2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for ohyeah

Hello all! I'm trying to add a WD 750G HDD to my system. I have a Silicon Image SiL3114 PCI SATA card, and I'm still booting from my IDE HDD. I initialized and formatted the new 750 while it was in an external case, and started moving some files onto …

Member Avatar for flattery
Member Avatar for idontexist

Windows Xp crashed for some reason earlier and my external hard drive that I had hooked up to it wont work now. The power light comes on but I dont even get the 'bong' sound from putting in a USB device. Does anybody know any ways to troubleshoot this or …

Member Avatar for djtroz

Good Afternoon, I was curious if anyone has experience with these drives. I bought it just over a year ago, didnt catch it only carries a one year warranty versus the norm of 3/5 years. Everything has worked well expect last night while transferring data over the network it stops …

Member Avatar for djtroz
Member Avatar for luvuyomaq

i want to buy the acer aspire one laptop wich has a solid stste drive of 4GB. but i would love to have a bigger storage in it. is it possible to install the usuall internal SATA HD in this laptop? thanx

Member Avatar for HalibutStance

Back a couple of weeks ago, although lately it feels like a lifetime ago, I was receiving McAfee pop-up notifications on boot-up, that the security suite had detected StealthMBR!mbr in any &/or all of the following locations: G:\, G:\Desktop.ini, I:\ and I:\Desktop.ini. The F drive is my boot drive on …

Member Avatar for RingmasterTJ

Hey Guys, Not sure if this should go here or in the OS forum, so sorry if I picked wrong! So, I'm building a new pc (specs below if needed), & I have a question about moving my HDD over before I do the upgrade. Currently on my old machine, …

Member Avatar for handslice
Member Avatar for BSSB
Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for sampson

I purchased a hitachi 1TB HD and installed. i followed these instructions I found on Dell forums. The one thing I noticed is the HD has no jumper to set. Secondly, the computer recognized a new drive installed. I just cannot format it. I find no drive in my computer. …

Member Avatar for sampson
Member Avatar for Paul_01

I have Windows Vista,my DVD drive will not recognize any DVD's or CD's or install software.The drive shows in 'My Computer' but when I attempt to open or explore contents it ejects the disc.The driver is up to date,it shows that''Device is working properly''and I set the region to 1-for …

Member Avatar for gregcotton99
Member Avatar for bondi007

My colleagues laptop had a problem where it kept rebooting unexpectedly and required fixing, I reset the BIOS and I could not boot into windows and the windows setup saying there was no hard drive installed after changing the AHCI setting the hard drive was detected, may I ask what …

Member Avatar for bondi007
Member Avatar for vegascat

My wife's computer's hard drive died. I tried installing both IDE and SATA drives to use for the restore. None of them are recognized by the Disk Management system using the MS HomeServer Restore CD, Vista, or XP Install disks. The BIOS shows the HDD. I partitioned and formatted the …

Member Avatar for vegascat
Member Avatar for rdeja

First, please know that I've already checked out the other threads on the subject and none of the solutions have worked in my case. Having said that, I recently upgraded the memory and replaced the mobo in my HTPC. Below is my current setup: Gigabyte MA790X-DS4 mobo AMD Athlon 64 …

Member Avatar for rdeja
Member Avatar for acuariano

hi guys,have this problem.. it was working good,,,haven't used like 6 months ago,today my cousin asked me to charge his sansa mp3..found out it didn't detect it.. -i swap slots..nothing .i unistalled drivers,,nothng scan for new changes,,OC DETECT the new hardware,,install drivers,,but nothing -in this pc i have xp-sp3 is …

Member Avatar for acuariano
Member Avatar for springje

I'm currently running an ASUS P5Q-EM motherboard with a 250 GB hard drive with all my data on it and Windows XP Home. I purchased and installed two 640 GB hard drives with the intention of using these in a RAID1 configuration for all my personal data, and leaving all …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Gerryx1

Hi After adding a sata dvd writer, whic became the 3rd sata drive, the second ( Seagate barracuda 500gb)goes missing. It shows up in bios and 'device manager' , but not in 'disk management' or 'my computer. System: win. xp pro. home, gigabyte motherboard, amd dual core processors. The missing …

Member Avatar for Gerryx1
Member Avatar for nicojk

Hello, First of all, I'm very new in computer hardware, so pardon my level of knowledge. So, here's my story I found (lying in my campus corridor) a WD2500JB HDD. So, I took it home and tried to install it to my PC (an eMachines T4010). I choose the jumper …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for sKiTzo

I recently bought a refurbished Maxtor DiamondMax 11 and it totally sucked so I returned it. It made sandpaper noises. So then I figured I can't go wrong with a brand new Seagate Barracuda 500 gigger but was I ever wrong. It works ok until it actually has to transfer …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for baltimoreharps

My son's computer got virused. IT won't boot but rather goes to a blue screen with and missing User32.dll message. Afte researching, I found a method to replace the user32.dll file (as far as the instructions go, anyhow) I took his hard drive out of his machine and placed it …

Member Avatar for l00pylou

Hey folks I have an external hardrive which is the back-up of a dead machine. I have managed to crack the windows security by resetting the security permissions as was denied - however, when the drive is plugged in (via USB) to a Vista machine (yeuch) it is showing as …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for Roebuc

Hey all, I have a XPS M1730. I have Intel Duo 2.4 GHZ and 2 GB of Ram. I noticed last month every once in awhile my hard drive would get overloaded and the computer would freeze for about 30 seconds. Last month I was running Vista, and most of …

Member Avatar for Dougie

I have a 320 gb sata dard drive that I've been using for about a year. There are three partitions C, D and E. C and E are about 150 gb eack and D about 20 gb. Due to (my music) collection growing now to 80 gb, looking back I …

Member Avatar for Dougie
Member Avatar for shojaru

I am a xp user.I used Easeus patition magic for deleting a partition. then a window came with 2 options : 1. delete partition ; 2. erase data and delet partition. I dont know why i chosed option 2, and then my harddisk was totally blank,cannot boot. then i did …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for garthparties

Hi All, I have posted here before and everyone was very helpful with getting me through a wireless networking problem. Now, I am hoping someone can be as helpful with a question I have about a hard drive. I recently got a new computer. As such, I was going to …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for Jusar

Good day. I have a problem i got a 400 gb HDD it was partitioned in 2 200gb each drive. i reformat the drive c: to install a fresh OS (Windows XP SP2) I partitioned the drive into 40gb c:drive & 160gb in the other drive. I used the one …

Member Avatar for loki_
Member Avatar for sKiTzo

I just put together a system to replace my old one that was very slow. I wanted to make sure I never had slow problems again so I got a motherboard that is capable of bus speeds up to 2600 mhz, AMD Phenom quad-core 2.5 ghz processor, and 4 gb …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sonya2525

I have a pc with two hdds: 1. maxtor - diamondmax 10, 160gb pata133 hdd, n256, 3.5 series ,d33019 2. samsung sata sp2504c When turning on my pc, sometimes i would get the error that there are bad sectors and the hdd (maxtor had the os - xp - installed …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for chermesh

Hi, My 500 Giga WD MyBook HD is dead and I'm looking for a dependable replacement. Since this failure happened with a year use, I am prone to look for a more dependable option? Should I prefer an internal HD and an enclosure? If so, suggestions and warnings are highly …

Member Avatar for bill.jeffs
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

I have a raid 5 that I am attempting to setup. They firmware is Symbios and while in post I can view the drives and set them up to work on boot. The NVRam is active. Now when I boot the machine the raid says that it has failed. I …

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for tuknic

I apologize for any lengthy explantation ahead of time. But thank your for taking your time to read this. I have spent hours and hours reading and have had no luck. Everything seems to lead back to nothing. Background- 1 month ago my Windows XP 250g 7200 hard drive was …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ibbeywoox

I got a lil prob here....i hope this is the correct section to ask this question!!! okey i hav 4 year old sony vaio which is very gud laptop and very nice one i want to install a new hard drive in this laptop and i want recover the windows …

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The End.