165 Topics

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Member Avatar for calvintmoss

So I am trying to make a tile map editor/reader to create and interact with maps like [this](http://www.codeproject.com/KB/game/Autotiles_Algorithm/TileMapExample.png) , so essnetially I am wondering what the best way to go about this would be. I have not done anyhting graphical in programming in a long time and yeah, I was …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for ownedbynothing

this is Sudoku.java this is the main class. Reminder does the time keeping, the SudokuBoardDisplay displays the board and draws images. The one who handles the logic is the SudokuModel How do I make the images clickable and do something. how to display the remaining time as JLabel ....? i …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for joshuamichael0808

Hello everyone, I'm new here, and reletively terrible at coding, so I was hoping I could get some assistance with a program I've been working on. My assignment is to create a Frame that allows the user to choose where to paint a circle using a horizontal and vertical scroll …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n

My application has two parts; a server and multiple clients. This project has its implementation both on Windows(Swing) and Android. The Server sends a song which a client receives and starts playing; more like we watch videos on YouTube; streaming. Sending data in chunks and receiving the same is accomplished. …

Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hi, i have a JComboBox in a small java program. if i see the properties of the JComboBox i can see SelectedIndex = -1 SelectedItem = null But i can't the name of each item and i have 5 items normally. Where can i see them in the properties? Thank …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for 47pirates

Hello guys i trying to manage the size of two jpanel according to the size of Main Jframe. I using netbeans drag and drop Jpanel1 is big and another one is small. wat i need to do is to change those panels size when main frame is resized> how can …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a class which extends JFrame and this class is made singleton (private constructor, public static method to create instance if null). But still I get one more frame when already one is open. Can someone help?

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for Ricky116

Hello, I am trying to make a simple movie-managing application that allows the user to log into a particular username out of a list of usernames in a text file, and simply view information about movies kept in a text file. This is my first project, from which I would …

Member Avatar for 47pirates

I've a bill which looks like ![untitled31](/attachments/large/2/untitled31.JPG "untitled31") this is the paper which i use in printer and i want to print the appropriate value in the correct position of that paper. As in the place of date i want to print date and in the place of Rate, Amount …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 47pirates

I'm trying to print the necessary values in the predefined document for an example, in a Bill name in the left side and date on top right. I already had that documents with empty name and dates . how can i print the name and date to corresponding location in …

Member Avatar for 47pirates
Member Avatar for 47pirates

I am trying to update database by editing cell values in jtable. my table looks like ![a](/attachments/large/2/a.JPG "a") When i edit the value in particular cell and without clicking anywhere if i click on Update button the database is not updated as like this ! ![b1](/attachments/large/2/b1.JPG "b1") but if i …

Member Avatar for dougWill
Member Avatar for 47pirates

there are two panel in one panel there is search button and in the another one there is Jtable for displaying search result. In that jtable initially all the records are displayed. But when i try to search, it works but the problem is that i need to click search …

Member Avatar for 47pirates
Member Avatar for chudapati09

I created a JTree and also created a class which implements `TreeSelectionListener` then I pass that object into the JTree's function `addTreeSelectionListener`. In the [JavaDocs](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/examples/components/TreeDemoProject/src/components/TreeDemo.java), there is an example where they implemented the function `public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)` within the main class and passed `this` into `addTreeSelectionListener`. I tried to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 47pirates

I want to update the contents of Jtable as shown below when the Jcombobox's item state is chaged in the left panel. but i am not being successful in it .Please help. ![untitled29](/attachments/large/2/untitled29.JPG "untitled29") when the table no value is changed in the left panel , i want corresponding Jtable …

Member Avatar for 47pirates
Member Avatar for 47pirates

I need to update the items of JCombobox from the database during runtime. I had made the JCombobox editable and what i need to do is type something in the editable combobox and search the database and only display the items matching the text. For example there are if i …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hey guys, I'm trying to develop a simple tool. I'm having but I'm having trouble accessing some swing components. My gui basically has a jtabbed pane with two, jbuttons beneath it. Each tab is identical except for the title, it has a jtextarea and two jbuttons. These buttons perform an …

Member Avatar for Zaad
Member Avatar for pendo826

import javax.swing.JFrame; public class MainApp { public static void main(String[] args) { new MainApp().start(); } public void start() { CalculatorUI obj = new CalculatorUI(); obj.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); obj.setSize(275,275); obj.setVisible(true); } } import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; public class CalculatorUI extends JFrame { //Variables. …

Member Avatar for pendo826
Member Avatar for v3ga

I just started learning Java (Currently, I know basic swing components like JPanels, text areas, textfields etc) and I have chosen a Logic Circuit Simulator as a project. My objective is to simulate the working of logic gates by making circuits using drag & drop. So far, I have thought …

Member Avatar for v3ga
Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

Hmm i really like what applications like Windows Media Player and VLC player can do, and by this i mean: you know when you are watching a movie or listening to music and you minimize the window? Well if you hover the taskbar icon of the minized window with your …

Member Avatar for blivori

have various classes representing various types of program-genres (comedy, drama etc). I have a text file filled with '-' seperated values that get read by a class called Processing and puts them into a LinkedList. I have another class GUI_g that creates the GUI. It has 3 JTables. One for …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for blivori

I have a GUI in which has a container for a JTable called 'listTable'. I want to populate the JTable with data stored in a linked list, using the AbstractTableModel. Basically, I have a LinkedList stored in Processing.java. It contains all the data retrieved from a text file. I created …

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

Would anyone happen to know also if there is some predefined swing box for prompting the user to decided whether or not to overwrite an exhisting file? you know the basic "This file already exists, would you like to overwrite it?"

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia
Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

Hey all, I have been wanting to make a cool game in jave such as a fighting game starting off simple with drwing stick figures :). But i was wondering why there are so many java games created in Japplet why not use swing- i know there are games out …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for giri.pankaj

Is as way test out swing components without having to rely on Thread.sleep() to make sure that the components have realized completely. This problem with this approach is that it becomes difficult to guess how long it would take for components to realize under different environments of execution like vnc …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for jet101

guys, I need help in swing framework... what method is being used when you have to pressed exit button first before opening other frames? It's like an equivalent of showDialog() from C#.net.

Member Avatar for jet101
Member Avatar for comSysStudent

I'm trying to get my JPanel (JFrame?) to resize itself to fit randomly drawn shapes. I have a shape superclass and right now I'm working with my line subclass. Everything is working fine except I can't figure out how to make the shapes fit the size of the JPanel. Should …

Member Avatar for comSysStudent
Member Avatar for shubham123

**hi ... i am new in java swing. i am using netbeans. i've two frame named jFrame1 & jFrame2. jFrame2 contains a jTable. jFrame1 contains a jTextField & a jButton. while user input a value in jTextField and press JButton, jFrame2 will appear and output (from mySQL database) will be …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hello everyone! My idea is like this: Class MainWindow is a JFrame object, on which there is a JButton object (named button1). When I hit that button, the second window (this window is a JFrame object that is instance of class SecondWindow) will appear with a JTextField object (named textField) …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for devin2203

Hey everyone I have created an application interface using Java swing on a mac, which looks exactly how I want it. However on windows and Linux the positioning of the components and what seems to be the dimensions look of place. I have tried to make the sizes of everything …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for thes0mething

Hello everyone on daniweb!:) I'm trying to make a programme which will move a picture to the sides when pressing the right or left arrowkeys. I did successfully put a picture in and I was able to change the side coordinates(called "side" in the programme) to make the picture move. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral

The End.