166 Topics

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The latest research from security vendor Symantec would appear to suggest that cybercrime gangs are now applying drug smuggling techniques to their trade, and are actively using 'malware mules' in order to distribute threats within social friendship networks. According to the latest Internet Security Threat Report, email accounts are now …

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In March, Facebook proposed that there should be a number of changes to its privacy policy in order to allow it eventually share personal data with 'pre-approved' third party websites. Such information, should you be logged into Facebook and then connect to a third party website, as your name, gender, …

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[I]So, did anybody hear tonight's mysterious southeast Portland explosion? [/I] Apparently a lot of people, like my Portland friend, did. ("Tonight" was Sunday.) What's interesting is how they used Internet tools to track down the location. As described in an article in the [I]New York Times[/I], people immediately started using …

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A news [URL="http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=135404&provider=top"]article [/URL]was making the Facebook rounds today, warning about a site called [URL="http://www.spokeo.com/"]Spokeo.com [/URL]that aggregates publicly available information. "It can list your address, a picture of your home, how much it cost, how long you have lived there, your approximate age and income, your relationship status and more," …

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I set up an accounts based on a niche. Amass a ton of friends followers with the tools (below). Then i will create groups/fanpages then invite all friends followers to these groups then i will just put my links in my groups/fanpages i created so they are merely small ads …

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As the saying goes, a man (and presumably a woman) is known by the company he keeps. In fact, last [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story224479.html"]fall [/URL]some MIT students did a study where they demonstrated that they could tell someone's sexual orientation by the sexual orientation of their friends on Facebook and other social networking …

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Federal magistrate Barry Garber has ruled that a lawsuit can proceed for what a student said was a violation of her First Amendment rights after she was suspended for setting up a Facebook page that criticized her teacher. Katherine Evans was a junior in Pembroke Pines Charter High School in …

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It may only have impacted a "small number of users" for a "short period of time" as a Facebook spokesperson put it, but by pushing out buggy code the social networking giant created a potentially huge privacy problem for those whose accounts it did touch upon. Considering that Facebook has …

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When [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/10/18/twitter-finds-its-voice-and-roars/"]Twitter gets it right[/URL], it beats all the major news gathering organisations to the punch with the really big news. I heard about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253604.html"]Haiti earthquake[/URL] first on Twitter, and it took a fair while for the traditional news networks to catch up. But what happens when Twitter gets …

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According to the latest State of Spam and Phishing [URL="http://eval.symantec.com/mktginfo/enterprise/other_resources/b-state_of_spam_and_phishing_report_02-2010.en-us.pdf"]report[/URL] from Symantec, a truly astonishing 92% of all adult phishing scams are being conducted across social networking sites. This coincides with a newly identified trend of adult oriented phishing whereby users are being tempted to enter personal credentials in exchange …

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A couple of weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of seeing [URL="http://stevegarfield.com"]Steve Garfield[/URL] speak at [URL="http://podcamp.pbworks.com/PodCampWesternMass"]Pod Camp Western Mass[/URL]. Garfield is the author of [URL="http://offonatangent.blogspot.com/2010/01/where-to-buy-get-seen.html"]Get Seen[/URL], a practical book on the ins and outs of web video production. He has been working with video on the web since well …

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As I make my way around the internet today, I'm not finding a lot of love for Google Buzz. In fact, people have been downright hostile to it, from what I can figure. Here are some Tweets from my knowledgeable friends: * @[URL="http://twitter.com/theskypirate"]theskypirate[/URL]: I tried Buzz for a day, was …

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Google is reportedly coming out with a [URL="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_creating_twitter_clone_for_gmail.php"]Twitter-like tool[/URL] this week. Google's tried social a few times, but it hasn't done very well. Why are people so excited about it this time? It's important to remember that everything Google touches doesn't turn to gold. Sometimes they screw up. Sometimes they …

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Following the lead of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4250.html"]Facebook users[/URL] whose uproar over a change in terms led the social media company to change them back, Twitter users are now clamoring about a change in what Twitter shows. Twitter users "follow" other users, meaning they see their posts. People can either create new posts …

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Almost [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220055.html"]exactly a year[/URL] after Facebook users complained that the site was deleting pictures of them with their nursing babies, now they're complaining that they can't show pictures of their pregnant bellies, either. The Facebook group [URL="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=86701642170&ref=search&sid=792620396.4283721828..1"]"Allow pregnant women to display pictures of their baby bump!!!!"[/URL] was formed on June …

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[URL="http://popacular.com/gigatweet/"]GigaTweet[/URL] has been counting the total number of messages posted to Twitter in real time, and the rolling count is almost hypnotic. Overnight the 5 billionth Tweet was posted. So what was it? Perhaps someone [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/28479/53/"]speaking out[/URL] against corporates trying to gag freedom of the press again? Nope. Maybe another …

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I think daniweb's social groups should be linked off the main page under "Daniweb Community Features" on the bottom right section of the page pointing to: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/group.php[/url] I can't remember how I found the groups but the only way I can get back there now is by viewing my profile, …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The wires are abuzz with stories of [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] and [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] customers being robbed. It's fairly simple; you Tweet or tell your Facebook friends that you're going on holiday and a thief reads it; they break into your house, knowing full well you're away, and you lose a load of stuff. …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is going on trial for an alleged breach of privacy it appears. The full story is [URL="http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2009/08/18/237366/privacy-lawsuit-filed-against-facebook.htm"]here[/URL]. I don't know American law at all but I'm writing in the UK and over here, if a case is coming to court, we have to be very careful about prejudicing the …

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Mike Maser, Chief Strategy Officer at Digg, has [URL="http://blog.digg.com/?p=928"]confirmed[/URL] that Digg Ads will start rolling out in an early beta format during the next few days. So expect to start seeing sponsored Diggs mixed up with the real stuff, although the adverts will carry a 'sponsored by' title the screenshots …

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[URL="http://www.itv.com"]ITV[/URL] has finally put all the rumours into perspective and sold [URL="http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk"]FriendsReunited[/URL]. It's lost millions in doing so and there's no getting away from it - it was a bad deal. It's worth noting a few details about FriendsReunited. It began as a tiny business putting people back in touch …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Last weekend Twitter was apologising for accidentally suspending a number of user accounts due to human error. Now it is suspending accounts again, but this time there is no error: Twitter is getting serious about malware. In a status posting on Thursday July 9th, Twitter [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/138789881/koobface-malware-attack"]admitted[/URL] that it had come …

Member Avatar for slfisher

It's said about writers that you should never get into a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. But United Airlines has learned not to get into fights with musicians who have videocameras. As Dave Carroll, of the folk-rock group Sons of Maxwell, reports on his [URL="http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=306453459&blogId=498887803"]blog[/URL], it …

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[I]"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." [URL="http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Gilmore"]John Gilmore[/URL], founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, in 1993.[/I] In the same way that people in Mumbai used Twitter last fall to [URL="http://www.forbes.com/2008/11/28/mumbai-twitter-sms-tech-internet-cx_bc_kn_1128mumbai.html"]publicize[/URL] news of terrorist attacks in that Indian city, Iranians are using Twitter to let the world …

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Given that some courts have found that people can be [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3596.html"]charged[/URL] for violating the terms of service of a particular site, it's important to keep track of what the terms of service are so you don't inadvertently violate them. (Incidentally, some other [URL="http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/05/mass-sjc-tosses-calixte-warrant"]courts[/URL] are finding that violating terms-of-service policies are …

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Here is an interesting dilemma: if 99 percent of Generation Y consumers have an active social networking profile, why do only 22 percent of them use Twitter? Could it be that celebrities are killing the micro-blogging service? A newly published study by the Participatory Marketing Network and Pace University reveals …

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[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] has struck again according to reports. The German elections had their results leaked online, both on Twitter and over the open Internet. In the same week that the UK heard that it was going to have insufficient broadband bandwidth to meet the needs of the [URL="http://www.culture.gov.uk/what_we_do/broadcasting/5631.aspx/"]Digital Britain[/URL] initiative, critics …

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I have to admit that [URL="http://www.twitter.com/happygeek"]I Tweet[/URL] from pretty much anywhere and everywhere, the beauty of the medium is that you don't know if I am on the toilet or in the theatre, at my desk or naked in my bed. Or, for that matter, even on holiday. A survey …

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The continuing saga of Craigslist vs. the state attorneys general took another turn, with South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster [URL="http://www.scattorneygeneral.org/"]contending[/URL] that the continued presence of ads for "erotic services" on the site constituted a criminal violation for which Craigslist management was personally responsible, and with Craigslist management firing back …

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People are continuing to find new and interesting things to do with Twitter. One is [URL="http://www.we-love-the.net/Stweet/"]Stweet[/URL], a combination of Twitter and Google Map's Streetview that uses georeferencing. Select a city from the picklist (or enter another city at the bottom of the screen) and it'll show you the most recent …


The End.