199 Topics

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Member Avatar for theguy126

I tried renaming my .py file to .pyw. But compiling with py2exe does not make a difference. I tried using root.withdraw() but all it does is freeze the application, prevent the initial canvas from popping up, and fail to remove the command prompt window anyways. Does anyone have a solution? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Chupakun

Hi there, I have a simple piece of software written up that I'm running off the terminal's command line interface. Very recently, it was asked of me to create a GUI for it. So I basically made one to reflect how I would use the software but I actually haven't …

Member Avatar for Chupakun
Member Avatar for gsmoura

I really need help in some parts of my minesweeper code using Tkinter. I don´t have much experience in python and I am facing two major problems that I just can´t solve. The first one is that, as I generate buttons dynamically, they all have the same name and receive …

Member Avatar for strider1066
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is way to put easily editable layout for input fields with standard look and collect the text variables to list for use.

Member Avatar for strider1066

I have registered a new Tkinter module @ pypi. tkPickaColor is a dialog intended for Linux coders to provide a more full featured color chooser than is now available. I say for Linux coders since a better chooser is already available on the MS Windows side. It seems to be …

Member Avatar for ChargrO

Im working on this bit of code below, The only thing im worried about editing atm is the self.toggle() and self.hello(). Im currently getting this error TclError: unknown option "-menu" from this line of code self.config(menu=menubar), does anyone know how i could fix this problem?? [CODE] from Tkinter import * …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I tried this super simple class example from net. (Yes I am a beginner in implementation of object oriented features in Python) UPDATE: Now from fresh start of IDLE it did not crash, but did not quit properly still. Hmm. TaskManager any (or dozen) python zombies hanging around?? No only …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for freakn_style

[U][B]Explanation on why program must maintain simplicity:[/B][/U]I am a peer tutor of a computer programming class and my teacher has asked me to develop a few simple games to teach the class. This is the first year the school has taught Python (thanks to my final project last semester, and …

Member Avatar for freakn_style
Member Avatar for goodwin912

I have finally got my program finished and going. Im now looking to make it look a bit better. While it is processing it shows and empty tk window. How does one go about putting something in here? I'd just like my users to be reassured it is actually working …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for goodwin912

I've got a little app to resize and watermark images. At the moment it only does one at a time but I would like to get it to do a full folder of images in one go. I have done this previously in VB using loops but im new to …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for JonKho

Dear all, My window layout looks like this.. [img]http://i41.tinypic.com/hu27ax.jpg[/img] First, the dialog box that consists of listbox would appear to ask for user input. After the user input has been given, It will display in the next windows.. I have been trying to intergate the two coding together. However I …

Member Avatar for JonKho
Member Avatar for ChargrO

hello I was just wondering if anyone knows of a site or someone (or start me off with some code) that could help me with learning about cascade menu's and changing them from a parent into a child, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am making the cascade menu …

Member Avatar for pythonNerd159
Member Avatar for Alq Veers

I'm using Tkinter as the GUI for my Software Design and Development Major Project, This is only to be a 'screen' shot of what the final GUI interface might look like, however. I have been having quite a hard time with Tk. My reference manual is from New Mexico Tech …

Member Avatar for Alq Veers
Member Avatar for HiHe

Does anyone have a code example for using the mouse wheel with the Tkinter GUI toolkit handy?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ChargrO

I was wondering if anyone knows some siimple code to start me off on making a cascade window?? my current code from my reference book is to confusing for me [CODE] from Tkinter import * class TestMenu: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.menubar = Menu(self.master) self.casmenu = Menu(self.menubar) self.casmenu.choices …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for neostead

Hi, i'm working on simple fullscreen launcher application, to use it with remote on my HTPC media center to launch xbmc, stepmania, nes emulator, etc I'd like to use png icons with transparency, but there is a problem. In alpha channel of loaded icons i can see the back frame's …

Member Avatar for neostead
Member Avatar for G33KKitty

hey guys i have a very basic program but unfortunatly it does not recognise how many bombs are near it it just displays ok if there is no bomb. and if there is a bomb a message pops up saying bomb would you like to retry, If i press no …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra

Hi, Could someone kindly tell me how to stop maximizing a dialog box with cursor? Like, when we create a toplevel window, it is possible to maximize that window with mouse, holding its border. I want to fix the size of the window? How? Thanks in advance Regards

Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra

The End.