5,213 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ascendant

My problem is similar to many problems in this forum. My system will not boot or beep with my X800 pro in. I'm building Gigabyte GA-K8NXP-9 mainboard 3000+ Athlon64 X800 pro 256MB PCI-E etc. I have decided the VGA card is most likely at fault since i can boot the …

Member Avatar for Ascendant
Member Avatar for ederd60

I have a gateway select K7-950 problem started pc would run for aprox.45 mins. then shut down longer I left it unplugged longer it run. If did not unplug hit power button 15 -20 times it might restart. Called gateway they were no help he checked all settings said no …

Member Avatar for djrivera1
Member Avatar for kasumi

my computer always do not shut down properly whenever i go online.the screen will juz turn black and then hang there. but if i did not go online, my computer will be able to shut down properly. why is this so??

Member Avatar for metuka
Member Avatar for tharglet

My PC has problems booting sometimes, as of recently. It gets past the BIOS stage, but then I just have a flashing cursor in the top-left. [I]I have tried removing:[/I] All USB devices HD IDE and floppy cables The new PCI card I had, and sent back, as I thought …

Member Avatar for tharglet
Member Avatar for the bait

i have an a8n sli premium board that wont boot. I was overclocking my memory when bios crashed while saving. after that pc wouldent boot. power was flowing as all fans ect started spinning, i can hear the harddrive going through post, its a sata hd hardware is a8n sli …

Member Avatar for djrivera1
Member Avatar for jekonel

Hi everyone, I have encountered some strange hardware problems lately, and usually I was able to make the machine working again, on just my own, but now I stumbled across something I cannot understand, so I would like to adress to all you pro's: :o First my harddrive stopped working …

Member Avatar for jekonel
Member Avatar for pYthOn0978

Alright now. I have a P4 3.0ghz processor with a Asus p4p800 Deluxe mobo, 1gb of ocz ram, a GeforceFX 5950 ultra, audigy 2 zs platium pro, wireless netgear g adaptor, floppy drive, cd-rw drive and a dvd drive. I havent changed anything recently but my computer will turn on …

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Member Avatar for swift1

Hello, I have recently aquired a Gateway 700gr - p4 550 3.4ghz 1g ddr sata. The machine will not post. Fans come on but nothing beyond that. I have tried removing the peripheral cards one at a time and nothing. The only reaction I get from the machine is when …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for chauncey

This is a store bought system. The system was booting fine. Then the last 2 months it would boot successfully 4 out of 6 times without the scandisk error messages. Now it will not boot at all. No post, nothing. Product recovery CD-Rom that came with system does nothing either. …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for jonatbaylor

I have a toshiba tecra 8200 laptop. I started getting a warning during boot, a "cheksum error, cmos". it allowed me to boot into windows about 6 times and now it no longer boots. ive replaced the RTC battery with the correct replacement. the first time I put the battery …

Member Avatar for sf2k
Member Avatar for NicolasM.

I've had my custom for a little over a year and it's always worked beautifully. The other day I powered it up and it's as if there is no video output or that my moniter died (the moniters old) but long story short it's neither of those. Anyway, it's starting …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for oldmonkey

Hi everyone, hope you can help solve a perplexing problem with my new machine. Last night I experienced a series of no doubt related problems that have left me unable to power up. Machine is XP Home, Pentium IV 3.2, 1024MB DDR Ram, 200G HD, 256MB Geforce FX6200 graphics, Soundblaster …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for parkers

Hi, I need some help with a computer my friend let me have. They had lightning strike and the only thing they noticed was the power buttons led wasnt working, but after a while the whole thing went dead. They took it to a company that charged them $80 to …

Member Avatar for BuggZ
Member Avatar for Shamrock

Lately when I'm playing WoW,CS, or sometimes just browsing the net my computer will freeze and sometimes restart. When it freezes the graphics freeze but on my headphones I hear a bit of static. When it freezes and shuts down it does all of the above, then the screen goes …

Member Avatar for Shamrock
Member Avatar for X25812-Rikku

I have a Presario 2100 that I’m trying to fix every thing seems to be in good order have not taken it apart yet to look at every little thing right now if I press any of the muti media buttons on top of the keyboard it looks like its …

Member Avatar for X25812-Rikku
Member Avatar for bigfroggmann

Hello. I have a presario 700z ,the machine boots fine I think, what I mean is I hear it but I don't see it..I swapped out a working good screen and still same problem.. is there a video chip somwhere or is the whole mother board fried?? TIA

Member Avatar for bigfroggmann
Member Avatar for cloud9blower

I have recently been putting a computer together. I started it as a barebones system and it worked fine, got through POST. I added my cd drive, and it would get through the IDE check, then the computer would shut itself off, but the LED light on the Mother board …

Member Avatar for BuggZ
Member Avatar for peter310

Hello everyone I am new to this. At some point I was under impression I know a thing or two about computers until this. New build Asus A8V-Deluxe Amd 3500 2 gigs ram X800 pro Sound blaster zs Problem is I am reusing WD 120 IDE + I got creative …

Member Avatar for peter310
Member Avatar for zapka

I need some help with a problem that has been bothering me. Whenever I turn my PC on, after the screen where the BIOS is accessible, I get a black screen with a blinking cursor on the top left. From here, I am not able to do anything - cant …

Member Avatar for tharglet
Member Avatar for AmericanKGB

Ok..just want some possiblitys on things to check. My friend called me and just said his computer with WInXP :evil: on it half way boots then just turns itself off. Sometimes it will boot all the way and be ok.. sometimes it just starts, turns off.... any suggestions...?

Member Avatar for tharglet
Member Avatar for mmiikkee12

I just built a computer (not sure why, just wanted a spare computer to play around with.) I plugged in all the cords, plugged the monitor and computer into the wall, and pushed the power button. The power light came on, the fans spun, and... nothing. The monitor just showed …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Mosconi

When i turn my computer on the power supply and CPU fan starts just fine. After i turn the computer on there are no beeps and i cannot get any video. I've read through the dead motherboard thread but still no go. Foxconn 600a01-CLRS mb 128mb ddr memory module GeForce …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for compnutt

:rolleyes: my gate way gp6-400 is doing some wierd stuff. it has a intel p2 500mhz processor.the frt. hhd & power lites come on & stay on when i plug it in. the floppy won't lite up, & i know for a fact the hhd won't spinup either. no beeps …

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Member Avatar for nanosani

When I start a computer in my lab where I work ... it first detects all the drives ... and then it says the cpu is either unworkable or missing ..... When I press F1 ... it then starts loading windows ... but the windows restarts before reaching the login …

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for tommy joe

I put in the CPU , and the computer powered up but the monitor we nt into sleep mode right away.Fans work, cdrom light comes on , no hard drive light , no floppy light. ( BEEPS ) Beep- beep,beep,beep. BEEP all sound alike , short beeps. so i guess …

Member Avatar for tommy joe
Member Avatar for metallica

hi ppl , i m new to this forum ,..... i own a pc config is : intel pentium 4 1.6 ghz intel 845dwn motherboard sb live audio card nvidia riva tnt 32 mb display card samsung svo411n 40gb hdd asus witer drive samsung rom drive .....et..al OS : win …

Member Avatar for metallica
Member Avatar for kookaburra

My Toshiba Tecra S1's videochip, ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 32MB(64bit) died. I thought replace it, but I can by Ati9000 with 64MB memory(128) bit. Does anybody know it is possible to change?

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for fuchso

Next day after the lighting i turned my computer on and it didn't work. I knew the grafic on the motherboard was gone (burned by lighting). I though to by a new computer but all my important information were still on hard disk. So I got a new parts: Motherboard-Chaintech …

Member Avatar for fuchso
Member Avatar for DanUK

Hello. I have a Toshiba Satellite 2450-S402 (Pentium 4 1.6GHz). Today, I accidently spilt a glass of coke all over it (bad idea...yep!) and managed to mop most of it up. I removed the keyboard and dried all underneath it, and took off every compartment I could, most were dry …

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for gucci man

in the middle of my online Call of duty Game, my computer hangs up on me and i had to re-start it. however, when i press restart it just sits there with no hard drive/fan/mechanical activity and i only get the Lan card and the power light from it It …


The End.