1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for man5237
Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for amit_s

Hi, I need to download email attachments using shell scripts. How to achieve this as I am a newbie in Linux/Unix environment? Thanks & Regards, Amit.

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for shwick

Running ubuntu 8.04 I built this off of the tripwire daily cron script. I'm trying to check the number of violations. There's a problem when $tripResult is instantiated with the tripwire report- it doesn't have any newline characters. This causes grep to not get the line with the number of …

Member Avatar for shwick
Member Avatar for born4unix

Hi, I want to find out files which were created,modified, accessed on specified date say "1 Oct 2008" and after that on file system level. can u please suggest me how to find that ?

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for evios

Hi to all the experts here, I am a true newbie on bash script and I have a couple of questions need to seek help: 1. What does "safe" delete command script means? I am confused with this statement: Write a "safe" delete command script. Filenames passed as command-line arguments …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Jaoqua

I am trying to dynamically create some shell script and run it (but don't know how!). I want to read in a string from a file (e.g. '[icode]echo $myvar[/icode]') then run that string (and, yes, myvar IS an existing variable). Can it be done? I have thought about writing it …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for lmrd

Hey all. I have an interesting problem. I have a file with a ton of raw hex data in it. I need to convert it into human readable text for display on a web site. The problem that I am having is this. For some of the data I need …

Member Avatar for mittelgeek
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Something off the box: I got a log file of the pattern say like this : 19876 Exception happened at heylog.php. 19878 Argument missing I need a shell script / awk which should get the file, read the line and should get me the line number displayed with that message …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for KarthigaB

Hi All, I have some log messages and sysout statments in my java code. I am executing my code through a shell script. I could able to see all my sysout statments since I have redirected stdout message to a file. Now I need to see the log messages to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for camila22

Hi there, sry all for my bad english i have this script but need to modify something if anyone can do it for me , this script need to start it in my linux box in process to monitor and when user deplete CPU or MySQL or something in (10%) …

Member Avatar for phynias

i have a modsecurity log that i want to pull a couple things from. here is an example line [05/Mar/2008:12:50:07 --0800] [[url]www.mydomain.com/sid#1ef44178][/url][rid#2042fa58][//member/index.php][2] Warning. Match of "rx ^OPTIONS$" against "REQUEST_METHOD" required. [file "/usr/local/apache2/modsec/modsecurity_crs_21_protocol_anomalies.conf"] [line "41"] [id "960015"] [msg "Request Missing an Accept Header"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "PROTOCOL_VIOLATION/MISSING_HEADER"] so i want to …

Member Avatar for manik007
Member Avatar for jesseb07

hello, I wrote an expect script to automate ssh commands, and it was working, but for some reason it's not anymore. Just to make sure I didn't do any weird changes that I didn't notice, I tried several of the dozens of such scripts that are online, and for some …

Member Avatar for jesseb07
Member Avatar for bmead

Howdy, I'm a total newbie to scripting and I can't figure out the proper syntax to shell script a for loop for the following scenario: I have a directory of symbolic links to backup log files. I want to loop through the dir to cat the last 21 lines of …

Member Avatar for bmead
Member Avatar for rast1979

Hello I am trying to use the find command to search for the last files modifyed under certain directory Example: #find /tmp -mtime -1 find all the files modifyed from 1 hour ago The question is: Somebody knows hou can I do the same but using minutes or seconds instead …

Member Avatar for rast1979
Member Avatar for Gresakl

I'm working on a bit of homework and I don't need someone to do it for me but to help out with this portion. The rest of it is pretty easy to manage since I already have it mostly done but right now I can't figure out how to get …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for neclark2

Hi, As the title suggests, I am completely clueless when it comes to shell scripts. However, I am in a position where I need to write one so I thought would ask for some help. What I need to do is dump every database in my instance of mysql into …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for Clockowl

Does anyone know if it's possible to create a shellscript that knows when it's fopen()ed? So when any process fopens() it, it can take an action? Thanks in advance,

Member Avatar for Duvva

Hi can anyone helpme out in writing a batch file to delete archived log files. The batch file should delete the files in those folders that meet the criteria(files older than 3 months)and if all the files in the folder are deleted then the folder itself should be deleted.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for yair7190

hi everyone, im trying to write a shell script that calculates memory usage of several processes (i basically run bash several times). here's the script: [code=bash] #!/usr/bin/bash memUsage=`ps -ef | grep bash| awk '{sum+= $2}'` echo $memUsage if $memUsage>130000000000000 ; then echo "mem usage exceeded" else echo "mem usage normall" …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for jasminselvaraj

Hello all, I have one shell script that takes the filename for processing as an argument. for eg. ./BulkEdit.sh SampleFile.xls. In the script it reads the filename from "$1" and does the processing of that particular file read from command line. If i have space character in the file name, …

Member Avatar for radoulov
Member Avatar for choco4202002

how to find all of the IP addresses in any and all of the files under /var/lib/output/*, ignoring whatever else may be in those files? now i can assume anything in those files.....can some one get me started on this. Now i know that the basic logic in this is …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for Bavananth

Hello experts ! I'm a newbiee to this shell scripting! I try to write a "diff" kinda script which compares two text files and echos the differences. The only different is, my script doesn't care about the character "x" in the first file , being replaced with any other character …

Member Avatar for Bavananth
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hi, I've got 2 problems with sh: 1) I have a list of logins, seperated by a space (in a logins.txt file, like so: login1 login2 login3). I'd like to display those login names which are online AND on that list. So I made a list of those online: users …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Luckychap

Hi all, I am very new to Unix. Please help me to write a script. Here is the discription of what the script should do: The script won't need to be horribly complex; it's to check to see if the hawkagents(a process) on a server have been restarted since the …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for a.kris

Hey guys .. I am pretty new to Shell Scripting. I was hoping if some one could help me out with my problem. I am going with a tutorial for shell scripting. While executing some of the programs and commands I am getting errors. I have also checked other sites …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for dotmac

Hello fellows, I'm on Mac OS X and have the following problem: Using a common cleanup script I got rid of useless localizations, keeping all the english files: [CODE] find /Applications ~/Applications /Library ~/Library \( -iname '*.lproj' -and \! \( -iname 'en*' \) -and \! \( -path '/Library/Receipts/*' -or -path …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for megladon

Hello All, set -x is useful for me to debug my shell scripts but is there any way to make it write to a file instead of it writing to stderr ?? I do not want to have to do an , [code] exec 2> logfile [/code] to retrieve the …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for Eilya

Hi friends, I want (a C++ code) to hide a process in kernel 2.6, I don't want monitoring even in /proc. please help me. Regards, Eilya

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for i.linus

Guys, I am new to shell script, and want to learn more about it. i have got one script to report on status of ADSL connection. i can understand half of it (or less then half). can you guys please help me out in this. Here is the script, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ryanique

Hello Experts, I am new at this and need some help. I am looking for a delete command that allows me after I grep for the hostname to delete all the lines between two characters. for example I want to delete the first line all the way up to the …

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The End.