20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Hi. I want to create a picturebox when a specific button is clicked. The code below displays nothing :( TC has an initial value of 0. It will count he number of times the picturebox has been created. Private Sub Button12_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button12.Click TC = …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for razinkac

this is my Income.aspx <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Income.aspx.vb" Inherits="iplapp.Income" %> <!DOCTYPE html> and here my Income.aspx.vb Namespace iplapp Public Class Income Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Private strCon As String = "Data Source=alopex;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=iplmaster;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=nizar;Password=password" Dim sql_statement As Object Dim ViewBag As Object 'Private Property db As Object End …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for razinkac

this is my Income.aspx <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Income.aspx.vb" Inherits="iplapp.Income" %> <!DOCTYPE html> and here my Income.aspx.vb Namespace iplapp Public Class Income Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Private strCon As String = "Data Source=alopex;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=iplmaster;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=nizar;Password=password" Dim sql_statement As Object Dim ViewBag As Object 'Private Property db As Object End …

Member Avatar for razinkac
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group! I have what I hope is a unique question: In need to populate a combo Box with the information stored in 6 different columns on one row of a data table. I know how to do this if it just one column and one row. To be specific, …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Aman.jen

Hi plz help me to correct this code.... This code is showing just first result in texboxes...how to get rest plz help... Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load cn.Open() bindDp() cn.Close() End Sub Public Sub bindDp() cmd.Connection = cn cmd.CommandText = "Select * From …

Member Avatar for artemix22
Member Avatar for Mireya B.

Hello, I am using VBA userform in MS Excel to insert data for database purpose. When I tested it for the first time, it was running okay. But after I saved it and used it again to insert the real data, it happens to repeat/duplicate the data to multiple times …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi, All, Good Day! I am instructed to create an email sender program. The requirements are as follows: - masking the sender's email address (company@no-reply.com) - able to send on multiple email-addresses - delivery logs I've used System.Net.Mail(smtp) in this task but the biggest problem is that, Net.Mail can't determine …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for rdprecure

Referring to [this thread](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/446028/how-populate-listview-in-vb.net), I am trying to do something similar. Here is a line of my code... ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem({mydatarow("FirstName"), mydatarow("LastName")})) VS Intellisense marks this code with the following error: Value of type 1-dimensional array cannot be converted to System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewItemType Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

Dear Friends Can any body help me .. i want to export my crystal report to a text file, here is my code. If its not good then please give any other perfect refrence thank you Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim myReportDocument As …

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for ashublr

Hi.. I am newbe in vb.net. I am creating a small project for students. I need a help. I have three DataGridView on my form.And I am importing the data from the csv to datagridview1 and datagridview2 and have 5 columns in first and second with different names. Now I …

Member Avatar for ashublr
Member Avatar for Javier_3

Hello, I use OleDbCommand object to make Insert, Update and Delete statements in SQL Server database but I don't destroy that <b>OleDbCommand object</b> and I wish to know what is the most optimal procedure to destroy it? I have 3 choices: <big>- DISPOSE in Finally section...</big> <small>Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for ranTHE

I add user account and i add Again with same username and password how to make error message sample MsgBox("Account is already registered")

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for Nadeem1989

Hi friend , I am new in programming. I am having a table named as bill and i wanted to generate crystal report for invoice purpose,and report will contain Sr.No,ProductName,Weight, Rate, Total ,VAT and a final GrandTotal as final amount sum of the Total of multiple product.Bill will be generating …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for Eddie_B

Hello everyone, first of all I posted this thread on vbforums.com and so far haven't had much luck getting solutions. If needed I can provide the exact link to the thread but here is what I'm trying to do: I've been trying to find out how to compile a simple …

Member Avatar for Eddie_B
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw There is a project in which I'm working on and now it had come to a point where I had to start including the Microsoft Point Of Service and I've already downloaded it and installed ow I must say I'm using windows 7 Home basic and I can't …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for nel gomez

please help ASAP ..the problem is there's no device detected using this code.. **Dim buffer As New System.Text.StringBuilder(33) Dim Name As String If EZTwain.GetSourceList() Then Do While EZTwain.GetNextSourceName(buffer) Name = buffer.ToString() cboSelect.Items.Add(Name) Loop Else Call EZTwain.ReportLastError("Error getting TWAIN source list") End If** thanks in advance ..

Member Avatar for nel gomez
Member Avatar for shann_

i have a crystal report then i create new connection under Access/Excel, then i select my database. i add 2 access database say Database1.tbl_employee and Database2.tbl_images. now i linked the 2 tables from 2 database. tbl_employee.ID ---- tbl_images.ID it works well on crystal report the problem is when i call …

Member Avatar for shann_
Member Avatar for pradheepvp

hi all I am a newcomer to programming.I did a project using vb 2008.while running on another computer the crystal report asks for a database login details.but I never used any username or password for my database.(ms access ).plz help me to solve this

Member Avatar for shann_
Member Avatar for swathi sajja
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

Friends .. how my code working fine with two buttons (PDF and RTF) but the last portion for HTML converting its not working .. please help Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim myReportDocument As New ReportDocument Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for sudeshna26

> I have 1 form whose columns are slno,type,shape and another form where i want to retrive data from database using combo box. if i select slno from combo box in form2,then rest of the fields should display in other textbox in form2. Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\INSTANCE;initial catalog=record;user=sa;password=gariahat") …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for kartik_2
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I have a combobox that is bound to a DB and works great. However, when the user adds a value to the table to which the combobox is bound, the combobox keeps the old value and adds the current items in the table. In this case the table originally held …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for kdar

What can I use to write application for Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5? Application was written before (not by me) using VB.Net 2008, but I really would like to move away from it to plain C/C++ or possibly Java. Where can I start and what are my options? I don't …

Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Hello folks, I'm currently studying how to use LinQ in VB.NET but I guess I'm stock. I'm using VS 2008 version (framework) 2.0 Anyone who can help me get through this??

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for zurehman

Hi sir i m new in vb.net . i want to add product record , in text box i enter packing 25's but 25's not add in table , when i change it 25s it saved. but my requirement is to save 25's. what i do thanks zia

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Hey guys so how can I actually make a Tab Control using [this](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx-ETTSBtAAfUFM0R2tBUDFpQUE/edit?usp=sharing) image as an active tab and [this](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx-ETTSBtAAfRElBUnkyWkphMkk/edit?usp=sharing) one as an inactive tab. I've already read something about Drawing Tabs but I didn't quite understand it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10
Member Avatar for Learner010

i want to call event procedures (button1_click etc.) on certain conditions Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = "A" then 'here i don't know how to call button1_click procedure End If here is what i want to do :- whenever any character …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I'm trying to make a way to post data to my php file located on my website, I tried it on my Windows 8 laptop; it worked fine, then tried it out on my Windows 7 laptop and for some reason it won't work. I have gone through …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

Is there a way to set a window to the top on screen and set focus on it? I'm having a menu in VB.Net calling a bunch of .exe. Everytime a window apears, it runs itself to the top on screen. But there was a window, problem-able one, with some …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

The End.