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13 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, I have a problem - I'm to write how can a genetic algorithm document clustering program I wrote be combined (and benefit from that) with a "standard search engine". What could be considered a "standard search engine", in the given context?

Member Avatar for mashimaro
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hi, I was recently toying around the ECJ toolkit, creating some function trees with GP. Now, if I'd like to derive a function that will predict a 5th number when given previous 4, I'd use an MSE (mean squared error) fitness function. Tried it and it works pretty well on …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hello, got a WPF problem: I made a window with 3 textboxes (2x data inputs and 1x result), a combobox for operation choosing (+ - * /) and a button for calculating, like this: [CODE] a = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); b = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); switch (comboBox1.SelectedIndex) { case 0: textBox3.Text = (a + …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hi, I've got a question, hopefully people with more experience can help me out. I'm to write a paper ([I]between 50 and 100 pages[/I]) on one of 3 topics: [LIST] [*]stack protection ([I]as in stack randomization in kernel[/I]), [*]programming languages safety ([I]mostly the low level ones - asm, C = …

Member Avatar for mashimaro
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hello, I need some help from you guys - thing is: I've got a text file with numbers, it looks like this: X, Y, Z. X and Y are float type, the Y is an integer. The file has many lines. How do I load that file, seperating X and …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, I've just got a Dell Vostro 1320, and I'd like to run winXP on it. The problem is, XP v32-bit won't install, it prompts a blue screen right after booting up from the CD (tried different CD's, different versions). On the other hand, XP v64-bit, which I installed succesfully, …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

I figured this topic doesn't really fit here, but daniweb is one of the biggest IT community I know and I found help here several times, too, so maybe someone will help me out :) After years of coding all of a sudden I got a paper on "Authorization in …

Member Avatar for mashimaro
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, i'm writing a client-server, so far i've got this: my structure [CODE]typedef struct mesg{ long type; pid_t pid; char data[64]; } MSG;[/CODE] the client [CODE]int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int MSGid, msglen, mpid; MSG m; MSGid = msgget(KEY, 0600); while(1){ memset(&m, 0, MSGLEN + sizeof(long)); m.type = 1; mpid …

Member Avatar for mashimaro
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, got a problem with connecting to some ldap's. [CODE]Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); data.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); data.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + host + ":" + port + "/"); data.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); data.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=" + username); dane.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(data);[/CODE] I can connect to SUN's ldap using this, but there are …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, I'd like to write an application (in java, ofc) that would be able to connect to an LDAP server, with authentication, using sessions. Are there any libraries I could use to do so out there? Open source ones would be best, and the rule KISS is a priority ^.-

Member Avatar for mashimaro
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, I wanted to write a script that would act as a shell, meaning: would display prompt, read from keyboard and run system commands. My guess would be to use fork() and exec() and strtok(), so I wrote this: [CODE] #all includes <bla.h> main(int argc, char *argv){ int proces; char …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hi, I've got 2 problems with sh: 1) I have a list of logins, seperated by a space (in a logins.txt file, like so: login1 login2 login3). I'd like to display those login names which are online AND on that list. So I made a list of those online: users …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mashimaro

Hey, I'm having trouble dealing with this - I made a table: [code] create table prodzina( ID_prac integer references Ppracownicy, stan_cywilny varchar(20), ilosc_dzieci integer, ubezpieczenie bool); [/code] and I got my script <part of it>: [code] x_find='SELECT * from ppracownicy where nazwisko='+a+nazw+a+' and imie='+a+imie+a+' and id_dzial='+a+iddzial+a+' and pensja='+a+pensja+a+' and stanowisko='+a+stan+a+'' …

Member Avatar for mashimaro

The End.