105 Topics

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Member Avatar for ObjectOriented

It's useless. Why are stupid classes in C++ having private members for? [snip] I am never using OOP in C++ I'm just using structs to organize data fuck OOP and classes it's so ridiculous to me that I'm SMH

Member Avatar for Divyab
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey everyone, Last semester my buddy and I made a tutorial on application programming in Python. This video uses the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS), a free powerful Python development toolkit, to build quick, easy and powerful GUI's. I see many posts on this site about Tk, wx, qt but haven't …

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for SlzzyDzzy

Im trying to teach myself a little bit of python and have become stuck/frustrated. Im on [Python.org](http://www.learnpython.org/page/Loops#) and so far have had no luck. First, the objective is not too clear "Loop through and print out all even numbers from the numbers list in the same order they are received, …

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for FALL3N

hey, so I am just starting java3D, and I am running into some pretty basic problems... I started a tutorial online (from [url]www.java3d.org[/url]) and the first sample program is: [CODE]import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse; import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.ColorCube; import javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup; public class Hello3d { public Hello3d() { SimpleUniverse universe = new SimpleUniverse(); BranchGroup group = …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for lmali92

I am using Visual Studio 2010 I have multiple forms and when I hit close button(red X, top-right) from any form, i want the project to close entirely. Now when I do this, this does not happen by default. I always have to click on the 'stop' button in VS …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for ag_17

I was using getline() function and it was getting skipped. I searched through the forum and found the tutorial on how to flush the input stream but there is one thing that is still unclear to me : getline() uses newline character as a delimiter. So when a '\n' is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for lenyjose

I dont know nothing about Java. Which is the best tutorial site to learn java and how it is easily learn.

Member Avatar for adarshcu
Member Avatar for AccurateAG

This article assumes you have already done the following: 1. Built, activated, and optimized your website. 2. Done all your on-page SEO 3. Verified it and listed it with Google, Bing, and Yahoo, including your sitemap. 4. Listed your site with social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn …

Member Avatar for kissif
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[B][I][I][U]Introduction:-[/U][/I][/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] Hi guyz today I am going to writing a tutorial on dictionaries in Python....As per as getting comments from my readers I'll try to make this tutorial Short....[/COLOR] [B][I][U] Layout:-[/U][/I][/B] [COLOR="Green"] 1.What are dictionaries? 2.Why dictionaries? 3.How to declare/make dictionaries in Python? 4.What all you can do with …

Member Avatar for colstonewall
Member Avatar for Matthew N.

Hello. I'm going to show you how to make a basic php image gallery. Firstly, create the following files [LIST] [*]index.php [*]view.php [*]/images (dir) [/LIST] Now, for the code. index.php [CODE] <?php $img = array(); $img[] = array('title'=>'img1', 'src' = 'img1.jpg'); ?> <html> <head> <title>mygallery | homepage</title> </head> <body> <h2>mygallery</h2> …

Member Avatar for Matthew N.
Member Avatar for kiwimedia

[B]Sending email through PHP[/B] [B]Intro[/B] Thousands of websites use contact forms to communicate with their users. You will have almost certainly seen one if not used one to contact someone. The contact form will take the users information that he or she has filled in then send the data over …

Member Avatar for KingGold171
Member Avatar for monkeybut

IT currently is set up for base 3, but should be able to make a couple of minor changes and convert to any base, thanks and hope it helps someone out. [code]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void convert_base(int v, int b); ifstream inputdata; ofstream outputdata; int …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for vmars

Greetings, I am stepping thru the "Changing a PythonCard Application" @ [url]http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/walkthrough1.html[/url] With NO changes, pgm runs fine. But when I make the change and run it program just Flashes a Console screen and immediately ends. Can someone spot the error? #!/usr/bin/python """ __version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $" __date__ = …

Member Avatar for Holali

Hello, I need advice. Ive been using Microsoft Visual studio 2008 and making c++ console applications for some time. I made a "Five in line" game. I have a complete system, so its playable, now i just upgrade an AI. So, I have the code for console version, but I …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Purkinje

[url=http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/375271/1621485#post1621485]Sample code credited to Enalicho[/url] In this example, we count the number of appearances of the number 1 through a range of pages using while loops. First off, notice how easy it is to tell what the variables in this method are doing. I did not write this method, but …

Member Avatar for metalix

View the full tutorial at [URL="http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php"]http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php[/URL] I have tested this many times and it works fine. Please don't complain unless you really can't get it working, Just PM me and I'll fill in the blanks Happy Coding :)

Member Avatar for Rogueit
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

[B]Beginner's Guide to C++0x: The Big Five - Implementing a Resource-holding RAII Class[/B] This tutorial will show how to implement a [I]resource-holding class[/I] showing practical use of [I]C++0x features[/I]. A resource-holding class is any class which holds, with its data members, a resource which could include: [LIST] [*]dynamically allocated memory …

Member Avatar for stbuchok

Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to capture video and images from a webcam in WPF. All the ones I've come across give code but little explanation as to what they are doing. Something that is step by step would be nice. The funny thing is that in …

Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, I am trying to search for an easy understand tutorial, but not found yet. I want actually to change the way flypage looks in virtuemart.

Member Avatar for CelticWhisper

Hi all, First-time poster and netadmin/infosec guy trying to get into coding. My company uses a SQL Server 2005 database to store customer information and the like, and I'm hoping to learn to interact with it programmatically so I can write and/or customize software to make life a bit easier …

Member Avatar for ray.zhang

There are many software engineering books in the market and programming instructions on the internet, but I don't see one for helping learners from scratch to be an expert. I figure it would be helpful to potential software engineers by putting my experience in series here on software engineering (web …

Member Avatar for Deniwillson
Member Avatar for MoZo1

Ok, so I want to port my code to windows mobile, and I'm looking for a tutorial. I would like compatibility with WM5, and WM6 is a must. So I'll use the embedded whatever. I've got Visual Studio 2k8 and the 3 addon required to do the job. I've also …

Member Avatar for jmrpjb

I became acquainted with cyberspace about 1 year ago (yes, for the first time) and I may be using the term "intermediate" a little losely but that's my story and ... I've broused and broused for free (I'm cheap) tutorials on how to use windows and the internet and there's …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for rodel123

Create a program that will accept a date in numbers and output the date in long format. Have your program trap for the leap year and also invalid inputs. Your program will also ask if the user wants to input again. Range for year (1980-present) plsss help me ASAP...tnx!!!

Member Avatar for slygoth
Member Avatar for deecoup
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jakizak

I've seen over the last few days many people on the internet and various forums asking for how this is done. Now there is plenty of posts out there that explain how to do this. However I have yet to find one that explains how you work it into a …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for FAITH2011

[B]Hi, Could someone tell me where to find a good tutorials on pygame 1.9.1 for beginner thanks[/B]

Member Avatar for emorjon2
Member Avatar for djzia

I needed to use datalist paging for my recent project. I am developing a photo sharing website like Picasa for "mobile phones".. I have named it [B]PicaShare[/B] I searched for a video tutorial on the internet but couldnt find one. So i decided to make one because i think its …

Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

What is a good [B]written[/B] tutorial for Blender 2.49? It needs: 1) To be written: I do NOT want a lesson, video, or audio 2) Optionally, free. I would prefer one free but am OK with paying 3) Needs to cover modelling/rendering: needs to at least teach texture and multiple …

Member Avatar for SgtMe

The End.