2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for darkshadow

hi i got two harddrives and i was wondering if i could install my games on my 2nd harddrive and would it work

Member Avatar for f575gtc
Member Avatar for Taiwan

My dvd-rom is working fine, but it doesn't auto-load. Recently i reinstalled my window xp because i installed a new motherboard. The old system didn't have this kind of problem but the new one did. Im frustrated sometimes because it stays there, when i put in my music cd or …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for xpert66

I have a codirect USB 128MB thumbdrive. Windows 2000 recognizes the drive when I connect it as I can read and write to the drive with no problems. My problem is I cannot safely remove this drive. When I click on the remove/stop hardware icon in the task bar, I …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for CowboysPhan

I installed a SD-C2402 Dvd drive in a toshiba satellite 4000cdt. The computer came with only a cd-rom, windows 98. After installing it, it doesnt read dvd's or cd's. When i click properties on a cd/dvd, it says cd/dvd full at 127 mb, yet it does show the directory of …

Member Avatar for nafri

I own a maxtor 120gb 7200 ulta ata/133 hard drive. I have used it for the last 3 months without any problems. I am using it for video editing purposes and have large files on it. This morning, my computer would not recognize it. It comes back with E: not …

Member Avatar for nafri
Member Avatar for dandee

I am not that tech/computer savvy------However, I have a Toshiba Tecra 510CDT, 133 mhz laptop. I want to know if the following hard drive is compatible. (I can get it free, if it is) TOSHIBA HARD DRIVE FOR LAPTOP...4 GIG....MK4313MAT....HDD2141. Very thin..measures about 3/8". Dan.........

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for Victimizer

Which is the best (read fastest) type of hard drive for a new gaming PC? Are the Serial ATA's the best? TIA

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for necromancerz

Can somebody refresh me up on how to edit the registery to play dvds that can't be played in the dvd rom in the computer?? I've learned once but i forgot already the steps to edit the registry. There are some dvds that can be played in the dvd player …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for Paladine

Anyone have an idea of what I missed here? I have Pentium 2 - 233MMX system 512RAM, Asus P2L97 Motherboard. It had a 2.1 GB Maxtor HD with Windows 95 on it, but I have replaced it with a fujitsu 8.1 GB HD (from my Server System - so it …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for otmir

i am using windows98se. most of the times my cd rom does not read cd both old and new.please advise solution. what should be recommended brand to be purchased.

Member Avatar for whipaway
Member Avatar for cindus1

I am a computer dummy with a question! If you install a new hard drive, is the size automatically detected or does it have to be entered manually? :confused:

Member Avatar for thefeiners
Member Avatar for vyruzxxx21

Ok, I just got this peculiar problem about this "Maxtor 40Gig Hard drive". I have 2 pc's. Let's just call this PC1 and PC2. My Maxtor hard drive can not detect by BIOS in the PC1 but can detect in the PC2. I also transferred my Excelstor hard drive from …

Member Avatar for vyruzxxx21
Member Avatar for darkshadow

hi everybody i was looking for a new hard drive at western digital and i found a raptor 10,000 rpm scsi hard drive and i was wondering if it will work for with my motherboard here is a link to the spec's of my motherboard let me know if it …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for garlapatt

I purchased a CD-R/RW DVD-R/RW drive for my Sony laptop. The TEAC drive functions as a CD-R/RW properly using Easy CD Creator (ecdc ). It will not write a DVD-R using ecdc, it says I have the wrong media type. am using a DVD-R disk, could I be needing a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for otmir

dear friends, my pc pentium 200mhz with 32 mb ram does not detect new 40gb hard drive. what should i do? Please advise appropriate solution. regards, omar

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for suzu

I had a system built not too long ago, and have not tried burning any CDs till earlier ago. I don't know what exactly is wrong, but when I try burning, the CD burner would stall the program and all I hear is the disc or something spinning, but nothing's …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for mokkema

Ok Heres my question to you all...see if you can figure this one out. Aiight, I've had this problem multiple times with all of my floppy drives, and believe me, I'm no n00b to computers, But either I never gave it the time to figure it out, or I'm just …

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Member Avatar for spikes

Hi All, Can any one give me a run down of scsi disks and cards. i'm looking into geting a few second hand servers from auction sites. i'm going to be using them for storage mainly. film, music and programs. how many disks can be connected to one channal what …

Member Avatar for aeinstein
Member Avatar for Prodigy

If I were to put a CD in the drive that has music on it will ask me if I would like to burn music onto the CD, it will not play it at all..If I were to try to burn something onto a blank disc it gives me an …

Member Avatar for mik60ish

Medion DVD RW I am having problems with a DVD RW drive on my Medion PC bought from Aldi 04/04/03, in the UK every time I put a DVD RW or R disc into the drive it just keeps clicking, and will not load. Its a Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-105 1.21 …

Member Avatar for mik60ish
Member Avatar for need help

im trying to delete stuff an it always says make sure it aint write protected what does that mean an how can i erase it? and whats a vids: xvid decompressor?

Member Avatar for need help
Member Avatar for yasita

Hi I just recorded a home movie with Panasonic VDR-M30 dvd camcorder which uses a 8cm DVD-R. I tried to play it on my computer, but it doesnt even recognise the dvd. Dell says that my computer does not support DVD-R. Is this correct? any help is greatly appreciated. thanks

Member Avatar for jwaugh
Member Avatar for jeffhart

I built my computer. New motherboard,cpu. When I put the cd burner in the computer would not boot at all. When I put a differant cd-rom in and it boots just fine. Is there any way to find out what is wrong or how to test it. And is there …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for jabberwock486

i want to make a boot floppy for a original MAC computer (has 68k CPU. 4MB ram, 30GB SCSI hard disk) anyway i real just want to play around with it. i want boot floppy images, nothing i have to compile. openBSD boot image would be cool, but what about …

Member Avatar for pault73

Please help. I'm running win 98 on a 350mhz PC. I recently replaced my old internal CD-R with a new internal CD-RW (Philips CDRW 4800) - installation was a straight swap. The new drive reads and writes just fine, however I now have a problem each time I boot up …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for AlPhA

Ok... on my computer, i have a crappy creative labs 4x2x24 burner burning @ 1x. I'm using brand name german gasf cdrs and am burning them on my burner. It works on all of my computers except for my laptop's DVD player (500 dollar piece of shit! shoulda gotten burner). …

Member Avatar for AlPhA
Member Avatar for AlPhA
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Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Everyone has a hard drive light on the front of there tower. I got one problem with mine... it stays solid 100% of the time.. even when i boot to dos on a disk. I recently installed a few drives to the machine... and I'm wondering (before i take this …

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The End.