Hey, I'm having trouble dealing with this - I made a table:

create table prodzina(
ID_prac integer references Ppracownicy,
stan_cywilny varchar(20),
ilosc_dzieci integer,
ubezpieczenie bool);

and I got my script <part of it>:

x_find='SELECT * from ppracownicy where nazwisko='+a+nazw+a+' and imie='+a+imie+a+' and id_dzial='+a+iddzial+a+' and pensja='+a+pensja+a+' and stanowisko='+a+stan+a+''
for row in rows: 
if choice=="2":

//and now I'm trying to insert that table with, like so:

x_default='insert into prodzina values ('+idpracownika+','+a+'kawaler'+a+',0,false)'

The type of the field I'm refering to in ppracownicy is serial primary key.
Oh, and all those a == ', for example where nazwisko='+'+nazw+'+'

Inserting this way did work for a table with no references to another one, but here I get an error:
Can't concatenate an int object with a str object.

How can I insert values with one of them referring to another table, and the rest of the values inserted as constants?

One of the values that you are trying to concatenate is an integer. You need to wrap it with str() in order to convert it and concatenate.

Also, I don't see you performing any commit() operations. If you do not commit your transactions they will never be posted to the database.

It looks like your problem is here
You have +idpracownika
+',0,false) ## you have to have at least one more (or one less) single quote here
If you create a string and use that, you can then print the string to see if it is accurate
key_str = 'idpracownika,%skawaler%s,0,false' % (a, a) (not sure if this is how you want it though)

Thanks guys, I allready took the hard way:

x_domyslne='insert into prodzina (ID_prac,stan_cywilny,ilosc_dzieci,ubezpieczenie) values ((select id_prac from ppracownicy where nazwisko='+a+nazw+a+' and imie='+a+imie+a+' and id_dzial='+a+iddzial+a+' and pensja='+a+pensja+a+' and stanowisko='+a+stan+a+'),'+a+'kawaler'+a+',0,false))'

but I guess I'll rewrite it your way :)
Topic closed.

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