2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for robodisco

i've a 80G seagate barracuda 7200.7 which was installed with win xp pro and the master drive. i reformatted it recently n now i can't reinstall my windows xp for some reason. i didn't think of it as a problem as i thought i could use it as a SLAVE …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for Khiladi420

I have an old HP 9210e cd burner, & when i insert a 700 MB Cd-RW it doesnt seem to recognise it, also when i use directcd to format it, it stops half way with no message. I think it may only be capable of writing up to 650 but …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for cm0229

1. [color=black]Western Digital - The drive some how it must of shorted out.[/color] [color=black] It was setup as my slave drive and the problem for me[/color] [color=black] is that this drive has valuable pictures and file.[/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black]2. [/color] [color=black]Seagate SCSI Hard drive[/color] [color=black] This drive went install the …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for inspiration

Hello there folks. I'd like some advice on what to do about my floppy disk not being listed in my computer. I have recently reformatted and reinstalled XP Pro. I notice that the floppy disk controller is listed in device manager and all is apparently working fine. I don't have …

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Member Avatar for viperman224

I have a Western Digital 40 gig hard drive. I installed XP pro on it using the NTFS file system. Is there any way to go back FAT32? DOS will not see NTFS to my knowledge. thanks

Member Avatar for suRoot
Member Avatar for viperman224

I get this error message when I try accessing my floppy drive from windows xp "A:\is not accessible. The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver" and when I try to boot from a floppy i get "please insert system disk" or …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for bluedos82

Wow, been a while since I posted here. Anywho, I have an A drive that refuses to work. The error message that I get is this: Disk I/O Error Replace the Disk, and then press any Key I know that is associated with having a disk in the drive, but …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for Zargz

When I started my computer and insterted a disc, this is what happened. 1. Disc was inserted 2. You could hear it beggining to read 3. The reading process slowed, and you could hear a distinct CLICK 4. The light by the CDROM drive which was once green now turned …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for cm0229

Hello, I installed a Serial ATA Card, the pc see the card, but WIndows 2000 explorer doesn't. How do I format the 2 Serial Ata hard drives?

Member Avatar for i686-linux
Member Avatar for jefferson

I've just upgraded to musicmatch jukebox plus but can't move tracks onto my mp3 player now (nike psa) as it brings up the message "not enough space on player to perform the requested operation. do you want to download only those tracks that fit". basically musicmatch is trying to download …

Member Avatar for ajax-the-techie
Member Avatar for ezekiel67

Hi, I have a been given a 2nd hand harddrive that I want to install as a slave. The problem is I am unsure what is installed on this harddrive. Do I have to format this drive? Or should I just plug it in?

Member Avatar for ZeekeDaGeek
Member Avatar for Hey you

Hello, I have a strange problem with my cd burner. not really a big issue but a slight irritation. I have a toshiba 48x24x48 cd r rw drive which seems to only write at 24. it used to burn at 40x but now for some reason it only seems to …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Thrach

I need to know where I can get a auto-feeding CD-rom. I dislike the ones with these trays even tho I know if my cd got stuck in there it would be a pain to get out. I still like autofeeding ones better and have seen them before but I …

Member Avatar for Thrach
Member Avatar for rational611

I have an Acer CDRW 20x10x40 CD writer. It was working fine and I have written a number of CDs on it. However recently I bought CDs from 3 vendors and all of them when I put them in the CDRW and right click for properties showed that they were …

Member Avatar for rational611
Member Avatar for crestfallen

The relevant parts of my system; Asus P4v800-x M/Board (via VT8237 SATA raid controller) 512MB DDR-400 Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 120GB SATA 8MB cache Western Digital WD200 20GB ATA Inno3d GeforceFx 5200 128MB The problem; Up till a few days ago everything was working well. Now, my system hangs when …

Member Avatar for Chilliwilli
Member Avatar for stryder

I know this is a stupid ?, but please give me the run down on the different types of burners and how they work. Exe. If you get a dvd burner, do you have to have a seperate dvd drive. One to read while the other burns? Same ? for …

Member Avatar for drummerboy
Member Avatar for sukhy

Here goes..... My uncles machine stopped booting, it kept resetting the system and I couldn't get it out of this somewhat permanent funk so I decided to make it a slave on my PC and back up his stuff onto DVD. My uncles hard drive is a MAxtor 20gB running …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for DMarte

i have a siemens mobile scenic 710 of 1998. A few days ago i change my harddrive (1,44 GB by 20 GB), bios only detects a drive of 8GB. when a start with MSDOS i can't reach the drive, so i cant install windows98. i only can install windows xp. …

Member Avatar for jughead

I have only built one computer so far, but I have spent enough time researching to know that there are some very knowledgeable people here. I am trying to build my daughter her own computer from some old stuff so she is not bugging me every 5 min. to play …

Member Avatar for viperman224
Member Avatar for rasputinj

Dell Small Business has a great value on the Western Digital 250GB 8MB Cache 7200 rpm Hard Drive for $250 - 20% instant off - $70 rebate (good through 2/27) = $130 with free shipping

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for AzureJazzMan

[size=2]I purchased a Dell Dimension 4550 (which uses Windows XP) about a year ago now, to replace my old Compaq Presario 5000 computer(which used Windows ME). Which has since been rendered useless over the last 6 months or so. I sold some it's vital parts (like memory, video card, cd/rw, …

Member Avatar for AzureJazzMan
Member Avatar for tchameleon

Here is my problem. I have two computers both running Windows XP. Just the other day one of the computers stops loading Windows XP. I think the partitions got messed up. I've attempted to connect that hard drive to the other computer that is working but it is not recognizing …

Member Avatar for kryptkeeper
Member Avatar for calvin12

[font=Verdana, Arial][size=2]I just got this drive and hooked it up and it burns ok but slowly. When I check the nero drive info. it tells me thats its a CLV drive instead of a CAV drive. Because of this it runs at ~20x all over. Now sure this is OK …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for bluedos82

Has anyone ever heard of a CD-ROM Destroying a CD? I Just had a teacher come to me and said that she put this CD in, 10 seconds later heard a loud POP and ejected the tray and there was nothing gut shards of a CD left. She knows that …

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Member Avatar for vermonter

Hi all. I have a dead pen drive on my hands. It is a Sony MicroVault (USM128U2), and it only is recognized as a "security device" by windows (with do drivers available . . . ) I cannot even mount it under linux. I have spent hours googling around for …

Member Avatar for Redshift
Member Avatar for Telecorder

My apologies for the length but am unsure of specific diagnostic data needed for trouble shooting responses. From perusing the threads, there are a lot of competent people who are really sharp in these matters. If additional info/diagnostics are needed, let me know. I've researched a lot of Liteon/Microsoft/Intel et …

Member Avatar for Telecorder
Member Avatar for rational611

Hi, I have two HDDs: a Seagate 4.3 GB and a Western Digital 4.0 GB (Model WDC AC24300L). The Western Digital had developed bad sectors. So I used Digital Data LifeGuard (which is Western Digital's software) on it. In the write test I got warning that DLGDIAG was attempting to …

Member Avatar for ZeekeDaGeek
Member Avatar for rational611

Hi, I want to install a 40GB hardisk on a Celeron 300 running Win 98SE. When I run scandisk on this system, the HDD is show bad sectors after a certain point. However when I check the same HDD on a Celeron 1.7 GHz system, the scandisk is coming out …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for stunnme

hi everyone, My problem is big i think, and would appreciate any but all help i can get. My PC is a Acermate model 5120 pentium 120mhz. Its original operating sys was win95 then it was upgraded to win98 It was extremely slow on net and some applications I was …

Member Avatar for floris
Member Avatar for nafri

anyone know of any issues with this hd as they are being discontinued at certain stores here in California?

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The End.