drive traffic to the website or blog of your choice. As a former journalist (when print was not dead but on life support), I was contemplating the ability for writing articles for online media and using them as a way to drive traffic to the website or blog of your choice.

This is not blogging but submitting an article through the editorial process. I know that for the consulting business I am trying to establish I am using my old columns as content on my website because the magazine I worked for won't let me re-edit by byline. I am curious to know if anyone else has written for any of the online media, or had someone in their organization do so and then use the links from the column to the website to build up site traffic?

No I haven't tried that, Nor do I know someone with that kind of work experience.

then use the links from the column to the website to build up site traffic?

I didn't understand the above line, Care to explain a bit?

A lot of people use article sites like Ezinearticles, Article Dashboard, Go Articles, Buzzle, etc. to drive traffic and backlinks to their site.

Ezine articles can be pretty difficult about the content. If you have published the content elsewhere on the web that is not your website (a 3rd party site) they can reject your article and suspend your acccount. It can be a pain to go through the process of getting it reinstated.

I recently had a couple problems with them regarding this. But they are a great way to drive traffice to your site and build quality backlinks.

No I haven't tried that, Nor do I know someone with that kind of work experience.

I didn't understand the above line, Care to explain a bit?

Basically, you write an article for an on-line publication and link to the article from your website. Additionally, in the byline/bio that all writers will add at the end of a column stating where they work, you include a link to your corporate site. People who read an article online and have interest in the expertise of the person who authored the article and the company they work for would then click on the link to the author's corporate website. For example, if I own a marketing consultancy and I submit a column to ZDnet about e-marketing I would put in the bio at the end that I own my own consultancy with a link to the website. Someone reads the piece and is looking for a marketing consultant and they follow the link back to my site.

I have been writing for my website regularly and this is really great to drive traffic as well as to get free inbound do follow anchor text based link.

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Articles sites are becoming the thing of past, most of the people visit the articles sites to pick up article and post them on their own way, they hardly click on your links.

I recommend looking at the different columnists on the online version of Entrepreneur's and Inc Magazines. From my understanding, these columnists do have links to their websites/businesses. I recommend you to check out the Internet Marketing section and see how these columnists use backlinks to their businesses.

Articles sites are becoming the thing of past, most of the people visit the articles sites to pick up article and post them on their own way, they hardly click on your links.

But they are still great for PR, and occasoinally you can gain some niche based traffic that will revist and convert.

Articles sites are becoming the thing of past, most of the people visit the articles sites to pick up article and post them on their own way, they hardly click on your links.

Is this opinion or fact? I know many freelance writers who use this as a way of getting visibility and web traffic. Are there people who are grabbing info and posting it as their own? Sure but they are not representative of the whole populus nor do I think they are in the majority.

Is this opinion or fact? I know many freelance writers who use this as a way of getting visibility and web traffic. Are there people who are grabbing info and posting it as their own? Sure but they are not representative of the whole populus nor do I think they are in the majority.

This is opinion. I still get traffic and good qualityck links from article sties, so if it is something that you are already doing, I say keep doing it.

No never heard this thanks for it

Thanks for the videos. I'll check them out and maybe subscribe to that one.

Article marketing has been around for some time. EzineArticles recently celebrated their 10th anniversary...
I disagree that you will receive high quality backlinks... You need to publish articles that will recieve inbound links in order to pass that juice to you... Most of the time, articles on an article site will be very weak pages...
BUT, if you dont want to bother dealing with your own content management software, you can use these articles to display your unique, important, targeted content... Then you can attract people (traffic) that will be more likely to convert (buy something, go to your site, sign up somewhere)... This is the real purpose (at least nowadays) of article marketing... For link juice purposes, its somewhat weak...

You should also note that different niches have different standards... I.E.: Spammy areas (Poker, Porn, Pills, Education, Link Purchasing) will all have spammy links (massively buying directory links, spamming comments on blogs and forums [hint,hint]) and they will be worth more than more reputable areas of the web, where such links are basically worthless.
So for example, had this previous poster been trying to spam for industrial manufacturers, they would have little success.... However, for his/her purposes, spamming for traffic/link marketing might have better success...
All in all, Google is devaluing these types of links, so its best to develop content thats worthy of links,then keyword stuff (not really, but kinda) the pages you want to rank...
Inbound Anchor text is not the most important thing in the world...
Does that make sense?

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